The Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District met for its regular meeting Tuesday, May 08, 2012 at 9:30 A. M. in its office located at 505 District Drive Monroe, Louisiana.
Mr. Drew Keahey, President, called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary call roll with the following present and answering: Mr. Drew Keahey, President, Caldwell Parish; Mr. Rodney Hutchins, Catahoula Parish; Mr. Harlon Nobles, LaSalle Parish; Mr. James P. Mayo and Mr. Charles Venable, Ouachita Parish, Mrs. Ramona N. Haire and Mr. Robert Neal Harwell, Richland Parish and Mr. Venoy Kinnaird, Morehouse Parish. Absent: Mr. Shelton Ruffin, West Carroll Parish and Mr. Reggie Peters, Vice President, Franklin Parish.
Commissioner Rodney Hutchins opened the meeting with prayer.
Others in attendance were: Mrs. Rodney Hutchins, Harrisonburg, La.; Mr. Brad Rogers, Rayville, La.; Mr. Paul Colquette and Mr. Ryan McMillan, Department of Transportation and Development, Monroe, La.; Mr. James W. Berry, Legal Counsel, Tensas Basin Levee District; Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, Tensas Basin Levee District Mr. W. T. Riles, Maintenance Supervisor, Tensas Basin Levee District and Mr. Johnny Trisler, Maintenance Supervisor, Tensas Basin Levee District.
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the time having arrived for the opening of bids, as published in the Official Journal, for the following:
1944 SPGO Single Wide Mobile Home Serial Number SCAR29467626770
WHEREAS, the following bid was received, opened and read aloud:
Brad Rogers, 651 Adcock Road, Rayville, La. 71269 bid $3,257.00 with a Western Union Money Order for the amount of $325.70 enclosed with bid.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby accept that certain bid of Brad Rogers in the amount of $3,257.00
be accepted.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Venoy Kinnaird, seconded by Commissioner Rodney Hutchins, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District advertised for surface leasing for hunting rights for a period of five years the following:
LaSalle Parish, Louisiana
Lots 4, 5, & 6 of Section 1, Township 7 North, Range 4 East, containing seventy-one
Acres more or less
WHEREAS, the time having arrived for the opening of bids, the following bids were received, opened and read aloud:
David Carraway, 138 Wood Duck Lane, Jonesville, La. 71343 bid $14.24 per acre per year for a five year period and enclosed Postal Money Order in the amount of $101.10.
Timothy Clark, 213 St. Joe Road, Kelly, La. 71441 bid $11.50 per acre per year for a five year period and enclosed Postal Money Order in the amount of $81.65.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby accept that certain bid of David Carraway of $14.24 per acre per year for a five year period.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
After President Keahey declared no bids were received for the following described property, it was agreed upon on not to advertise for lease the property again as this was the second time it had been advertised with no bids being received:
Catahoula Parish, Louisiana
That certain 22 acre tract or parcel of land located in Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Township 5 North, Range 5 East Louisiana Principal Meridian, Land District North of Red River, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana and being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the corner common to said Section 13, 14, 23 and 24 of said Township and Range: Thence run South 90’00’00” with the line common to said Sections 14 and 23 a distance of 511.25 feet to said POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence run North 00’00’00” East a distance of 561.75 feet to a ½ inch diameter iron rod and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract: Thence run South 72’56’02” East a distance of 1390.54 feet to a ½ inch diameter iron rod located on the west top bank of Long Branch; Thence run along said top bank of Long Branch the following courses: South 63’15’59” West 255.27 feet; South 42’40’16” West 271.07 feet; South 35’07’10” East 94.70 feet; South 01’34’23” West 236.32 feet; South 28’37’01” West 136.68 feet; South 74’42’35” West 228.45 feet; North 56’57’49” West 395.93 feet; North 60’54’35” West 185.49 feet; North 82’36’15” West 187.31 feet to a ½ inch diameter iron rod; Thence leaving said top bank of Long Branch run North 00’00’00” East a distance of 886.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by Commissioner James P. Mayo, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby declare that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held April 10, 2012 is hereby dispensed with and declared approved as published in the official journal of this board, The Richland Beacon News.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Venoy Kinnaird, seconded by Commissioner Charles Venable, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby approve all bills approved by the claims committee for April, 2012.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Harlon Nobles, seconded by Commissioner Rodney Hutchins , and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage is hereby levied on the 2012 tax roll on all property subject to taxation by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District:
Tensas Basin Levee District 3.0 Millage
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper administrative officials of the Parishes of Caldwell, Catahoula, Franklin, LaSalle, Morehouse, Ouachita, Richland and West Carroll, State of Louisiana, be and they are hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to spread said taxes, as hereinabove set forth upon the assessment roll of said Parishes for the year 2012, and to make the collection of the taxes imposed for and on behalf of the taxing authority, according to law, and that the taxes herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and collection thereof shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.
