Submitted By BMES
CONTENT: 4.1The student willa)identify orally and in writing the place value for each digit in a whole number expressed through millions;
b)compare two whole numbers expressed through millions, using symbols (>, <, or = ); and
c)round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.
TOPIC: Number and Number Sense
What do your students need to KNOW? / DEMONSTRATORS
What do your students need to be able to DO? / ASSESSMENT
How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED? / ACTIVITIES
HOW will you teach it?
All students will know:
- Understand the relationships in the place value system in which the value of each place is ten times the value of the place to its right.
- Use the patterns in the place value system to read and write numbers.
- Understand that reading place value correctly is essential when comparing numbers.
- Understand that rounding gives a close number to use when exact numbers are not needed for the situation at hand.
- Develop strategies for rounding.
- Identify and communicate, both orally and in written form, the placed value for each digit in whole numbers expressed through the one millions place.
- Read whole numbers through the one millions place that are presented in standard format, and select the matching number in written format.
- Write whole numbers through the one millions place in standard format when the numbers are presented orally or in written format.
- Identify and use the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to.
- Compare two whole numbers expressed through the one millions, using symbols >, <, or =.
- Round whole numbers expressed through the one millions place to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred-thousand place.
*Teacher Observation using place value flip charts to check for understanding
See attachment for more rigorous assessments (answer key)
- Partner check
- Teacher check
*Using place Value Flip Charts, students create numbers given by the teacher and then order them as a small group. Numbers can also be rounded to a specific place value as instructed
*Students will practice writing numbers in different forms; order the numbers and then round according to teacher direction
*Make number cards 0 – 9 out of index cards and give to groups of four. Have the students make a number the teacher gives and then have the students round the number (on paper). Write the numbers on the board and have students order the numbers on paper
How will you meet the needs of all students? / RESOURCES / TEACHER NOTES:
Specific partnering
Reducing number of problems
Additional enrichment activities / *See attachment for place value challenge activities
*See attachment for answer key
*Refer to web site for additional activities
*Harcourt Math TE pp1-9;20-27;30-37
*Place Value flip charts (Lakeshore) / *See attachment for place value challenge activities
*See attachment for answer key
*Refer to web site for additional activities