SPRING 2009: MWF 10:00-10:50

Lecture: 154 Torrey Life Science Lab: 309 Torrey Life Science


Richard King
TLS 470
Phone: 486-5662
Email: / David L. Wagner
TLS 471
Phone: 486-2139

OFFICE HOURS FOR INSTRUCTORS: After lecture, MWF 11:00-12:00 (or by appointment)


Lecture: Postlethwait and Hopson. (2003). Explore Life. Brooks/Cole.

Lab: Biology 102 Laboratory Manual. Wagner et. al. 2009

LECTURE TEXT: Used copies are available at the CO-OP, on, & likely many other places.


W / Jan. 21 / King / Course Intro. & What Is Life? / 1
F / Jan. 23 / King / What Is Life (And Why Study It)? / 1
M / Jan. 26 / King / Cells and the Chemistry of Life / 2
W / Jan. 28 / King / Cells cont.& / 2,3
F / Jan. 30 / King / How Cells Take in and Use Energy / 3
M / Feb. 2 / King / The Cell Cycle / 4
W / Feb. 4 / King / Climate Change- Effects on Life / none
F / Feb. 6 / King / Problems in Cell Regulation/Cancer / TBA
M / Feb. 9 / King / Body Function, Survival & Steady St. / 14
W / Feb. 11 / LECTURE EXAM 1
F / Feb. 13 / King / Circulation and Respiration / 15
M / Feb. 16 / King / Immune System / 16
W / Feb. 18 / Wagner
F / Feb. 20 / Wagner / Nutrition and Digestion / 17
M / Feb. 23 / Wagner / Nervous System / 19
W / Feb. 25 / Wagner / Pattern of Inheritance / 5
F / Feb. 27 / Wagner / DNA and the Thread of Life / 6
M / Mar. 2 / Wagner / Gene Function and Manipulation / 7
W / Mar. 4 / LECTURE EXAM 2
F / Mar. 6 / Wagner / Gene Function and Manipulation / 7


M / Mar. 16 / Wagner / Reproduction and Development / 8
W / Mar. 18 / Wagner / Mechanisms of Evolution / 9
F / Mar. 20 / Wagner / Mechanisms of Evolution / 9
M / Mar. 23 / Wagner / Life's Origins and Biodiversity / 10
W / Mar. 25 / Wagner / Single-celled Life and Fungi / 11
F / Mar. 27 / Wagner / Plant Diversity and Plant Architecture / 12,21
M / Mar. 30 / Wagner / Plant Physiology / 22, 23
W / Apr. 1 / Wagner / Animals: the Great Consumers:
Invertebrates the Smaller Majority / 13
F / Apr. 3 / Wagner
M / Apr. 6 / Wagner / Invertebrates the Smaller Majority / none
W / Apr. 8 / LECTURE EXAM 3
F / Apr. 10 / Wagner / Vertebrates / 13
M / Apr. 13 / Wagner / Human Evolution / 13
W / Apr. 15 / King / Behavior / 26
F / Apr. 17 / King / Population Biology / 24
M / Apr. 20 / King / Human Population Growth / 24
W / Apr. 22 / King / Communities / 24
F / Apr. 24 / King / Ecosystems / 25
M / Apr. 27 / King / Biodiversity and Biogeography / TBA
W / Apr. 29 / King / The Biosphere and Future of the Earth / TBA
F / May 1 / King / Conservation Biology / TBA


LAB WEEK / DATES / Exercise
No. / TOPIC / Page
Jan 21-Jan 25 / No lab
1 / Jan 26-Jan 30 / 1 / Microscopy & Cell Diversity / 15-24
2 / Feb 2-6 / 2 / Enzymes / 25-38
3 / Feb 9-13 / 3 / Cardiovascular System / 39-54
4 / Feb 16-20 / 4 / Muscle Struc. & Exer. Physio. / 55-66
5 / Feb 23-Feb 27 / 5 / Diet analysis / 67-80
6 / Mar 2-6 / 6 / Sensory Perception / 81-96
7 / Mar 16-20 / 7 / Genetics / 97-114
8 / Mar 23-27 / 8 / DNA tech and forensics / 115-132
9 / Mar 30-Apr 3 / 9 / Reproduction / 133-146
10 / Apr 6-10 / 10 / Evolution / 147-164
11 / Apr 13-17 / 11 / Plant Diversity / 165-178
12 / Apr 20-24 / 12 / Invertebrate Diversity / 179-196
13 / Apr 27-May 1 / 13 or 14 / Environmental Biology or Field Ecology / 197-210 or 211-222

