WorldCat Local
Release Notes
January 2014 (scheduled for January 9)
Enhanced Feature: Data from MARC fields/subfields added to display
December 2013 (scheduled for December 5)
November 2013 (scheduled for November 21 December 5)
Enhanced Feature: Using Knowledge base coverage to determine article holdings in WorldCat
Enhanced Feature: Improvements to display of knowledge base links
October 2013 (scheduled for October 24)
Enhanced Feature: Change of default sort order on Editions page
Enhanced Feature: UI improvements for KB chronology data
Enhanced Feature: Improved title data being passed in OpenURL link
Enhanced Feature: Improved title data being passed in OpenURL link
Bug fix: HTML code displaying when quotes were used
Bug fix: Database not in alphabetical order
New content added to WorldCat Local
September 2013 (scheduled for September 19)
Enhanced Feature: Improved the logic of selecting OCLC number to pass in OpenURL link.
August 2013 (scheduled for August 22)
Enhanced Feature: Improvement to display of chronology ranges for serials using LHR data
Enhanced Feature: Expanded knowledge base query to retrieve encyclopedia articles
Enhanced Feature: Update to genre in OpenURL links
New section for important updates to other services that impact WorldCat Local
New content added to WorldCat Local
July 2013 (scheduled for July 25)- Deferred to August 22 install
Enhanced Feature: Adding eBooks held at level 1 to the ‘Full Text’ checkbox
Enhanced Feature: Remove ‘limit to full text’ checkbox from persistent search box and advanced search
Enhanced Feature: Display changes for handling records from databases displaying 'fake' OCLC number in record
Bug Fix - Display Public Note (852$z) from LHRs in Availability Notes
Bug Fix – Knowledgebase links displaying incorrect link text
June 2013 (completed June 18)
Enhanced Feature: Now support export of “non-Latin” characters from mapped 880 fields.
Enhanced Feature: New interface language – Czech
May 2013 (scheduled for May 16 completed May 28)
Enhanced Feature: Relevancy update.
Enhanced Feature: Support for IE10.
Enhanced Feature: Expanded display of “added class number” to include 695 $b.
Enhanced Feature – coming soon: Using WorldCat knowledge base coverage to determine article holdings
Bug fix: Preview button display.
April 2013
March 2013
Enhanced Feature: Expanding KBWC integration for video, image and audio records. (14 March 2013)
Bug Fix: Custom color configurations are no longer getting reset to defaults upon Service Config save. (14 March 2013)
Bug Fix: Removed unwanted linking from Lists when viewed in Spanish (14 March 2013)
Bug Fix: LHR chronology displaying hypen after the year (14 March 2013)
February 2013
New Feature: Display configuration for Non-Open Access Master Record links on the detailed record page (21 February 2013)
Bug Fix: OPAC eLinking on search results page based on item type (21 February 2013)
Enhanced Feature: Expanded display of KBWC coverage data on Journals and Newspapers (21 February 2013)
Enhanced Feature: Translating WorldCat knowledge base link text (7February 2013)
New Feature: Displaying LHR call number and shelving location to WorldCat Lists (7February2013)
New Feature: Two Chinese language options needed, 中文繁體,中文简体
Enhanced Feature: More user friendly display of WorldCat knowledge base embargo data
New Feature: Display configuration for social features (lists, tags, reviews)
Document last updated: 23 December 2013
January 2014 (scheduled for January 9)
Enhanced Feature: Data from MARC fields/subfields added to display
We have added MARC fields and subfields in support of RDA cataloging, as well as to provide users with more descriptive information about the items they are looking at:
- MARC 518 – Event Notes
- MARC 255 – Cartographic Mathematical Data
- MARC 502 (additional subfields)
- MARC 533 – Reproduction Notes
December 2013 (scheduled for December 5)
November 2013 (scheduled for November 21 December 5)
Enhanced Feature: Using Knowledge base coverage to determine article holdings in WorldCat
When you checkmark the box for “Use Knowledge Base Coverage to Determine Article Holdings in WorldCat Local Discovery Interface”, only articles that fall within the full text or print coverage ranges for items with ISSNs represented in your library’s WorldCat knowledge base collections will show as held by your library. All other articles will show as held by the next appropriate level based on holdings set in WorldCat for the serial titles in which the articles appear.
(This checkbox is located in OCLC Service Configuration and the WorldShare interface in the WorldCat knowledge base> Library Holdings section)
Note regarding non-OCLC databases:
At this time the ‘use KB for article’ does not work with ‘treat as held’ functionality. Selecting“Use Knowledge Base Coverage to Determine Article Holdings in WorldCat Local Discovery Interface”causes the system to ignore all ‘treat as held’ functionality you configured in the MetaSearch content module ofOCLC Service Configuration. We anticipate that integrating the ‘treat as held’ and ‘use KB for article’ functionality will be available early 2014.
