GPO BOX 1448 Darwin NT 0801 AUSTRALIA

TELEPHONE: +61 8 8999 4814

FACSIMILE: +61 8 8999 4524


Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation By-Laws
Please allow 5 working days to process this application.
Name of Applicant / :
Name of Business(include ABN / ACN) if applicable / :
Address of the Applicant (insert business, residential and postal) / :
Telephone/Email / : / Telephone: / Email:
Description of activity / : / Drone use for Recreational film / photography
Location conduct of Trade or Commerce is proposed / : / Garig Gunak Barlu National Park
Specific location / site with the Park / Reserve for proposed activity / :
Details of all people who will be involved in the activity in the Park with the Applicant / :
Permit Commencement Date / :
Permit Expiry Date / :
Name and Phone Number of Emergency Contact / : / Name:Contact #:
CASA Reference / :
Aircraft Details / :
Details of Vehicles or Vessels to be Used / :
Conditions / : / The Permit Holder shall comply with all the terms and conditions which appear on the reverse side of this Permit.


In consideration of the Commission granting to the Applicant a By-law 32 Permit the Applicant hereby agrees as follows:

  1. The Applicantenters the Park/Reserve entirely at his/her own risk and the Commission, the Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board (“the Board”), the Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary Land Trust (“the Land Trust”) and the Conservation Land Corporation (“the Corporation”) accept no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, injury of whatsoever nature to the Applicantor to any other person arising as a result of or in connection with the presence of the Applicanton the Park.
  2. The Applicantshall:

(a)indemnify, and keep indemnified the Board, the Land Trust, the Corporation, the Northern Territory of Australia ("the Territory"), the Commission and its employees and agents against all claims, demands, loss or damage to property or injury to or death to any person arising as a result of or in connection with:

(i)the breach by the Applicantor the neglect or failure of the Permit Holder to observe or perform and fulfil any of the conditions contained herein; or

(ii)the conduct of activity by the Applicantwhile on the Park.

(iii)the presence of the Applicantat the Park.

(b)if so directed by the Commission, reimburse the Commission for any cost of search or rescue incurred by the Commission arising out of or in connection with the conduct of the activity or the presence of the Applicanton the Park.

(c)comply with all regulations or rules made by the Commission and all Statutes, By-laws and Regulations in force in the Northern Territory in respect of the Park.

(d)The Applicantmust contact the relevant Senior Park Ranger prior to engaging in activity.

(e)The Applicantmust ensure filming/photography does not impede visitor access to any areas.

(f)take adequate equipment which shall include a first aid kit, water, food for the safe conduct of the activity.

(g)not drive nor permit to be driven any vehicle within the Park other than on the designated roads or on such other areas as the Senior District Ranger or the Commission may approve.

(h)ensure that nothing is left in the Park which, in the opinion of the Commission, may constitute a fire hazard, health hazard or a danger to persons, plants or animals.

(i)not light any fires nor permit any fires to be lit other than in Commission approved fireplaces or as otherwise approved by the Senior District Ranger.

(j)obey all reasonable directions given by an officer of the Commission.

(k)not do nor permit to be done anything in the Park which is noisome, offensive or a nuisance or annoyance to persons including other permit holders and users of the Park.

(l)the Commission may give the Applicantreasonable directions in relation to any advertising and signs for the Operation which advertising shall be in harmony with the purpose of the Park.

(m)make good any damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever occurring to the Park which results from the activity or the presence of the Permit Holder on the Park, as soon as practicable. If the Permit Holder fails to make good such damage to the satisfaction of the Commission then the Commission may cause to have the damage repaired and may recover the costs of so doing from the Applicant as a debt due to the Commission.

(n)Carrythis Permit at all times while on the Park.

(o)The Applicant must comply with the terms and conditions of the PWCNT – Drones in Parks Policy and the Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, Photography and Filming Guidelines – regardless must provide a copy of the end production to the Commission.

(p)If you wish to fly your drone for any commercial purpose or financial gain you must also obtain a TPWC By-Law 13 Trade and Commerce Permit and notify CASA as this permit does not permit the conduct of trade or commerce within the Park. This includes film and photography.

(q)Special Conditions:

(i)Access only those parts of the Park described by this permit.

(ii)Aboriginal guide:

a)Where an Aboriginal guide is required for tours, the Applicant shall employ, for a minimum of 1 day, an Aboriginal guide, subject to availability.

b)Pursuant to By-law 10(1), Schedule 3 Fees 1 of the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation By-laws pay the Aboriginal guide $400-00 for each day, plus ancillary costs.

c)The Applicant must not enter and must ensure its Employees and Customers do not interfere with any Sacred Site, and will

d)at all times respect and observe all due solemnity in respect of a Sacred Site.

(iii)Where the Applicant or any Employee or Customer enters upon or undertakes any activity which damages a Sacred Site the Applicant must:

a)notify the Commission immediately of the damage, including the identity of the Sacred Site that has been damaged, the nature of the damage and whether steps have been taken by the Applicant to prevent further damage to the Sacred Site; and

b)if the Commission so requests, provide any further information about the damage or the circumstances causing the damage within the timeframe required by the Commission.

If you are from overseas, have you obtained the correct working visa (Subclasses 420 / 423)? / ☐Yes
This acknowledgement is to be completed by the Applicant for the permit, or if the Applicant is a company or other body, by its duly authorised officer.
I/We have read the conditions of this Application and agree to abide by and comply with all the conditions above and any special conditions that the Commission may impose as part of the issued permit. ☐ Agree

SIGNED byDate: / /20

By-Law 32 – Operation Of Aircraft Application / Photography / Filming Application