April 2,2011 Minutes of the Friends of Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery
Present: Carol Yacko, Marc Johnson, Eldon and Marcia Westra, Robert Alink, Colleen Meyers, Lyle and Loretta Myers
- Bob called the meeting to order at 10:40
- Minutes of March 12 were read and approved.
- Treasurers Report - Checking Account $4769.62 and Savings Acct. $9095.15
- Review of the Kids Fishing Derby – ALL SET-UP at 9AM on April 16.
- Donuts and Hotdogs- donated. Colleen will also donate cups.
- Napkins – Bob and Marv
- Soda and buns– Marv
- Face paintingtattooing- Colleen will call Dawn Kabella to see if Levi can help with worms and girls with face painting.
e. Roasters will be provided for by Loretta and Marcia. Loretta will bring coffee and coffee pot.
f. National Park Services will join for a Jr. Ranger Day. They will set up on the back area with a nature walk, art trash, and other things for the kids to do.
g. Marv will notify the schools and media about the fishing derby.
h. The Hatchery made up the bags to give out to the kids fishing. Marc will contact Marv and work with the volunteers to get these ready.
i. Eldon will get extra pop, water and condiments for the derby. Also large bags for the cleaned fish. Also need the donation jar from the gift shop.
j. Police dept. will have the DARE car at the derby and men to clean the fish .
5. Hy-Vee Membership Drive
a. We will have a membership drive/fishing derby invite on Sat. afternoon April, 2, 2011. Carol, Marcia and Loretta will set up and work. Also we will give away 3 fishing poles to kids who sign up.
6. New Business
a.The 5 K Run - Shirt Prices from Embroidery Works $9.25 and Royal Sports are 10.75. We discussed colors and decided on a cream or off-white with the same logo as the old ones.
7. Hatchery update:
a. Biologists from the Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery and the Bozeman Fish Technology Center took blood samples from 250 pallid sturgeon broodstock to assess the levels of certain reproductive hormones. An ultrasound was also used to determine spawning readiness of male and female pallid sturgeon. Using these two methods provides management biologists with accurate data on which fish are ready to spawn. Gavins Point NFH is the only hatchery that is currently developing a pallid sturgeon broodstockb. Marc mapped out a 5K run area.
b. Spring projects are getting underway.
c. Volunteers are arriving soon. Need to get the internet going.
d. Two summer volunteers are coming this week. YCC will be chosen by April 6.
e. 50th Anniversary – August will be 50th year of the Hatchery production.
f. Donation Boxes. Need a sign for the donation boxes for the cause.
g. Recycling trailer. Marc will continue to look into this and report back to the group. The hatchery would like to purchase a trailer that would be used for recycling.
h. Marc received the bill for the fish food. Eldon will pay this bill.
i. National Parks service will help with the Kids Casting this summer in Lake Yankton.
8. Next Meeting – May 14, 2002 at the Hatchery Breakroom.
9. Meeting adjourned at 12 noon. Shirts will need to be designed by the Fishing Derby date and discussed then.
Marcia Westra, Secretary