Kansas DisciplesWomen

Blessing Box Calendar

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 .25 because it is NEW YEAR’SDAY! / 2 .10 if the sun shinestoday / 3 .10 if someone in your family has a Januarybirthday / 4 .05 if there is any snow on the ground / 5 .02 for each family photo in your home
6 ..05 for each of the Wise Men / 7 .05 for each res- olution that you kept for the first week of the new year. / 8 .01 for each window inyour home / 9 .05 if you have something that
belonged to your grandmother / 10 .04 if you were encouraged by someonetoday / 11 .03 for each piece of mailyou receivedtoday / 12 .03 for each pair of jeans in your closet
13 .04 for each person yougreeted at churchtoday / 14 .05 if you will honor Martin Luther King this month / 15 .25 if you heard from someone to- day that was a completesurprise / 16 .02 for each plant in yourhouse / 17 .02 for each pic- ture of George Washington in yourwallet / 18 .05 if you have gone to themovies thismonth / 19 .15 if have you read the new Just WomenBible Study
20 .15 if your churchcelebrated Laity Sunday this month / 21 .11 because you have 11 months to doyour Christmas shop- ping / 22 .10 if your church has a
Blanket Sunday during the year / 23 .10 if the out- side temperature has reached 50any time thismonth / 24 .08 if you own a pair of warmboots / 25 .10 if you have used a crockpotto make soup this month / 26 .25 if you eat outtoday
27 .03 for each phone call you maketoday / 28 .02 for each inch of snowthat fell thismonth / 29 .10 if you are headed south to a warmer climate this winter / 30 .14 if you have a warm, cozy robe in your closet / 31 .25 just because the first month of the year is over!

Kansas DisciplesWomen

Blessing Box Calendar

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 .25 to your Blessing Box because God’s grace is free / 2 .25 if the groundhog did not see his shadow today
.05 if he did
3 .05 if you are hosting or going to a Super Bowl party today
.50 if your team wins! / 4 .05 if you are currently reading a book / 5 .10 if you kept your 2018 New Year’s resolutions / 6 .01 if your church had Souper Sunday this year
.10 if you brought soup and crackers / 6 .05 if you have a warm sweater
.10 if you wore it today / 8 .10 if your church has a children’s choir / 9 .25 if you are an elder or diaconate at your church
10 .25 if you were blessed through worship today / 11 .01 for every Valentine card you received / 12 .01 for each $1 you gave to Week of Compassion today / 13 .10 if the outside temperature does not dip below 20 today / 14 .01 for every blanket in your house, even throws / 15 .10 if you built a snowman this month or had a snowball fight / 16 .07 for each Bible in your house
.17 if you read at least one Bible everyday
17 .25 if your church supports Week of Compassion / 18.05 if you shopped on President’s Day
.10 if you stayed home / 19 .05 if anyone at your house watched a basketball game this week / 20 .10 if you made chili or soup this month
YUMMY! / 21 .03 for each kind of different fruit in your kitchen / 22 .02 for each telephone in your house (landline or cell) / 23 .20 if it did not snow this month
24 .01 for every prayer you prayed today / 25 .02 for each inch of snowthat fell thismonth / 26 .16 because another winter month is over / 27 .16 because spring is coming soon. / 28 .18 because you have friends

Kansas DisciplesWomen

Blessing Box Calendar

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 .05 if the NEWS BYTES areshared in yourDWF/CWF / 2 .05 if you recycle plastic, paper or aluminum cans
3 .25 if your church Youth participated in Youth Sunday this year / 4 .05 if you drove more than50 miles from home lastmonth / 5 .07 if you read the KSMessenger when itarrives / 6 .25 if you plan to attend Ash Wednesday services tonight / 7 .05 if you had a good night ‘ssleep / 8 .01 for each
minute you exercised today / 9 .10 if you see trees beginningto bud
10 .10 if you shook hands with the pastortoday / 11 .25 because you know theGood News / 12 .05 for every pair of shoes in your closet, yours andhis! / 13 .03 for each phone inyour
home / 14 .05 if you have a computer, laptop or other digital device / 15. 05 if you planto attend one of the KDW SpiritFests this spring / 16 .25 if you plan to visit friends or family this year
17 .10 if you are Irish!
.25 if you are not! / 18 .01 for each $1 that you plan to give to the Easter Offering / 19 .10 if you have been attendingany LentenServices / 20.25 if you are helping youth from your church attend church camp this summerthat has bloomed in youryard / 21“Spring has Sprung”—.03for each crocus in your yard / 22 .10 for each door in your house .01 for each window / 23 .10 if March is your birthday month
24 .10 if you heard a good sermon today
31 .05 if March is going out like a lamb .10 like a lion / 25 .10 for all answeredprayers / 26 .05 if you have started your spring cleaning yet / 27 .10 if your lawn needs mowing / 28 .25 for every tree in your yard / 29 .10 for special blessings that surprise us every day / 30 .10 if you read your Bible today

Kansas DisciplesWomen

Blessing Box Calendar

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 .10 just because God lovesyou / 2 .15 for the blessing of spring-like weather / 3 .10 if your church has a fellowship dinner this month / 4 .10 if you are attending a KDW Spirit Fest this month / 5. .04 if you did devotions today / 6.05 if you exercised today
7 .03 for each blooming plant in your yard / 8 .05 if you called a friend today / 9 .6 if there are “April Showers”today / 10. .05 if you have received a graduation invitation for 2019 / 11 If your church is promoting church camp / 12 .05 if you have planted any flow- ers or vegetables thisspring / 13 .05 if your income taxes are ready to be filed today
.50 if they are not!
14. 25 if your church choir presents an Easter Cantata this year / 15.25 Income Tax Day, hope yours are filed / 16.10 if this is your birthday month / 17.02 for each piece of junk mail you receivedtoday / 18 .10 if your church held Maundy Thursday services today / 19 30 .10 if you attended Good Friday services today / 21 .10 if you are feeding the birds even thoughspring ishere
21 .50 if your churchcelebrated Easter with a sun- riseservice / 22 .05 for each newspaperyou readtoday / 23 .02 for each card or letter you sent this month / 24.03 if your spring cleaning is done
.13 if it isn’t / 25 03 for each “Easter Egg” that you made intoegg salad thisweek / 26 .05 if you have not turned on you airconditioning / 27 .15 if your recycle bin is larger than your trash bin
28 .06 for each Sunday School class at your church / 29 .02 if you know in your heart that God loves you / 30 .02 for each inch of rain received thismonth