Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at the Village Hall, Tibberton, at 7:19pm on Thursday 24th May 2018.
Present:Cllr J Berry (Chairman)
Councillors: N Eyles, C Hames, L Hilton, K Rowsonand
Clerk: J Major
18/00Election of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Parish Council
Cllrs Berry (Chair) and Eyles (Vice Chair) signified their willingness to continue in their posts. They were proposed by Cllr Fawcett, seconded by Cllr Hames and agreed.
18/01Apologies and Declarations of Interest
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Belcher. Cllr Burrell had advised he would be late and would join the meeting as soon as possible.
18/02Audit Committee
The Clerk advised that the existing members, Cllrs Rowson (Chair), Fawcett, Eyles and Hilton of the Audit Committee had signified their willingness to continue in their posts. They were proposed by Cllr Hames, seconded by Cllr Berry and agreed.
a)To consider for adoption the draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, Thursday, 5th April 2018. Adoption was proposed by Cllr Hames, Seconded by Cllr Fawcett and agreed.
b)17/49 (e):The Clerk confirmed that TWC had accepted the Parish Council’s suggestion of naming the street (for the development underway on the corner of Back Lane and Plantation Road, SNN/2017/0015) of Marl Grove.
17/50: The Clerk advised he had spoken with the engineer responsible for Mill Lane and Caynton Mill bridges: Monitoring of Mill Lane bridge continues. No noticeable change has been identified. Some minor works will be carried out during a forthcoming [diving] inspection. Cllr Eyles said that he had seen some movement on the bridge, particularly when heavy farm vehicles were driving over it. Concern was expressed that this heavy traffic will be markedly increased over the coming weeks and months. Cllr Eyles said he would obtain photographic evidence to be sent, together with our expression of concern, to the appropriate official. With regard to Caynton Mill bridge – the necessary works have now been scheduled to take place immediately following road widening works by Harper Adams University due to start on 24 June. It will be necessary to close the road completely during the work – which should be completed by the end of the year.
17/56 (i): Cllr Eyles advised the Speed Indicator Device would be in place in the coming week.
17/56 (ii): The Clerk was asked to obtain latest details of the TWC dog mess project and pass these on to Cllrs Hilton and Eyles.
18/04Neighbourhood Watch Report.
The Chairman reiterated his welcome to Nick Greenall and Nick Carter to the meeting in their capacity as joint Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators. Nick Greenall added his vote of thanks to Roger Telford for his past work and assistance during the hand over. He then submitted their report, (Annex O) and a completed draft survey on local policing for the Council’s approval.
Cllr Berry asked if detailed information of “activity in the Parish could be circulated on a regular/as it occurs basis.
The draft survey had been circulated to Councillors and was approved.
Cllr Hames agreed to provide details of appropriate sites in Cherrington for Neighbourhood Watch signage.
The Clerk advised he would explore the possibility of adding a designated Neighbourhood Watch page/section to the Council’s website.
a)Finance report. The Clerk advised that at the start of the financial year (1st April) the Council’s reserves were £6,452. Of this, £500 is a Reserve for replacement of the Parish’s IT equipment; and £1250 is a Reserve for initial costs relating to the Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The remaining £4,702is in an unspecified General Reserve, although it will be a potential source to satisfy further Neighbourhood Plan expenditure.
The Council’s budget for 2018/19 was agreed at the Parish Council meeting 25 January (17/37 (a)) and set at £4,936. The precept for the year has been set to exactly match fund this expenditure.
b)Adoption of the Annual Accounts 2017/18 (Annex A) was proposed by Cllr Hames, seconded by Cllr Berry and agreed.
c)Internal Audit: Cllr Rowson advised that the Council must specifically consider/review our internal audit procedures.
He advised:
• The Audit Committee first developed and established a programme to examine and monitor the Council’s books and processes in 2016/17.
