Open Forum
Would the Parish Council consider putting a seat or bench in each of the 3 bus stops on the A56 in the Chester direction?
It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain costs.
Mr Steve Allman
Mr Allman made the following statements
I Gas will soon be commencing work on the seismic survey in the area
There has been another public consultation by I Gas at the Rugby Club
Parish Councillors will be attending a meeting at the University where the guest speaker will be
Dr Marianne Lloyd Smith
Mr Allman then asked the following questions
Will Mickle Trafford and District Parish Council consider a proposal on unconventional gas extraction similar to that passed by Upton Parish Council?
The Chairman stated that it was the policy of the Parish Council to not consider/resolve any matters relating to unconventional gas extraction until we have a formal planning application for consideration.
The Clerk was asked to provide the Chairman with a copy of the resolution passed by Upton Parish Council.
Could this unconventional gas extraction be raised at a ChALC Meeting?
The Chairman confirmed that the ChALC area meeting will not pass resolutions on the subject but will support individual Parish Councils. He also stated that the area meetings were not open to the public
Why will CWaC not allow Unconventional Gas Extraction to be part of the Neighbourhood Plan?
Cllr Rowlands explained that CWaC were following National guidelines but it is possible that the views of residents can be used in the introduction to the Plan.
Has the Parish Council been asked to allow seismic surveying on the Queens Diamond Jubilee Field?
The Clerk replied that they have not.
Would the Parish Council please ask the local authority and the Police to look at safety and speed on Station Lane in the area of the entrance to the Greenway?
The Clerk will bring this to the attention of the local Highways officer and the Police Community Support Officer, who was present at the meeting, will ask if some enforcement can take place in the area.
Expressed concerns that there was also a speeding problem on Oak Bank Lane
Cllr Parker
Expressed resident’s concerns that speeding was a problem on The Street particularly in the area opposite Picton Lane.
Cllr Blackman
Expressed concerns raised by the Head of the School about speeding on School Lane.
PCSO Debbie Netherton attended the meeting as the officer who covers the Mickle Trafford area
PCSO Netherton made note of all the concerns raised over speeding and will discuss the matter with her colleagues
PCSO Netherton was pleased to report that both burglaries and anti-social behaviour in the area had been low and in general the area had been quiet.
Cllr Woods asked if work could be done on Ince Lane to enforce the weight limit from the A5117 to Davies’s
PCSO Netherton said that she was aware that work had been done and there had been no vehicles breaking the limit.
Cllr Rowlands thanked the officer for the very efficient response from the constabulary that had been received to a burglary at Grange Farm.
The PCSO was advised the next meeting would be on the 9th November
The Chairman then closed the Open Forum
Cllr Roger Parkin - in the Chair, Cllr Les Bartley, Cllr Ian Jones, Cllr B Ancliff, Cllr John Taylor, Cllr P Blackman
Cllr C Charlton, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr D Rowlands, Cllr J Woods, Cllr J Spence, Cllr G Nicholas and Cllr F. Sharpe
Clerk:- Mr D Bowker
Item 01 Apologies
Cllr G Nicholas (Business)
Item 02 Declarations of Interest
All councillors declared their interests as per their “Notification of Interests”
Cllrs Parker and Parkin declared their interests as Trustees of the Village Hall
Item 03 Approval of Parish Council Minutes.
RESOLVED – The Minutes of the PC meetings held on 14th September 2015 were then proposed for acceptance
by Cllr Rowlands, seconded by Cllr Ancliff. ALL AGREED
Item 04 Planning Committee
RESOLVED – The draft Minutes of the planning committee held on the 5th October 2015 were then noted by the Parish Council and were proposed for acceptance by Cllr Bartley, seconded by Cllr Blackman and agreed by ALL.
Cllr Parker advised that the officer in charge of application 15/04031/FUL had referred it back to the applicant for further consideration.
Item 05 Gowy Liaison Group
RESOLVED – The Minutes of the Gowy Liaison group held on the 6th August 2015 were then proposed for acceptance by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Parkin and agreed by ALL.
No minutes were taken at the meeting of the 1st October as the Clerk was not present.
The key issue raised at the meeting that it was likely that FCC would apply for a further 8 year extension for the use of the site, however, it was noted that no pre-application has yet been forwarded to CWac
Item 06 To note Income & Expenditure in Sept 15, to note authorised cheques in Sept 15 and approve accounts as at 27/09/15
The income, expenditure and the cheque authorisation were noted and it was proposed by Cllr Parkin, seconded by
Cllr Blackman that the accounts for September be accepted and this was agreed by ALL
Item 07 Village Hall Trustees Report
The new fire doors have now been installed.
