The Council resolved:
1.1that the GLC should implement a bursary project to assist law students who do not have the financial means to study;
1.2that a total annual amount of R90 000.00 be allocated towards three residential universities namely the University of Pretoria, University of Johannesburg and University of Witwatersrand. (R30 000.00 per student of each of theUniversities).
The following criteria apply to applicants in order to qualify for a bursary:
2.1The student/prospective student should be registered or qualify to register at one of the three universities listed in paragraph 1.2 above for a law degree (LLB, B.COMM LLB, LLM, etc.);
2.2The student should be resident in Gauteng and should have completed his/her school education in Gauteng;
2.3A means test is applicable (sufficient proof is required that the student does not have the financial means to study);
2.4Applications will be considered on merit;
2.5The student should have a good academic record/performance;
2.6The bursary will be considered annually;
2.7If the student was successful in the academic year for which the bursary was awarded he/she would qualify for a bursary the following year provided that thestudent submitted proof of his/her results as required;
2.8Students who were unsuccessful in the academic year for which the bursary was awarded will not qualify for a bursary the following year and would have to refund the GLC for the money already received;
2.9Bursary funds will be paid in the following order of preference:
i)To the university directly for course fees, and thereafter;
ii)To the university directly for hostel/residence fees including meals, and thereafter;
iii)To the student directly to cover the costs of books and study material.
2.10No payments will be made unless an official university account is submitted and/or quotation for prescribed books and study material is submitted with the report;
2.11The Bursary Project sub-committee of the GLC will consider the applications received and decide who the successful applicants will be and for what amount;
2.12A half yearly report must be submitted to the Bursary Project sub- committee by the student;
2.13The Bursary Project sub-committee will decide whether a student was successful or substantially successful to qualify for a bursary the following year. (E.g. – failure of a subject would merit a further award but failure of 2 or more would not, as the circumstances might prescribe.)
3.1Application forms can be obtained from the GLC secretary Ms. R. SCHMIEDESKAMP at Tel: (012) 338 5862 and Fax: (012) 323 1907 and from the GLC website at
3.2Properly completed application forms must be submittedtogether with proof of academic results, copy of identity document and with regards to the means test the following:
- Proof of parents/spouse income including maintenance/allowances etc.,
- Death Certificate(s) if the parent(s) are deceased;
- Divorce settlement agreement if the parents are divorced.
3.3Applications can be sent to PO Box 1493, Pretoria, 0001, properly marked GAUTENG LAW COUNCIL BURSARY PROJECT.
4.1Study diligently and successfully;
4.2Half yearly report and academic results to be furnished to the Bursary Project Committee;
4.3Applications for payments to include official statements of university and quotations for books and study material;
4.4Must enter into a loan agreement for repayment of the Bursary amount received should his/her studies not be successful;
4.5Such loan agreement to be secured by surety of the applicant's parent(s)/guardian;
4.6Be in a position to fund the balance of costs in excess of
R30 000.00 not covered by the Bursary.
Bursary Project
13 November 2008
Approved by Council on 19 November 2008