Minutes of the All Wales SPIN

28th July 2008

Media Resource Centre, Llandrindod Wells


Rufus Noy (Chair)Chris Price, Homelessness and SP Network

Sue Finch, WLGAEmma Halfpenny, Homelessness & SP Network

Matt Richards, CeredigionAlun Jones, Carmarthenshire

Ruth Evans, CarmarthenshireFred Bridges, Flintshire

Sheila Phillips, GwyneddBethan Evans, Gwynedd

Kevin Parsons, Vale of GlamorganGareth Evans, Neath Port Talbot

Ian Stapley, SwanseaRachel Evans, Swansea

Jenny Elliott, DenbighshireAdrian Jones, Powys

Sam Harry, CardiffNigel Stannard, Newport

Robert Loudon, WrexhamMalcom Topping, Caerphilly

Ian Hibble, BridgendEmma Hammonds, Torfaen

Jenny Prince, Blaenau Gwent


/ Subject / Action
1. Apologies, introductions & minutes / Apologies
Anwen Hughes – Anglesey
Alyson Hoskins – Blaenau Gwent (Now in a new post. Michelle Church to attend in future)
Darran Daye – RCT
Elke Winton – Torfaen
Pam Toms – Vale of Glamorgan
Agreed as accurate.
  • No update on Procurement from WAG
  • Jenny advised no further update on Cost Quality
  • CHC and Cymorth only to be invited to relevant agenda items in the future
  • Emma to email SPIN the minutes from SPIN Exec
  • New Director of Welsh Women’s Aid was invited to meeting but on leave. Will be coming to the next SPIN EXEC meeting.
  • The Commissioning Principles are now available on the Welsh Housing Notice Board.
  • The Outcomes day has been postponed to 23rd September. Will be having Adam Russell (SP Manager, Worcestershire) and Nick Andrews (Planning Officer, Swansea CC)
  • Chris to meet with Michael Vigar to see if the work Cymorth are doing on quality duplicates the work we are doing.
  • A volunteer was requested to write next article for WHQ magazine.
  • There were concerns within the group whether the revenue put aside for new substance misuse schemes would continue to be rolled over.
  • The Essex review has now been released. It has advocated that developments are prioritised for strategic reasons rather than deliverability. CP considered it ironic that CHC have been lobbying for less Assembly involvement/ micro management in SHG, whereas they continue to argue strongly for micro management by the Assembly of SPRG.
/ MT agreed after meeting
2. Feedback / Finance Officers Group
- Benchmarking report to be presented to SPIN after their November
meeting. To add to agenda later in year.
All Wales Offender Accommodation Strategy Group
- NS advised meeting postponed.
Cymorth Open Forum
- AH not in attendance. CP to attend in future as and when necessary
YOT Accommodation Group
- IH attended a meeting on the 15th July where they conceptualised various Outcomes approaches.
- CP confirmed that the new post funded by S180 has now been filled and waiting for them to confirm a start date
Homeless Network
-CP told the group that the Homelessness Network is currently looking into the Enhanced Housing Options services they are developing in England. Financial advice training due to the increase in mortgage repossessions.
-A review of existing S180 funding has been instigated. Homelessness teams may approach SP to discuss how S180 services can better complement SP services and vice versa
South Wales Mini SPIN
- The Turnbull case was discussed. CP and EH to investigate timescales and outcomes. / SPIN Exec
Start date now confirmed 1st Sept
3. The WLGA’s perspective on how we need to approach the possible development of regional working / Sue Finch ran through the key themes of the Strategy with suggestions on how LA’s will need to position themselves to have a real influence over the development of services in coming years.
She updated the group in terms of redistribution and stressed the first stage would be April 2010 at the very earliest.
She highlighted that the requirement to work on a more regional basis was likely to be part of the strategy in some form. It was important for LA’s to consider this agenda and take a proactive response in relation to any recommendations included in the strategy.
4. The advantages of commissioning on a regional basis / Jenny Prince gave a presentation on Gwent’s progress in relation to regional working.
EH to circulate presentation with minutes.
5. Breakout session/ Where do we go from here / The way forward:
- CP to produce an options appraisal document with a number of possible regional arrangements to allow local authorities to assess a variety of models in a systematic and robust manner. Send out by 8th August. / CP
6. WAG – Their vision / SP ran through the key aims of the Supporting People Strategy and suggested LA’s would need to utilise the WLGA, AWCHOP and ADSS to ensure they had maximum impact within the consultation period.
SF and CP will liaise. / SF, CP
7. Selling our vision to the politicians / CP/EH to look at organising an event to target elected members and AM’s to ensure they are aware of how important LA’s have been in relation to the development of supported housing services and how important they have been in developing services way beyond those they have a statutory duty for.
CP/EH to produce a background briefing document to launch at the event and possibly at the WLGA conference in October. Graph to show SP growth over the last few years.
- IH, RN and CP to work on document and hand over to design company to produce. / CP, EH, IH, RN
8. AOB / Michael Williams Report –
CP to write draft response to send through SPIN and ADSS.
Election for SPIN Chair
EH to send out email asking for candidates who would like to chair SPIN for the next 12 months. / CP, EH