• The Committee reviewed and enhanced our systems during the last financial year, 2017/18 and now, at approximately 4 monthly intervals, we carry out a comprehensive examination. Each examination is undertaken by [three] different members of the Committee.
• The results and workings of these checks are presented in (Annex B).
• As a Committee, we consider we have strong and robust procedures in place, although we will keep them under review.
• The report from our internal auditor clearly supports this and I therefore propose that the Council agrees that we have effective procedures in place we can confidently rely on; and that we receive and note the annual internal audit report 2017/18(Annex C).
This was seconded by Cllr Hames and agreed
d)The Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 had been circulatedpreviously (Annex D).Cllr Rowson proposed the Council approve the statement; this was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
e)The Accounting Statements for 2017/18 had been circulated previously (Annex E).Cllr Rowson proposed the Council approve the statements; this was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
f)To confirm the Parish Council wishes to certify ourselves as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. (ANNEX F).
Cllr Rowson proposed the Parish Council certify as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. This was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
g)Standing Orders: To adopt the revised Standing Orders (Annex G).
Cllr Rowson advised:
• Our current Standing Orders were written many years ago
• In April, NALC, our national association, provided an updated template for Parish Councils.
• The Audit Committee has reviewed the template and customised it for our own purposes.
Cllr Rowson proposed the Council approve the revised Standing Orders; this was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
h)Asset Register: To adopt the revised Asset Register (Annex H).
Cllr Rowson advised:
• This has been updated to include the purchase of the Speed Indicator Device
• It has been presented to and registered with our insurance broker, who advises that the sums insured under our existing policy are sufficient and therefore no change to the premium will apply.
Cllr Rowson proposed the Council approve the revised Asset Register; this was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
i)To confirm the Clerk’s annual salary.
£2,040, effective from 1st April 2018.The salary to be paid in quarterly amounts of £510.
Cllr Rowson advised that this increase in the Clerk’s salary is in line with the revised pay scales agreed last month (April) by NALC and the employers. This had been considered and approved by the Audit Committee at our meeting 11 January – and agreed, in principle by the Council on 25 January.
He also asked the Council to give a vote of thanks to the Clerk for his work throughout the year, in particular over these last few months in compiling the annual accounts and the putting in place all the necessary protections relating to the new GDPR requirements.
Cllr Rowson proposed the Council approve the Clerk’s salary; this was seconded by Cllr Eyles and agreed.
j)Councillors resolvednot to introduce an annual allowance
k)The following items for payment were proposed by Cllr Eyles; seconded by Cllr Fawcett and agreed.
i)Tibberton Village Hall Trust for Hire of hall£ 108.00
ii)John Major: Office expenses: (Stamps, £6.72;
Printer Ink £5.95; Clerk’s mileage, 36 miles to Shirehall
@ 40pence per mile, £14.40£ 27.07
iii)Smith of Derby (Church clock maintenance)£ 261.60
iv)Vision ICT: Page addition (GDPR) to web site£ 60.00
v)Came & Co (Annual insurance premium)£ 285.60
vi)Katrina Baker (Internal Auditor fee)£ 30.00
vii)The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC)£ 59.00
l)The following items for Donations/Grants were proposed by Cllr Eyles; seconded by Cllr Fawcett and agreed.
- Neighbourhood Watch£ 80.00
- Newport Cottage Care Centre£ 100.00
- Severn Hospice£ 100.00
- Tibberton Church Council£ 200.00
- West Mercia Police (grant for local rugby project)£ 100.00
- Telford & Wrekin Council
(grant for Crucial Crew project)£ 125.00
m)Borough Councilor’s pride Fund:Following discussion is was agreed that Cllr Fawcett would produce a list of possible works/improvements in the Parish – together, as far as possible with costings - as possible bids for these funds, to be considered at the next meeting.
a)New applications for consideration
- TWC/2018/0336: Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garage and access on land corner of, Back Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton.
Discussion on this item was deferred until later in the meeting.
