On-Line Shopping
Electronic Ordering
WinCap Online Shopping & Electronic Ordering – November 2012
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Copyright@2012Capital Computer Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved
WinCapOn-Line Shopping & Electronic Ordering
On-Line Shopping & Electronic Ordering is theWinCap requisition process that allows users to directly link to vendor web-based orderingthroughWinCap PO Maintenance or Web Reqs. The user is taken to the vendor’s website and is seamlessly logged in using the district’s pertinent account information. After browsing and selecting the desired items on the website, the vendor instruction to “checkout” will copy the items from their shopping cart into the WinCap requisition or Web Req. A‘Shopping Cart loaded’ page indicatesthat the items are now available. Move the requisition through the same approval process as for any other WinCappending purchase order. These orders are designated as electronic orders (e-orders) which simply means;once issued they are electronically transmitted to the vendor via the web when the district chooses to “print” the original order.
Note: Online Shopping requires the Requisitioner table. This must be implemented prior to activating this module.
The district is responsible for contacting your local vendor representative. The rep usually contacts the vendor e-commerce group to generate the district identity login information used to access the website through WinCap. The e-Commerce group also works to tailor the vendor catalog(s) that must be available for activation of the module.
The vendor may need the Ship-to Codes found in the WinCap system. The user is able to download the report to an Excel spreadsheet that can be emailed to the vendor.
Follow the path below:
When entering the criteria, Sort By: Code as shown below. In addition, create the Where clause as shown. This will allow only the Ship-to addresses to be selected. After the selection criteria are entered, click on the Excel icon at the bottom of the window and Save the file to a network drive.
Define/Update Bid or Catalog Maintenance
The e-order procedure begins by adding a Bid/Catalog on the Bid/Catalog Maintenance form. The Bid Type must be ‘Online Bid Catalog’ or ‘Online Non-Bid Catalog’ to display the information needed for the process. When the correct Bid Type is selected, the Website, User Name and Password display. An individual Bidmust be created for each vendor web-based catalog that the district uses. The effective date and the expiration date are used to control access to the bid by the district’susers.The ‘Allow Shipping Override’ field determines if shipping charges per line item areallowed.
The Online Bid Catalog and the Online Non-Bid Catalog distinguishes where the totals are stored within the Vendor FY Totals tab. In the Bid/Non Bid column, the Online Bid Catalog adds to the totals for ‘B’. The Online Non-Bid Catalog adds to the totals for ‘N’.
Purchase Order Maintenance
Enter the Requisitioner, Requestor and other PO Tables. When an online catalog is referenced in the Catalog/Bid Reference field withinPurchase Order Maintenance, a shopping cart icon will appear on the form.
Clicking on this icon takes the user to the vendor’s website specified in Catalog/Bid Maintenance. The Identityprovided by the vendor and entered into the Online Bid allows the user to log into the correct website with the correct catalog and pricing.
In the example above, the user is taken to the Staples website where items are selected to be brought into the Line Items tab on this Purchase Requisition.
Each vendor has a slightly different process once the user is logged into their website. The websites appear exactly the same inWinCap as they would if accessing them directly through the internet.
Any items selected at the website are placed in a shopping cart until the user is ready to checkout.
When the order is complete, select the ‘Checkout’ option. Each website may have a slightly different procedure to end the order process. When the option is selected, the procedure will return to WinCapautomatically.
The following dialogbox displays the Shopping Cart information which indicates that the items are downloaded to WinCapfor the normal approval process. This page is strictly informational and may be printed orclosed at anytime.
Since the WinCap approval process is exactly the same for E-Orders, all additional information must be added before the E-Order is issued.
The user can return to the WinCap requisition form where they initiated the on-line shopping session. The items they selected from the vendor’s website appear on the line-items tab.
From the WinCap Line Items tab;items can be deleted, as needed. If a quantity must be changed, the line must be deleted and re-entered by returning to the website to reselect the correct item and quantity. If items need to be added, click on the shopping cart icon and return to the website to addthose items. These additional items are added to the same WinCaprequisition when the checkout is completed. A different cart number appears for items selected during different logins.
The Original Transmit Type for orders downloaded from vendor web catalogs defaults as ‘E-Order’ on the PO Text tab within a PO Requisition. It’s important that this transmit type is not altered. There is user security allowing a change to the transmit type and very few users should have the security to make that change.
The Original Transmit Type of E-Order is displayed and must be selected with the other transmittypes available for each site. When Original or all copies is selected as the Copy Type for an E-Order, the system will prepare an electronic order file and transmit it through the web to the appropriate vendor web “address”. When the E-Order is accepted by the vendor website, the order shows Issued-Printed.
Note: When printing the Original of an E-Order, do not select Print Preview. The user is able to Print Preview a copy but not the Original.
When printing the PO copies, the user has the opportunity to print all of the detail required by the vendor or only the WinCap appropriate information.
In the example below, Suppress Line Item Additional text for printed E-Orders is not selected. Therefore, the vendor specific information prints.
In this example below, Suppress Line Item Additional text for printed E-Orders is selected and only the user site information prints.
Although the Original of the E-Order doesn’t print, the user does receive a Summary of Emailed and Electronically Transmitted Purchase Orders. It is very important to look at this report to determine if the order was actually accepted by the vendor website. The Status must say Sent and not Failed. If the Status is Failedthe order was not accepted by the vendor site and won’t be shipped. It is necessary to determine why the order wasn’t accepted by the vendor site. Accounting Support can assist in this determination.
In addition, the PO should indicate Open-Printed. Any other status also indicates the vendor site rejected the order.
WinCap Online Shopping & Electronic Ordering – November 2012
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Copyright@2012Capital Computer Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved