Subject:� Language Arts����������������������������������������������� Grade: Twelve
Standard:� 5:� Writing Applications
Key Concept:� Narration can occur in several different forms.� Students will gain an understanding of narrative techniques as they work on sequencing events in creating a tale.
Generalization:� students have read various tales from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.� This lesson focuses on creating their own tale and understanding the narration that accompanies that process.
Background:� as students have read a variety of Chaucer's Tales, they have noticed and commented on the specific details that Chaucer uses to create his vivid stories.� The use of sights, sounds, and smells of a scene, and the specific actions, movements, gestures, and feelings of the characters are important in this lesson.
This lesson is tiered in product according to learning profile.
Students will be grouped according to learning profiles.
Tier I:� Verbal Learners
����������� These students will write their own tale attending to the elements listed above in the background section.� They will create a character which is both memorable and colorful, will create a setting (a to and from that the character is going) and a reason for going to the place.� Description and dialogue are important elements to incorporate into this tale.� At regular intervals as they write, the group should convene to respond to what each student has recorded.�� The end result is a written tale that tells the story that the traveler wishes others to know.
Tier II:� Artistic Learners
����������� These students prefer to learn by hands-on creation of a visual product.� In this case, they will "write" their tale in pictorial form, by either cartooning or painting (drawing) a mural, or drawing individual pictures in a picture book.� They will clearly communicate their main character, make the events clear, and add dialogue if cartooning is the choice.� The end result is their tale in clear sequential, but pictorial form.� Periodically they will meet as a group to share what they have to this point.
Tier III:� Kinesthetic Learners
����������� These students love to tell the story with actions.� They will act out their tales, creating a videotape product to share that clearly uses narrative techniques and incorporates a beginning, middle, and end.� Characterization must come through in their costumes and dialogue portions.� If they need to act out tales together, so that more characters would be involved but people would share equipment, that would seem logical in the magnitude of this project.� The product they will turn in will be their tale.
Assessment:� Each group is working on the same task but in very different ways in response to learning preferences.� They need to create rubrics for you to use that take into account to "givens" that are the focus of this assignment (and they the teacher assigns) and the extras that are unique to their format.� Seniors should enjoy the integration of literature and learning preference in this lesson.