5 School Lesson Plan Template

Dates: March 24 - March 28


Objective & TEKS Procedure

M / Genre: Connecting Across Genres
TEKS: Fig 19F
Obj: We will make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence.
Product: I will make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence. / Minilesson: Comparing Texts on STAAR
Text: Squirrels Using Snakeskins? & A Clever Use of Coconuts
(2013 Released Paired Passages)
This lesson will focus on using strategies to help students learn how to compare texts on STAAR.
-Project Squirrels Using Snakeskins? on your Smart Board and label the passage with the genre and the #1. Then, flip to the questions and label each question that goes with Squirrels Using Snakeskins? also with a #1.
-Go back and read the 1st passage and think aloud. Model your thought process when answering the questions.
-Walk students through labeling the next passage, A Clever Use of Coconuts, with a #2. Use the same process to label the questions as well.
-Instruct students to then read the 2nd passage and answer the 2nd set of questions, and emphasize that this is how you want them to process paired passages on the STAAR test.
(see handouts for details)
Students complete A Clever Use of Coconuts and the questions that accompany the passage independently.
Text: Squirrels Using Snakeskins? & A Clever Use of Coconuts
You will need to make copies of these passages, which are included in the handouts.
T / Genre: Connecting Across Genres
TEKS: Fig 19F
Obj: We will make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence.
Product: I will make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence. / Minilesson: Comparing Texts on STAAR
Text: Squirrels Using Snakeskins? & A Clever Use of Coconuts
(2013 Released Paired Passages)
This lesson will focus on using strategies to help students learn how to compare texts on STAAR.
-Project the questions that are comparing both passages. Tell students after you answer each set of individual questions; then they can go answer the questions about BOTH.
-You will want to read both passages aloud again to refresh students’ memory. This should not be an expectation for students when completing STAAR. Since this is a new day, your only purpose is refreshing the students’ memory.
-Use the T-Chart Strategy Handout to teach this lesson.
(see handouts for details)
Text: Squirrels Using Snakeskins? & A Clever Use of Coconuts
You will need to make copies of these passages, which are included in the handouts
W / Genre: Connecting Across Genres
TEKS: Fig. 19F
Obj: We will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence.
Product: I will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence by using the graphic organizer. / Text: Carmen & Zach Bonner’s Little Red Wagon
(2011 Released Paired Passages)
-Assist students in labeling the passages, labeling questions, and setting up their T-Chart Strategy.
Students complete the paired passages independently or in groups based on your students’ needs.
Text: Carmen & Zach Bonner’s Little Red Wagon
You will need to make copies of these passages, which are included in the handouts
R / Genre: Connecting Across Genres – Expository and Expository
TEKS: Fig. 19F
Obj: We will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence.
Product: I will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence. / Text: Catch the Wind & The Mystery of the Windmill
-Assist students in labeling the passages, labeling questions, and setting up their T-Chart Strategy.
Students complete the paired passages independently or in groups based on your students’ needs.
Text: Catch the Wind & The Mystery of the Windmill
(If you do not have this Mentoring Minds Selection, you will need to locate a paired passage in your available resources.)
F / Genre: Connecting Across Genres – Historical Fiction and Literary Nonfiction
TEKS: Fig. 19F
Obj: We will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence.
Product: I will make connections between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence. / Students complete the assessment independently.
Assessment: Shark Attack! & A Shark Like No Other
(If you do not have this Mentoring Minds Selection, you will need to locate a paired passage in your available resources.)