The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll was called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:
YEAS: Haire, Harwell, Hutchins, Keahey, Kinnaird, Mayo, Nobles, Venable
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Peters, Ruffin
/s/Virginia Caviness /s/Drew Keahey
Virginia Caviness, Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, seconded by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby authorize the President and Secretary to advertise for bids for official journal and supplying of fuel commencing July 01, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed and/or electronic bids shall be received up until 7:30 A. M., June 2, 2012 at P. O. Box 68, Rayville, Louisiana 71269 and 708 Julia Street, Suite 101B, Rayville, Louisiana and up until 9:30 A. M., June 12, 2012 at 505 District Drive, Monroe, Louisiana 71202-6862 at which time bids shall be opened and read aloud.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, seconded by Charles Venable, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public input and there was none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby authorize the President and Secretary to advertise for bids for sale of surplus equipment as follows:
TW5 Ford Tractor Serial Number 1002 with
Alamo Side Boom Mower Serial Number 05392
22’ Preadtor Boat Serial Number T0R02149G899 with
Mercy Motor 225 HP Serial Number 0T996488 on a
2008 Blue Wave Sportsman Trailer Serial Number 1BTZZKM2181004926
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bids shall be received up until 7:30 A. M., June 12, 2012 at the office of the Tensas Basin Levee District, P. O. Box 68, Rayville, La. and 708 Julia Street, Suite 101B, Rayville, La. and up until 9:30 A. M., June 12, 2012 a t the office of the Tensas Basin Levee District, 505 District Drive, Monroe, La. 71202-6862, at which time bids shall be opened and read aloud.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Harlon Nobles, seconded by Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public input and there was none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby authorize the President and Secretary to advertise for bids for purchase of the following to be purchased after July 01, 2012:
324E L Hydraulic Excavator or Equivalent
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed and/or electronic bids shall be received up until 7:30 A. M., June 2, 2012 at the office of Tensas Basin Levee District, P. O. Box 68, Rayville, La. and 708 Julia Street, Suite 101B, Rayville, Louisiana and up until 9:30 A. M., June 12, 2012 at 505 District Drive, Monroe, Louisiana 71202-6862 at which time bids shall be opened and read aloud.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by Commissioner Venoy Kinnaird, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public input and there was none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby approve the written request from Robert B. Rayburn, 602 Beauolais Parkway, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503 to make additions of a bedroom and bath to his camp located on campsite SB8 in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. James Berry, Attorney-at-law, send Robert B. Rayburn an letter informing him the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District is granting permission for the improvements to his camp located on campsite SB8 but stress the ownership of the property remains in the name of the Tensas Basin Levee District and is not being conveyed over to him.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Harlon Nobles, seconded by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public input and there was none, to-wit:
JULY 01, 2011 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2012
Ad Valorem Taxes 2,847,650.00 120,950.00 2,968,600.00
State Revenue Sharing 150,800.00 1,700.00 152,500.00
Interest 408,500.00 408,500.00
Royalties and Leases 130,000.00 45,000.00 175,000.00
Intergovernmental 798,200.00 49,090.00 847,290.00
Miscellaneous 27,000.00 138,300.00 165,300.00
TOTAL REVENUES: 4,362,150.00 355,040.00 4,717,190.00
Personal Services 2,622,700.00 2,622,700.00
Travel 34,700.00 34,700.00
Operating Services 812,900.00 -22,800.00 790,100.00
Supplies 371,500.00 41,000.00 412,500.00
Professional 33,200.00 1,800.00 35,000.00
Capital Outlay 6,107,000.00 6,107,000.00
TOTAL EXPENSE 9,982,000.00 20,000.00 10,002,000.00
Excess (Deficiency) Of Revenues Over Expenditures (5,284,810.00)
Fund Balance, Beginning Of Year 8,770,091.00
Fund Balance, End of Year 3,485,281.00
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, seconded by
Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Keahey called for public input and there was none, to-wit:
Ad Valorem Taxes 2,968,600.00
State Revenue Sharing 152,500.00
Interest 408,500.00
Royalties and Leases 175,000.00
Federal Funds 503,500.00
Intergovernmental 935,260.00
Miscellaneous 48,300.00
TOTAL REVENUES: 5,191,660.00
Personal Services 2,660,700.00
Travel 34,000.00
Operating Services 819,800.00
Supplies 496,100.00
Professional 36,000.00
Capital Outlay 6,446,000.00
Excess (Deficiency) Of Revenues Over Expenditures (5,746,940.00)
Fund Balance, Beginning Of Year 5,746,940.00
Fund Balance, End of Year 0.00
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
Financial statements were reviewed and discussed.
President Keahey called for public comments and there were none.
There being no further business to come before the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District at this time, President Keahey declared the meeting is adjourned.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President