Avril Wilson
Head TeacherWindygoul Primary School
Brotherstones Way South
East Lothian
EH33 2QF
Tel. 01875 619739
Fax 01875 616894
Dear Parents/Carers
Choose Your Own Parents’ Evening Appointments Times Online
We are trialling the use of an online booking system for our next Parent/Carer Consultations on Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th March for all classes from Ante Pre School Nursery to P7. There is also an extension to the timeslots available in the Nursery to accommodate the larger numbers with The Owls and Suns having available slots on Friday 27th as well as the 24th and 26th and The Moons having additional availability on Monday 30th as well as the 24th and 26th. We hope this new system will allow you greater choice in selecting a suitable time slot as well as being easier to manage as our numbers grow. We will welcome feedback after the trial.
To log in and book your appointment times you will need to go to to see which appointments are available and select one that is convenient for you.
You will need:
Your child’s first name and legal surname as entered in the school records
Your child’s date of birth
Your child’s class
The system is live from 8.00pm on Thursday 12th March and will be open to take your bookings until midnight on the 19th March 2015. You can book for Parents’ Evenings as soon as you get this letter. The quicker you log on, the greater the choice will be.
Troubleshooting Tips - Please Read before Booking!
•Your child’s date of birth has to be entered in exactly the right format e.g using four digits for the year of birth - 12/09/2009
•The email address you enter is only to get a confirmation of your appointment. If the system is saying it does not recognise you, it will not be the email address that is the problem.
If the system is saying it does not recognise you, try putting your partners name in the parent or guardian as it picks up the first named person on our records.
•Don’t forget to scroll down past the first date to the second date or even third and fourth in the case of the Nursery if a suitable time is not available on the earlier ones.
•If you have several children to make bookings for, use the ‘Change Child’ button on the blue bar at the very top of the Booking Page to swap between your children.
If you are unable to book at home, please call the office on the number above.
Yours sincerely
Avril Wilson