If the ability to treat items from metasearch databases as held by your library is important, then you may want to defer adoption of this new feature.
For example:
Libraries relying on the ‘treat as held’ functionality to display all EEBO titles as held by their library may want to wait until we introduce the ability to integrate ‘treat as held’ with using the KB for article.
Note about print serials holdings:
If your print serials holdings are not represented in your WorldCat knowledge base, articles that are available only in print only will not show as held by your library. You will need to add a print serials collection to your knowledge base. Directions for adding a custom collection are found by clicking the link for the interface in which you most commonly maintain your knowledge base.
WorldShare interface
OCLC Service Configuration interface
This option does not affect eBooks or items that do not have ISSNs in the item-level metadata.
If you have catalogued an article in WorldCat, it will always appear as held by your library regardless of coverage in your knowledge base.
Enhanced Feature: Improvements to display of knowledge base links
In our continuing effort to improve the knowledgebase link metadata in the user interface we have added ~ present to represent no end date for the coverage.
In addition, we have improved query logic to provide consistent link results between the brief and detailed record displays.
October 2013 (scheduled for October 24)
Enhanced Feature: Change of default sort order on Editions page
We have changed the default sort order on the Editions page to be Library. The results will now sort the same was as your relevancy groups with your holdings appearing first.
Enhanced Feature: UI improvements for KB chronology data
To improve the user experience and be more inline with the display of OCLC’s OpenURL resolver page we have added ~present and have removed “fulltex” from the display.
Enhanced Feature: Improved title data being passed in OpenURL link
We added the 245 $b to the OpenURL link, when present.
Enhanced Feature: Improved title data being passed in OpenURL link
QuestionPoint has upgraded the chat widget. Your library can take advantage of this upgrade if you have it configured your WC Local instance. To invoke the new code, you will need to re-save the User Interface Options module, under My WorldCat, in OCLC Service Configuration. The Qwidget color that is automatically used is gray, so as not to conflict with other custom color options that you have used in your WCL deployment.
Bug fix: HTML code displaying when quotes were used
Bug fix: Database not in alphabetical order
The issue has been resolved where, in some browsers, the list of Non-OCLC licensed databases in the Licensed Content and Databases module were not appearing in alphabetical.
New content added to WorldCat Local
As announced on September 20, via the list serv, 34 new databases have been added to the WorldCat Local central index. Please see the announcement or WorldCat Local User Support Center for complete message.
You can enable these databases as search options in the Licensed Content and Databases module of the OCLC Service Configuration site. Please remember that your library must have a valid subscription to these databases in order to enable them.
Please find below and in the attached document the database names, providers, and database ids for reference. Documentation of the complete list of databases and their IDs is available at
Hindawi Publishing eJournals from Hindawi Publishing Corporation:
Individual collections from Adam Matthew Digital:
Medieval Travel Writing
Popular Culture in Britain and America II
Women in the National Archives, Kew
Individual Historical Newspapers collections from ProQuest:
Historical Newspapers: The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857Historical Newspapers: The Atlanta Constitution (1868-1942)
Historical Newspapers: Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003)
Historical Newspapers: The Baltimore African-American (1893-1988)
Historical Newspapers: The Baltimore Sun (1837-1985)
Historical Newspapers: Boston Globe (1872-1979)
Historical Newspapers: The Boston Globe (1872-1925)
Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender (1910-1975)
Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune (1849-1986)
Historical Newspapers: The Christian Science Monitor (1908-1995)
Historical Newspapers: Cleveland Call and Post (1934-1991)
Historical Newspapers: Detroit Free Press (1837-1922)
Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)
Historical Newspapers: Hartford Courant (1764-1984)
Historical Newspapers: Indianapolis Star (1903-1922)
Historical Newspapers: The Irish Times (1859-2007) and The Weekly Irish Times (1876-1958)
Historical Newspapers: The Jewish Advocate (1905-1990)
Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Sentinel (1934-2005)
Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1986)
Historical Newspapers: New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)
Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2006)
Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune (1841-1922)
Historical Newspapers: Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003)
Historical Newspapers: Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)
Historical Newspapers: San Francisco Chronicle (1865-1922)
Historical Newspapers: The Scotsman (1817-1950)
Historical Newspapers: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1874-1922)
Historical Newspapers: The Times of India (1838-2001)
Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1991)
Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post (1877-1993)
September 2013 (scheduled for September 19)
Enhanced Feature: Improved the logic of selecting OCLC number to pass in OpenURL link.
We have improved the logic that decides which number to pass in the rfe_dat and rft_id fields in the OpenURL link.
August 2013 (scheduled for August 22)
Enhanced Feature: Improvement to display of chronology ranges for serials using LHR data
We have improved the display of chronology range for serial titles for libraries using LHR data for serials.
