Guilsborough Preschool Terms and conditions - PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN
1. The complete set of the setting's policies and procedures are available to see at the setting or they can be accessed on the website
Special needs
2. As part of Guilsborough Preschool's policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. The Preschool works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2001).
3. Parents are required to share details of any identified special needs that their child may have with the SENCO.
4. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Sarah Jones.
5. Any issues of hurtful behaviour in the preschool are managed by staff following our behaviour policy.
6. Staff will work together with parents to resolve any behaviour issues with clear and developmentally appropriate expectations of their child's behaviour.
7. Parents are requested to show patience and understanding where the behaviour of any young child is concerned and to support staff with strategies to reduce any hurtful behaviour within the setting. Most children under the age of five will at some stage hurt or say something hurtful to another child, especially if their emotions are high at the time, it is not helpful to label this behaviour as ‘bullying’. For children under five, hurtful behaviour is momentary, spontaneous and often without cognisance of the feelings of the person whom they have hurt.
8. Our Behaviour Management Co-ordinator is Rhonda Rowlatt.
9. Whilst we do provide some protective clothing for messy play or outside play, we do expect parents to send children in old clothes with plenty of layers for warmer and colder weather. Warm coats, hats, gloves and a change of footwear are essential in the winter months.
10. We can accept no responsibility for clothes coming home soiled with paint, corn flour or similar, it is all part of the fun! All children enjoy water play at some point and we will change children into dry clothes and send the wet clothes home. Parents are expected to place their child's enjoyment and fun above the inconvenience of washing or drying clothes.
11. We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off, and putting on, outdoor clothes, especially their own coats and shoes. Clothing that is easy to manage will help them to do this.
12. If children attend preschool in nappies, parents are required to supply a changing bag with supplies to be left in preschool.
13. Children must be well protected from the sun on hot days with hats, sleeved tops and sun-block. If you wish staff to apply sun-block at preschool, consent must be given. Backless shoes such as flip flops are considered inappropriate footwear.
14. Parents should clearly label children's belongings (esp. shoes and fleece); we can accept no responsibility for lost items.
Safeguarding children
15. Guilsborough Preschool has a duty of care under the law to help safeguard children against suspected or actual ‘significant harm’. Our employment practices protect children against the likelihood of abuse in the preschool and we have procedures for managing complaints or allegations against a member of staff.
16. Our way of working with children and their parents helps us become aware of any problems that may emerge and can offer support, including referral to appropriate agencies when necessary, to help families in difficulty.
17. All staff and committee members are required to obtain a CRB clearance before they can be left alone with children.
18. All staff receive induction training so that they understand the settings policies and routines and are aware of their duties to help maintain children's safety.
19. Parents are required to declare any recent injuries their child may have before leaving them at preschool.
20. The use of mobile phones in the preschool is not encouraged and adults may be required to place them in a secure area.
21. Our Child Protection Officer (CPO) is Leah Gardner.
Activities in preschool
22. Occasionally, staff may take the children for walks in the village, to allotments, to the playing fields, (and may use the play equipment, swings, slides etc) we also visit the local school playground and Mobile Library during sessions. Your consent is required for your child to participate on such outings. Risk assessments are always taken.
23. Staff make use of digital cameras, a camcorder and written observations to record your child's progress in preschool, these are confidential and only yourself and staff will have access to them. Consent is required from you for us to share them with other relevant professionals such as the reception teacher on your child's transition to school. Recordings taken on a camcorder are used for staff to make more detailed written observations from and are deleted immediately once complete unless where appropriate they may be shared with the child's parents.
24. Staff take lots of still photographs of the children at preschool to provide a visual record of preschool. From time to time these photographs may be put on a wall display or shown on a digital photo-frame, your consent is required.
Parental Involvement
25. Parents are encouraged to Stay and Play with their child as often as possible.
26. We welcome parents with younger children into Guilsborough Preschool, but the child will remain the responsibility of the parent at all times and stays in the setting at their own risk.
27. We aim to use as little paper as possible by providing electronic communication wherever possible. Please provide an email address. Paper communication will only be available to those parents that do not have access to email.
28. Parents are expected to read all emails and letters that are sent home from the setting.
29. The preschool is a charity and is run by a committee of parents, we encourage all parents to get involved either by serving on the committee, or by helping with fundraising activities to help buy equipment and resources for the preschool.
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Nutrition and Health
30. Nutritious mid-morning and afternoon snacks are provided. Parents must let staff know about any allergies or dietary requirements their child may have.
