Institute of Fundraising London Region(IoFLondon) Mentoring Programme
Mentor Application Form
COMPLETED COVERING SHEETS AND APPLICATION FORMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY (Date )Please read the enclosed programme prospectus before completing
Guidance on Completing the Application Form
For certain application form questions, you may consider that certain responses will be viewed more favourably than others. IoF Londonurges you to respond honestly and to only select responses that are genuinely truthful. In short, please do not tell us what you think we want to 'hear'.
If there are any questions that you do not understand, please refer to the prospectus in the first instance.
If a review of the prospectus cannot resolve your issue, please contact the Mentoring Programme Co-ordinatorat (email address)
Personal Information
P1.0 / First Name:
P2.0 / Surname:
P3.0 / Gender:
P4.0 / Organisation:
P5.0 / Primary Location You Work From (Please Specify Suburb if in London):
P6.0 / Job Title:
P7.0 / Mobile Phone Number*:
P8.0 / Landline Phone Number*:
*The phone numbers you provide will be used exclusively for the purposes of the mentoring programme pilot and will only be viewed by appropriate personnel. We will only contact you by phone if we need to check an aspect of your application and at key stages of the mentoring programme if your application is successful.
P9.0 / Email address:
P10.0 / Institute Membership Number:
P11.0 Number of Years Experience in Fundraising:
Experience of being a MentorFor the purposes of this application, formal mentoring is where the roles of mentor and mentee are clearly defined and structured sessions take place.
Mo1.0 / What is your experience of being a mentor in a formal mentoring relationship?
I have previously mentored formally and am doing so at present
I have previously mentored formally, but am not doing so at present
I am mentoring formally at present, but have no previous formal experience
I have no current or previous formal mentoring experience
If you have previous and/or current formal mentoring experience, please could you list the names of the people you have mentored or are mentoring. This will allow us to ascertain whether any of your current or previous mentees are participating in the programme. It is important for us to know this as it may determine the matching sessions certain participants are asked to attend.
Mo1.1 / I am formally mentoringthe following people:
Mo1.2 / I have formally mentored the following people:
Many people consider that they have mentored someone, even if the process was not described as such and it was not as formalised or structured as the one proposed in this programme. For the purposes of this application, this type of mentoring is classed as informal mentoring.
Mo2.0 / What is your experience of being a mentor in aninformal mentoring relationship?
I have previously mentored informally and am doing so at present
I have previously mentored informally, but am not doing so at present
I am mentoring informally at present, but have no previous informal experience
I have no current or previous informal mentoring experience
If you have previous and/or current informal mentoring experience, please could you list the names of the people you have mentored or are mentoring. This will allow us to ascertain whether any of your current or previous mentees are participating in the programme. It is important for us to know this as it may determine the matching sessions certain participants are asked to attend.
Mo2.1 / I am informally mentoringthe following people:
Mo2.2 / I have informally mentored the following people:
IoF Mentoring Programme Questions
IM1.0 / What are your motivations for being a mentor?
IM2.0 / Are you able and willing to travel to meet your mentee?
Please select the box that applies to you:
Yes, I am willing and able to travel for over an hour to meet my mentee
Yes, I am willing and able to travel for 30-60 minutes to meet my mentee
Yes, I am willing and able to travel for up to 30 minutes to meet my mentee
I may be able to travel to meet my mentee
No, I would not want to travel to meet my mentee
Please note the expectation is that the mentee will travel to meet you. However for matching purposes it would be good to know your level of flexibility (e.g. In case a mentee has mobility issues).
IM3.0 / Is it likely that a mentee would be able to travel easily to meet you using only public transport?
Please select the box that best applies to you:
My proposed meeting place is very close to well connected public transport links
My proposed meeting place is not close to well connected public transport links and so the mentee would need a car
My proposed meeting place is beyond walking distance (i.e. more than 1.5 miles) to well connected public transport links, but I would be able to collect them from the relevant station
My proposed meeting place is beyond walking distance (i.e. more than 1.5 miles) to well connected public transport links and I would NOT be able to collect them from the relevant station
I 1.0 / Please complete the following grid to indicate when you are likely to be available to mentor
No or X / In a typical week, I am unlikely to want (or be able) to mentor during this time
Yes or / In a typical week, this would be a good time for me to mentor
Any areas left blank will be considered possible times for mentoring
Please note the expectation is that mentoring will be conducted during normal working hours (Monday to Friday in the morning or afternoon).
However for matching purposes it would be good to know your level of flexibility (e.g. In case several mentees are only available at weekends).
Day / Morning / Afternoon / Evening
I 2.0 / Assuming you are not having to travel to meet your mentee, how often would you like to meet them?
Please select the box that applies to you:
As often as necessary e.g. Several times a week if needed
Around twice a month for the duration of the relationship. However, I am amenable to meeting up more often, at any time, if my mentee needs help with a significant issue
Around twice a month for the duration of the relationship. I would not want to commit to more than this, regardless of the mentee’s circumstances
Around twice a month for the first couple of months and then once a month after that. However, I am amenable to meeting up more often, at any time, if my mentee needs help with a significant issue
Around twice a month for the first couple of months and then once a month after that. I would not want to commit to more than once a month
Once a month from the beginning. However, I am amenable to meeting up more often, at any time, if my mentee needs help with a significant issue
Once a month from the beginning. I would not want to commit to more than once a month
Ideally less than once a month
I 3.0 / In addition to face to face meetings, how open are you to other forms of communication with your mentee?