The new sliding door has been ordered and is being manufactured.
The new signage is on order for the outside of the Hall
Bookings are increasing
Agreements are now in place with all user groups
The Chairman passed thanks to the Trustees for the work they continue to do to ensure the good running of the Hall.
Item 08 Community Retention of a PCSO
The Clerk has requested information to the following questions
What are the duties of a PCSO?
Is there any data available to show if PCSO’s have any impact in an area.
The PA to the PCC has advised that they are trying to obtain information from the Local Policing Unit
Would adjoining Parish Councils consider joint ownership of a PCSO?
The Parish Councils adjacent to Mickle Trafford were contacted and only Guilden Sutton responded.
Their views are that this amounted to double taxation and they would be reluctant to go down this route.
Cllr Rowlands felt that Thornton Le Moors and Elton should also be contacted as well as asking CWaC if they would make a contribution to the cost to offset the double taxation.
Request the PCC to facilitate a meeting with the Chief Constable to discuss more Police Officers being employed through an increase in the precept.
This has been passed to the Chief Constables Staff Officer who will contact us in the near future
Item 09 Dog Control issue in Gowy Park
Dog Control Problems
We have been advised by CWaC that they are currently reviewing all current dog control orders and once this is done this will be sent out for public consultation. They assure us that they are aware of our concerns at the Woodland Park
It was then proposed by Cllr Rowlands, seconded by Cllr Taylor that we pursue with ChALC the process for establishing a By-Law and the methods of enforcement.
A vote was taking on the proposal with 10 for and Cllrs Spence, Charlton and Blackman against. Proposal carried.
Item 10 Highways Issues – Responses by the Clerk
A55 Slip road – Hedge
Work has been carried out to cut back hedge
School Lane – Hedge
Letters have been sent to residents
Verge – The Cross
Shrubs have been cut back to clear path
Road sign – Trafford Hall- Ince Lane
This has been installed
A56 Lay-by
Cllr Taylor will contact the owners of the coaches parked in the Lay By to find out more about the situation
Path at Regency Court
This has been cleaned but is still in need of re-surfacing and some attention given to drainage
Wayside Court
This matter is getting some attention and Cllr Spence is pursuing the matter.
Item 11 Parish Council agenda (Cllr Taylor)
Cllr Taylor made the point that “Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman” should be a brief as possible and if councillors had issues to be raised then they should be advised to the Clerk in time to be included in the agenda so that if a resolution is needed then it could be voted on.
Item 12 Noticeboard Usage (Cllr Taylor)
It was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Parker that for a trial period until March 2016 the following actions in relation to the Noticeboards would take place.
A vote was taken on the proposal with 11 for and 2 abstentions. Proposal carried
Action to be taken
1) Produce a document for all noticeboards with a variety of general information which will cover the activities and contacts for the Parish Council
2) Place the agenda for meeting only at The Cross, the Village Hall and the Shop
3) Provide draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting to be displayed at the Shop
Item 13 Queens Diamond Jubilee Field Hedges
A quotation from SP landscaping for work to be carried out in the park was considered.
Cllr Taylor then offered to discuss the work required with another contractor and report back.
Item 14 Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman (Not for resolution)
Cllr P Blackman
1) Could the Clerk organise removal of rubbish dumped behind the Bus shelter at the Cross
2) Removal of Dog Poo on walkway between Station Lane and Plemstall Close
3) Uneven path surface on walkway between Station Lane and Plemstall Close
4) Discussion with CWaC and the Police about Parking regulations in the area of the School
5) Could we monitor speeds again on Station lane in the area of the entrance to the Greenway
Cllr Parkin
1) Asked that the Clerk consider the recording of minutes electronically as advised by ChALC circular
2) Advised that there was a seminar to consider using a .gov.uk E-mail address.
Cllr Taylor advised he would attend
3) The new plastic bag charge will result in grants being available for local projects and Cllr Parkin asked that this be an item for discussion at the next meeting
4) The invitation to the Mayors Charity Ball should be viewed as a personal invitation.
Item 14 Date and time of Next Parish Council Meeting
Monday 09 November 2015 at the Village Hall @ 6.30pm
Meeting closed at 20.37pm
Signed...... Dated......
Prepared by Derek Bowker
14th October 2015
No: 2015/24
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