31. Children staying to lunch must bring their own packed lunch and drink in a clearly labelled container.
32. Medication to be administered during session time must be accompanied by a letter of consent and parents will be required to fill out an administering medication form. Only prescribed medicine can be administered.
33. A child with an infectious illness should not attend Preschool, notification of absence should be given before 9.30am on 01604 740761. 48 hours of absence must be taken following the final bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
34. First aid - All parents are required to give their consent for their child to receive emergency first aid from staff or health professionals prior to starting at the setting.
35. We recommend that all children are offered breakfast before arriving at the setting to help maintain their energy levels andsupport their health and wellbeing.
36. Smoking is not permitted in any area of the preschool building or grounds at any time.
Starting at Guilsborough Preschool
37. A child's registration form MUST be returned to the preschool prior to the child starting, a copy of the child's birth certificate and a copy of a bill or similar to prove the family's home address is required.
38. Parents are required to disclose information about adults that have parental responsibility for their child.
39. We recommend that parents and children attend a pre-visit prior to their child starting at preschool. Parents should also be prepared to stay with their child on their first day or until their child is settled.
40. We want your child to feel happy and safe with us. To make sure that this is the case, the staff will work with parents to decide on how to help a child to settle into the setting.
41. Each child will be assigned a key person once they start at the setting. The key person will be the main point of contact in the setting and will be chiefly responsible for the records of their key children.
42. We expect parents to keep us up to date with any changes to their child's circumstances and especially to up date us with changes to parents contact numbers or emergency contacts.
43. A Guilsborough Preschool book bag at a cost of £4.00** will automatically be added to the first bill.
Sessions and Admissions
44. We are open from 9.15am - 3.15pm on Mon, Wed and Thu and 9.15am - 12.15pm on Tue and Fri.
45. You may choose between 3 hour sessions each day or 3, 5, or 6 hour sessions on Mon, Wed or Thu. Our administrator will advise you as to what is available as sessions become available.
46. All children are required to attend at least 6 hours a week, preferably taken over 2 days.
47. 17 of our 26 places are put aside as full day places (5 or 6 hour sessions) on a Mon, Wed and Thu.
48. We follow a clear set of guidelines with regard to how we prioritise admissions, these can be found within our policy, these include number of hours spent in setting, age of child and home address.
**Amounts are reviewed each September - tbc
Arrival and Collection of Children
49. Notification in writing must be given if someone else is collecting your child (or by phone in emergencies).
50. Prompt collection of your child is requested at the end of each session, a late charge is in force should you be late to collect your child, of £5 for every 5 minutes or part thereof after the collection time. We operate a system whereby if you are late 3 times, you will have an earlier collection time imposed and you will be charged. A flat rate of £25 plus £5 per 5 minutes or part thereof will then be in force from the earlier time. Further measures will be taken against persistent offenders.
51. We are currently registered with the following Childcare Voucher Providers: Busy Bees, Accor services, Fidelti. If your company uses another provider or has an in-house scheme please see Amanda our Administrator with the contact details and we will endeavour to register with that provider.
52. For your child to keep her/his place at the setting, you must pay the fees promptly. We are in receipt of the free entitlement funding for three and four year olds; where funding is not received, then fees apply. Failure to do so could result in your child being excluded from the setting.
53. Fees are currently £3.62** an hour payable on receipt of a bill each half-term. This rate is reviewed annually to match the free entitlement rate as closely as possible.
54. From September 2010, the free entitlement provides 15 hours of childcare each week (38 wks per yr) for every child from the Term after a child turns 3 yrs old. Our administrator will advise you how to access the free entitlement.
55. Fees must still be paid even if a child is absent.
56. A half-term’s notice in writing must be given when withdrawing a child or decreasing the days of attendance, failure to do so will result in fees being charged for the following half-term.
57. Our open door policy provides parents with the opportunity to make concerns known to staff at the earliest possibility. Every effort will be given to settle any concerns quickly in an informal way.
58. If a concern cannot be settled in this way, parents should make their complaint in writing to the Chair of the committee and a full investigation will be carried out.
59. In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be resolved within the setting, it may be appropriate to involve Ofsted. An OFSTED 'complaints helpline' is available for advice on 08456 404040
60. We are registered to take 26 children from two years and six months to five years
61. We are open for 38 weeks each year and close for school holidays and training days as listed on our website.
62. On registering your child, you are required to sign to show that you have read and except our terms and conditions.
63. Our contract is with you and it is your responsibility to ensure that all carers are aware of and understand and abide by these terms and conditions.
64. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions and you will be notified of any changes in writing.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them:
Signed Print Name Date
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