Equality & Diversity Statement
Resolve is committed to preserving the fair and appropriate treatment of all people we come into contact with through all aspects of our service, by treating all people with dignity and respect at all times.In our work and through our group and therapy sessions the views of clients and staff are welcome provided those views do not offend. If you think it might offend - do not say it.
Resolve will not tolerate any deviation from this policy and state through our Equality policy that these ideals run throughout the entire organisation in our behaviour and attitudes.
Dignity and Respect.
Our service is confidential
Resolve services are confidential. Any information regarding service users are held in secure files that may only be accessed by designated Resolve staff. We will not discuss your attendance or your treatment with anyone without your written consent.
As a service Resolve is obliged to share information with relevant agencies if we are concerned that there is a risk to the service user or others.
/ Resolve offers Support around drug and alcohol related problems
Resolve accepts referrals from individuals concerning their own drug/alcohol use, from their family and friends or from other professionals who may be involved in their care e.g. GPs; Social Services, Housing providers, hospital wards or Accident and Emergency. Referrals may be made by letter, email, telephone, or by filling in the attached form and returning it to us.
The assessment process enables us to gather information about an individual’s needs so that we can provide appropriate advice and treatment.
Individual Support
All people accessing Resolve services will be supported by Key Workers whether they are suffering alcohol/substance misuse issues or are a family member seeking support.
Onward Referral
It may be that for some people, other agencies could be better placed to meet their needs.In such circumstances Resolve assists and supports people in accessing other services as deemed appropriate.
/ Referral Form
Reason for referral
Referral From (Agency)
Referrer Contact details
Date of Referral
Any further information that may be useful to RESOLVE