Enhanced Feature: Expanded knowledge base query to retrieve encyclopedia articles
We improved the call to the OCLC knowledge base to check for the ISBN in the 799/z. This field is used for both chapters and encyclopedia entries and we will now display View Now links for those items.
Enhanced Feature: Update to genre in OpenURL links
We are identifying genre=dissertation in OpenURL resolver links based on an updated rule set. This change will improve linking to online dissertation resources.
New section for important updates to other services that impact WorldCat Local
This is a new section in our release notes where we will highlight changes to other services that directly impact WorldCat Local.
OCLC Knowledgebase
On August 18, the OCLC Knowledgebase will implement a title matching change for short titles. This is an effort to reduce the numberof incorrect exact title matches between WorldCat records and knowledge base links in the WorldCat Local discovery interface. The matching process isfor items with short or one-word titles. Now, when an identifier (ISSN, ISBN, or OCLC number) match is not found, only titles with more than three words will go through an exact title match. This will display fewer mis-matches and will result in a better user experience.
New content added to WorldCat Local
This is another new section in our release notes where we will highlight new content added to WorldCat Local since the last release. We post these announcementsseparately but will include the highlights here:
As announced on August 13 via the list serv, 49 new databases have been added to the WorldCat Local central index. Please see the announcement or WorldCat Local User Support Center for complete message.
You can enable these databases as search options in the Licensed Content and Databases module of the OCLC Service Configuration site. Please remember that your library must have a valid subscription to these databases in order to enable them.
Please find below and in the attached document the database names, providers, and database ids for reference. Documentation of the complete list of databases and their IDs is available at
American Economic Association Journals from American Economic Association:
Individual collections from Adam Matthew Digital:
China: Culture and Society
Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969
Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969
Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961
Eighteenth Century Journals I
Eighteenth Century Journals II
Eighteenth Century Journals III
Eighteenth Century Journals IV
Eighteenth Century Journals V
Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1929
Foreign Office Files for China, 1949-1956
Foreign Office Files for China, 1957-1966
Foreign Office Files for China, 1967-1980
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1965-1971
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1972-1980
The Nixon Years
Travel Writing, Spectacle, and World History
July 2013 (scheduled for July 25)- Deferred to August 22 install
Enhanced Feature: Adding eBooks held at level 1 to the ‘Full Text’ checkbox
In response to many requests, we are expanding the current Full text articles option under Available online to include eBooks. The additional criteria will be
- eBooks in the WorldCat knowledgebase OR
- eBooks in WorldCat with the library’s holding attached
The label is being changed from Full text articles to Full text.
After install:
Once the limiter is selected, the Article and eBook format facets will be
After install:
Also, you will want to consider turning on the display of Other Electronic Content, on the Brief Results list, under Full Text and Open Access Links in the OCLC Service Configuration Module, to see the View Now links for eBooks.
Enhanced Feature: Remove ‘limit to full text’ checkbox from persistent search box and advanced search
In an effort to streamline the interface, and to ensure your users are getting all relevant results, the ‘limit to full text articles’ checkbox has been removed from the persistent search box and advanced search. This option to limit, with the enhancement of adding eBooks, is under the Available Online section.
The benefit to the user is by limiting post-search they may see other items relevant to their needs, along with the delivery options provided by your library.
After install:
Enhanced Feature: Display changes for handling records from databases displaying 'fake' OCLC number in record
In response to reports from library staff that the detailed record display showing “OCLC Number” for non-WorldCat items is confusing, we have updated the display. We changed the label to “Unique Identifier”.
After install:
Bug Fix - Display Public Note (852$z) from LHRs in Availability Notes
Notes added to the 852$z were not displaying on the detailed record as expected. This fix is to display those notes in the Notes column under Item Availability.
After install:
Bug Fix – Knowledgebase links displaying incorrect link text
Corrected issue that was causing some KB links to display a URL instead of appropriate link text on the detailed record.
After install:
June2013 (completed June 18)
Enhanced Feature: Now support export of “non-Latin” characters from mapped 880 fields.
(Note: This was the functionality that was removed from the May install.)
The 880 field must be mapped in the subfield 6 of the source field, such as the 245, in order to be included in this export.
Enhanced Feature: New interface language – Czech
WCLocal, and,interfaces now offerCzech language option.
May 2013 (scheduled for May 16completed May 28)
Enhanced Feature: Relevancy update.
Libraries now have the ability to switch to an alternative Relevancy algorithm (Relevancy 2) via OCLCService Configuration, the Relevancy & Scopingmodule. The alternative relevancy deemphasizes library holdings in the result set which helps to elevate more relevant items based on the search term matching.
As mentioned in the WorldCat Local User Group Meeting, we are continuing to evaluate this optional relevancy and will likely make other updates. We will announce any updates here. In the meantime, you can try it in your sandbox.