Laboratory Policies in Biology 1102

Lab Meeting Times and TA Contact Information

Attendance: Because lab seating space is limited by the University Fire Code, you must attend your regularly scheduled lab section. If you have legitimate documentation for an absence you can recieve a makeup assignment with your TA's permission (Permission form) If you have missed a lab, you have no more than one week to petition your TA for a makeup assignment. After one week, you will receive a zero for the missed assignment (homework and quiz). All makeup assignments must be returned to YOUR TA within one week. If you miss lab one week, you are still responsible for the quiz you would have taken at the beginning of the lab you missed.

If you wish to change lab sections, you must do it through the PeopleSoft Add/Drop system; your instructor and TAs have no control over the availability of seats in lab. If you need to find a different section to enroll in, check the peoplesoft computer system frequently to see if space is available. The laboratory portion of this course counts for 1/3 (33.3%) of your final Bio 1102 course grade.Your grade in lab will be based on criteria described below. Because of the significance of the laboratory experience to the General Education Requirements, you cannot pass this course without passing the laboratory portion. You cannot miss more than 3 labs, excused or not, or you will fail Bio 1102. You must earn at least 60% of the points in lab in order to pass the course. Your TAs will determine when the laboratory exercises are finished. You are expected to complete the entire assigned exercise. If you leave the lab before your TA determines that you are finished, you will be counted as absent for that day. Grading: Lab grades will be posted to your HuskyCT accounts on a weekly basis. You have one week to contest any grading discrepancies with your TA. After that time, all grades stand, and will not be changed.

The total of all lab assignments is worth 250 points. Your goal is to get as many of those 250 points as possible. The criteria for determining laboratory grades is as follows:

Quizzes (12) / Homework (12) / Last Lab
(in class work) / Lab Essays (3) / Lab Total (Semester)
10 points / 5 points / 10 points / 20 points each / 250 points
Item / Pts. / Criteria
Quizzes / 120 / A 10-point quiz covering the material from the previous lab will be given at the beginning of every lab period except the first. These quizzes also include one or two questions about the lab you will be doing that day. Be sure to read ahead before coming to lab. You cannot take a quiz if you are more than 5 minutes late for class so be sure to arrive on time.
Homework Assignments / 60 / Every lab period except the last will have 5-point homework assignment associated with it. Homework assignments must be turned in at the beginning of lab period to YOUR TA and cannot be left in a mailbox or given to another TA. If assignments are turned in late, there is a grade penalty of 10% off per day late (excluding Saturday and Sunday). A late assignment must be given to YOUR Biology 1102 laboratory TA to be accepted. No assignments will be accepted more than one week after their due date.
Lab Essays / 60 / Three lab periods will have a 20-point Lab Essay assignment. Please see the Lab essay Guidelines for complete instructions. Essay Guidelines must be followed exactly to receive credit. You must complete all essays on your own, in your own words, and include citations for references you used.
Last Lab / 10 / There are in-class assignments due during the last lab, don't miss it.
Total / 250

In the event of an emergency closing and canceled lab, see the course webpage or contact your TA within 24 hours for instructions regarding lab makeup activities. Failure to do this could result in a zero grade for that lab.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity

A fundamental tenet of all educational institutions is academic honesty; academic work depends upon respect for and acknowledgement of the research and ideas of others. Misrepresenting someone else's work as one’s own is a serious offense in any academic setting and it will not be condoned.

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the instructor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation (e.g. papers, projects, and examinations); any attempt to influence improperly (e.g. bribery, threats) any member of the faculty, staff, or administration of the University in any matter pertaining to academics or research; presenting, as one's own, the ideas or words of another for academic evaluation; doing unauthorized academic work for which another person will receive credit or be evaluated; and presenting the same or substantially the same papers or projects in two or more courses without the explicit permission of the instructors involved.

A student who knowingly assists another student in committing an act of academic misconduct shall be equally accountable for the violation, and shall be subject to the sanctions and other remedies described in The Student Code (consult Section VI at: