MATH 122A – Functions for Calculus
Section12 (1-1:50pm) MTWRFRM PAS-404 Spring 2018
Instructor: Mariamma Varghese Phone: 626-8930
Office:Math 318
Office Hours: M(10:30-11:30), T,W (10-11)
My Webpage:/~mvar
Course Webpage:
Text: Calculus, Sixth Edition by Hughes-Hallett et al. published by Wiley.
Homework/QuizPolicy for Math 122A
Your “homework grade” will be comprised of a combination of homework from the textbook, quizzes, group work problems and webassign. The total points may exceed 50 points, but it will be scaled to a maximum of 50 pts. 80% of your homework comes from webassign and the other 20% of your hw comes from written hw, quiz, etc.
Homework is assigned normally at the end of each class. Students are encouraged to do the homework to keep up with the material.If you miss a class under any circumstances, it is your responsibility to have your assignment turned in on the due day and also get the information regarding the new assignment due for the next class. Only selected homework problems will be graded. Besides homework, there will also be in-class quizzes (closed book and announced, or open book and unannounced) and class activities that will count toward your homework grade.You should also download the handouts from my web page and bring them to class when required. Solutions to problems on a handout should be written on the handout, not on another paper. Failure to have these handouts with you in class when required will result in a ZERO on any classwork or quizzes obtained from them. To get full credit all solutions should be thoroughly explained. Answers without any supporting work will not receive any credit.In-class quizzes or group work cannot be made-up. No late homework will be accepted under any circumstances, but you may turn in your homework early.The assignment should beneatly writtenand the multiple pages should be stapled together. Otherwise it will not be graded.(No paper clips or creative folding techniques)If the pages are not stapled together you will receive credit only for the first page.You should turn in the homework at the beginning of the class period (within the first 5 minutes of the class period). Otherwise it is considered late. At the end of the session at least two sets of either quiz/hw/cw/gw with the lowest score will be dropped. If for any reason you miss a quiz/hw/cw/gw, then it will be considered as one of the sets with the lowest score.
Specific Handwritten Homework Procedures:
- Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. No exceptions.
- Do your homework on regular 8.5 x 11" notebook paper. You may write on both sides of the paper.
- Your name and the textbook section number should be written at the top of every page, with multiple pages should be stapled together. (No paper clips or creative folding techniques)If the pages are not stapled together you will receive credit only for the first page.
- Each problem should be neatly written, with all intermediate steps included and the problem number clearly marked. Written explanations should be included whenever appropriate. Include units on answers. Graphs should be labeled, with the window clearly marked.
- You will not be given credit for problems that are not legible. If your handwriting is illegible, you will be given a warning, after which I will no longer accept your assignments unless they are legible.
Specific Electronic Homework Procedures:
- All homework is due on the due date. No exceptions.
- Keep a careful record of your work in a spiral notebook. This notebook may be checked on a regular basis for completion, so be sure that it is organized and legible.
- If you have questions about a WebAssign problem, please bring your notebook with you to office hours or tutoring.
- WebAssign provides a help guide at You do not need an access code to view this guide.
- If you have computer related questions (ex. unable to download a file, hardware compatibility problem, etc.) contact WebAssign directly at You will find a link for technical support and a guide after logging-in.
- If you have math-related questions, contact your instructor.
Instructions for WebAssign:
Go to and click on the LOG-IN button. Enter the following information:
username (portion of your UA email address before the @ sign)
institution (arizona)
Class Key for 122A- 12( 1-1:50 pm)----WebAssign Key: Arizona-1843-9572
Other class requirements:
. Bring your graphing calculator every day to class.
.Cell phones should be completely turned off and put away for the duration of the class period.