Name: ______Period: ______

Quarter 1 Assessment

Define archaeologist:

someone who studies the science of prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, etc.

Why do historians study geography?

To show connections between people and places

Define physical (topographic) map:

map showing the relief features of the earth's surface (using lines)

Define political map:

map showing governmental boundaries of countries, states & counties

Location of a place means LATITUDELONGITUDE (Think 3L’s)

This will also tell us the CLIMATE of an area

How come people can live in the desert?

Humans can adapt to their surroundings; irrigation, terracing, aqueducts, etc.

Define monsoons:

Seasonal wind

What geographic features have led China to believe they are the “middle kingdom”?

The Gobi desert to the north, Himalayas to the south and west, pacific to the east

Who is the first human? Where was she found?

Lucy; she was found in East Africa where human life is believed to have begun

The first people, during the PALEOLITHIC Era people were NOMADS who traveled for:FOOD

Made TOOLS & WEAPONS {sticks/spears from stone, bone, wood}
Developed LANGUAGE {able to communicate}
Used FIRE {cooking, warmth, protection}
Made CLOTHING {using animal skins}
Nomads traveling for food / A. Permanent Settlements – people sheltered together in villages
B. New Social Classes –divisions in power
C. New Technology –new tools, wheel, plow, metal
*See last page for more

The Neolithic Era becomes a turning point in history. Why?

With the introduction of farming, settlements begin and we see people settle down and specialize their skills

Define Polytheism:

Belief in many gods

What are the characteristics of a civilization?

highly organized group of people with their own language and ways of living; characteristics: record keeping, advanced cities, specialized workers, institutions (government), advanced technology

Why were all early settlements on rivers?

Rivers were necessary for water, irrigation, and transportation

MESOPOTAMIA / TIGRIS & EUPHRATES / 1.Dug irrigation ditches – lack of water (Unpredictable flooding combined with periods of little or no rain)
2. Built City Walls – lack of natural barriers
3. Traded – lack of natural resources, especially building materials / WHEEL,SAIL,PLOW WRITING, BRONZE WORKS,NUMBER SYSTEM (60)
Sumerian writing that consisted of pictographs
Developed a number system based on 60
Ex.) 60 seconds = 1 minute
EGYPT / NILE / Irrigation for flooding / Calendar
Heart/pulse rate
Treatment -fevers
INDIA / INDUS / Buildings were constructed of sun-dried or kiln-fired mud brick / Private bathroomtoilets built of brick with a wooden seat
Pipes connected to each house carried wastewater to underground sewer system
CHINA / HUANG HE (YELLOW) / Isolation – natural geographic barriers ex: Pacific Ocean, Himalaya Mts, Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet – cut off China from other civilizations
Chinese – others “Barbarians”
Center of the world – “MIDDLE KINGDOM” / Roads/Canals
Coined Money
Tools – sickles, knives, spades
Blast furnaces –cast iron