/ This 1610/16
Sunday 5.00pm Mass
/ K Neall
Prayers/Psalm / C Heenan
Gifts / Neall family
Cleaning / G Griffin, T Pahl
B McCarthy & C Heenan
Linen / B McCarthy
Lawns / D McCann
Collection / A Mahoney, G McDonnell


/ Next week-end 2310/16
Sunday 10.30am SAWC
Reader / C McCann
Prayers/Psalm / R Rokebrand
Leader / P Clarke
Ministers / M Payne, G Forster
Cleaning / D & C McCann
Linen / B McCarthy
Lawns / D McCann
Collection / A Mahoney, G McDonnell.



16 October 2016 Yr C – 29th Sun. Ordinary Time

Casterton: Ph: 5581 1044 Mobile: 0422 342 499


Mail: Box 157 Edenhope Vic 3318

Bulletin notices next Sunday to Sr Pam on 5585 1154 or 0458 999 108 or .

Recent Deaths:

Anniversaries: Jim McDonnell, Colin White,

Harold Munn, Mona Nolan, Agnes Clark,

Ellen Merrett, Robert Shepherd, Bill Fitzgerald, Gwen Rokebrand, Kevin Mulraney, Leo Merrett, Jack Pahl.

Naracoorte Mass times (see notice board)

Church Collections 2.10.16

Priests Fund $128.00

Planned Giving $238.00

New total for this PG Financial year. $3975.00

Thank you for your financial support.

This week at St Malachy’s School

Mon: 1.30pm Students performing concert items at Lakes Hostel

Tues: School Parents Assoc. & School Advisory Council mtgs

Wed: Western Trinity teams meet.

Thurs: Spelling PD

Fri: Principal mtg in Casterton.

Parish Pastoral Council. Our last meeting was Wed 12th Oct. Due to time pressure, Minutes will not be available until next w’end. Four major works need completing: Clean church roof, replace flashing on Parish house, replace lights in Church, repair broken pipes under Parish House.

Parish Diary..

Today : 5.00pm Mass

Sun 23 Oct: 10.30am SAWC

Sun 30 Oct: 10am Ecumenical Service ……………………….@ Lutheran Church.

5pm Apsley Mass

10.00am.Harrow Mass

Fr John’s Corner.

After a few delays, Fr Damien is booked in for surgery next Tuesday 18 October. His surgeons are hopeful they can complete the procedure via keyhole, which will greatly improve hisrecovery time.

However, Fr Damien is advised not to drive at all during November, so his well-earned rest will continue until December. He would like to attend Apollo Bay's new church opening on Sunday 6 November. If anyone is willing and able todrive Fr Damien back to his former parish for the occasion, please let Fr John know. RememberFr Damien in your prayers

Cemetery Masses.

In November, the whole Church is encouraged to pray especially for the dead. Cemetery Masses will be offered at each Mass centre for the faithful departed. People also have the opportunity to personally bless the graves of loved ones with holy water immediately after Mass.

Bring your own seating, and umbrellas.Incase of heavy rainat the time of the scheduled cemeteryMass, Mass will be offered in the church instead.

Apsley - 6pm, Wednesday 16 November

Balmoral - 11am, Sunday 20 November

Casterton - 6pm, Wednesday 2 November

Coleraine - 6pm, Friday 18 November

Edenhope - 6pm, Friday 25 November

Goroke - 6pm, Friday 11 November

Harrow - 11am, Sunday 13 November

Tarrayoukyan - 9am, Sunday 27 November

Church Life Survey

Census forms for our parishes are on their way, and census dates will be advised shortly. The Church Life survey can occur at any Sunday Mass in October or November, so the dates will probably vary from place to place.

Vocation Sunday.

Every vocation finds its origin in the shared priesthood of Christ conferred in Baptism. This Sunday we focus esp. on the vocation to the Priesthood and religious life. Some prayer cards are available in foyer.
Extra items: see separate blue sheet:

1.  Snippets from Pope Francis’ message to Yung People at World Youth Day Vigil.

2.  Vocations Retreat Day for young men.

3.  Fr Andrew’s concerts for Refugees.