Please select the box that applies best to you:
I would like my mentee to feel that they can call or email me at any time
I would like my mentee to feel that they can email me at any time. I would also be happy to have regular pre-arranged phone/skype calls
I would like my mentee to feel that they can email me at any time. I would also be happy to have occasional pre-arranged phone/skype calls
I would like my mentee to feel that they can email me occasionally and that we can have occasional pre-arranged phone/skype calls
I would like my mentee to feel that they can email me occasionally, but I would not want to have any phone/skype calls
I would not want my mentee to email or phone me, unless it was to change arrangements for a face to face meeting
I 4.0 / Please indicate below the areas of fundraising you are particularly experienced in and which you would enjoy offering support:
Corporate Fundraising
Trust Fundraising
Community Fundraising
Major Gift Fundraising
Direct Mail/Marketing
Legacy Marketing
Face to Face Fundraising
Telephone Fundraising
Fundraising Strategy
Other: Please Specify….
In addition to fundraising related issues, some mentoring relationships are likely to discuss broader work issues (e.g. Relationships with colleagues, changing jobs) and personal issues (e.g. Dealing with the demands of work and parenthood, developing a new passion).
I 5.0 / How open would you be to talking about issues that are outside of fundraising?
Please select the box that applies to you:
Provided the relationship develops sufficiently well, I would like my mentee to feel they could talk to me about anything
In addition to fundraising issues, I would be happy to talk about broader work issues, but would not want to go into any non-work/personal issues
I would only like to talk about fundraising issues
I 6.0 / If you are selected to participate in the programme, we may share short biographies amongst participants. Consequently, please could you provide a short biography of no more than 10 lines/150 words in the space below.
I 7.0 / Do you have a preference in relation to the gender of your mentee?
I have no preference
I would prefer a female mentee
I would prefer a male mentee
Employer Details
In view of the fact that mentoring is likely to take place during normal offices hours, IoF London believes it is important to each mentoring relationship (and the programme as a whole) that each participant's employer commits to supporting your mentoring relationship. Consequently, wewould like to contact your employer to ensure they are willing and committed to allowing you to attend the relevant training sessions and then spend 4 hours of work time/month on the mentoring relationship.
I 8.0 / Would you be happy for usto contact your employer?
Please select the box which applies to you:
Not applicable - I am self-employed or am Chief-Executive/Director of my organisation and do not report to a Board of Trustees. Consequently, my previously stated personal commitment is all you need.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to the above question, please go to question ‘I.10’.
If you answered 'No', this does not necessarily preclude you from participating in the programme.
(i) All the compulsory sessions for the programme will be during working hours
(ii) Most mentees are likely to want to conduct mentoring during working hours
Consequently, without your employer's support, attendance atthe mandatory sessions is likely to require you to use some of your annual leave. Furthermore, if a mentee cannot be found that wants to be mentored during weekday evenings or weekends, then you will either have to take mentoring sessions as annual leave, or accept that a match cannot be found.
I 9.0 / In view of these issues, please select the box that applies to you if you answered ‘No’ to question ‘I 8.0’:
I understand the issues and risks of not engaging my employer, but would still like to be considered
I understand the issues and risks of not engaging my employer and no longer wish to be considered for this year's programme. However please keep my details on file for future programmes
I understand the issues and risks of not engaging my employer and no longer wish to be considered for this year's programme or for future programmes
If you selected the second or third option to the above question,please send your form at this stage to the address listed on the last page of the application.
If you selected the first option please move on to the ‘Evaluation Questions’ sectionof the form below to complete your application.
I 10.0 / If you answered 'Yes' to ‘I 8.0’, please write down the name and contact details of the person that has the authority to ensure that you are able to spend 4 hours of work time/month on mentoring. This is likely to be your line manager or Chief Executive.
First Name
Email Address
Telephone (Landline)
Telephone (Mobile)
I 11.0 / Wewill seek to contact the above person between the (dates). If the above person could be away (e.g. On leave) during this time, please could you list another person we could contact. N.B. This person should be at least as senior as the above person.
First Name
Email Address
Telephone (Landline)
Telephone (Mobile)
Evaluation Questions
For the following statements about personal qualities please circle or shade the number which best describes your perceived competence. Circling/shading ‘1’ implies you perceive that you are very highly skilled at the quality, while circling/shading ‘7’ implies you perceive yourself to be very poorly skilled.
E 1.0 / I am motivated to develop as a person
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 2.0 / I am open. I share who I am and how I feel with others
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 3.0 / I am reliable. I promise what I do and do what I promise
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 4.0 / I am able to recognise and understand my moods as well as their effect on others
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 5.0 / I am able to control disruptive emotions. I am able to think before acting
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 6.0 / I am good at understanding the emotional make-up of other people
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 7.0 / I am effective at treating people as they are, not as I would like them to be
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 8.0 / I am able to find common ground with other people
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 9.0 / I enjoy my work
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 10.0 / I feel capable of doing the work that is expected of me
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 11.0 / I am a good listener
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 12.0 / I give good feedback
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 13.0 / I can use questioning techniques to help someone else resolve an issue
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
E 14.0 / I work well with others
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Please email your completed application form to:
(email address)
Alternatively, you can post your application to:
(name and postal address)
Applications must be received by end of day on date
Applicants will be informed as to whether their application has been successful or unsuccessful by (date)
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