- TWC/2018/0361: Erection of 6 dwellings with associated detached garages and accesses on land South of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton.
Following discussion, Cllr Eyles proposed the Council comment on this application in the following terms:
While we do not welcome further development of this area, we appreciate the way in which the applicant has approached the overall design of the properties. We would ask that the planning officer stipulates that the materials used (mainly roofing and brickwork) be in muted colours – in keeping with the established Duke of Sutherland houses in the village.
This was seconded by Cllr Rowson and agreed.
- TWC/2018/0420: Application under S191 for a Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use as a dwelling house for The Bungalow, 17A Cherrington.
The Clerk was instructed to obtain further details of this application from TWC panning officer, with regard to residence(s) for agricultural workers on this site.
- TWC/2018/0049: AMENDED PLANS for the Reserve matters application for the erection of one [of two Outline approved] properties on the site of Honey House, Tibberton.
Cllr Eyles agreed to review this application, clarify the changes being made and circulate details to Councillors for their further consideration.
b)Application considered by email since previous meeting.
- TWC/2018/0302: Conversion of former agricultural buildings to 1 dwelling and associated works to the barn adjacent The Old Coach House, Tibberton.
- Cllr Eyles proposed the Council confirm its decision to make No objection to this application. This was seconded by Cllr Rowson and agreed.
- TWC/2018/0166: Reserved matters application for the erection of 1 detached dwelling with detached double garage, including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale on the site of 72 Back Lane, Tibberton.
- Cllr Eyles proposed the Council confirm its decision to objection to this application, primarily on size of the main house and positioning of the garage. This was seconded by Cllr Rowson and agreed.
c)The Council noted the following applications decided since the previous Council meeting
- TWC/2018/0148: Erection of an external staircase and installation of a door at first floor level at The Cottage, Cherrington Road, Tibberton has had a decision made. It was ‘Full Granted’.
- TWC/2018/0255: Installation of 2 dormer windows and 2 roof lights to the front elevation of Holly House, Mill Lane, Tibbertonhas had a decision made. It was ‘Full Granted’.
- TWC/2018/0237: Erection of 1 dwelling on the site of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibbertonhas had a decision made. It was ‘Full Refused’.
d)The Council noted the following Notification of appeal
TWC/2017/0606: Appeal against the decision of Full Refusal of the application for the erection of 1 dwelling with detached garage on land South East of Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton.
e)ParishNeighbourhood Plan
Cllr Eyles advised that work commitments had resulted in him being unable to have made progress on the Plan to the extent he had hoped. He will shortly be calling a meeting of the Steering Group to initiate the necessary next steps with TWC.
18/07General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): The Clerk had previously circulated his report on the implications of this new legislation for the Council and the necessary paperwork to ensure the Council is compliant with the regulations. Following discussion, Clr Rowson proposed the following:
- The Council endorses the GDPR Action Plan (Annex I)
- The Council adopts and approves:
- Personal Data Management Policy and Audit Log
(Annex J)
- General Privacy Notice (Annex K)
- Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice (Annex L)
- Privacy Policy (Annex M)
- Subject Access Policy (Annex N)
- The Council appoints the Clerk as the Data Protection Compliance Officer.
This was seconded by Cllr Hames and agreed.
Cllr Burrell joined the meeting at 8:55.
a)New applications for consideration
- Resumed discussion on TWC/2018/0336: Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garage and access on land corner of, Back Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton.
Following discussion, Cllr Eyles proposed the Council object to this application in the following terms:
The Parish Council maintains its objection to any development on this site, but accepts that outline planning permission for one dwelling has been approved.
We acknowledge and, indeed, welcome, the proposal that access will now not be from/onto Plantation Road. We would look to the planning officer to ensure that – irrespective of any further debate or changes that might occur to this application – access from Plantation Road is not reconsidered.
We cannot accept, however, the proposal to build two properties on this land. HO 10 does allow for “limited infill” but we contend that to squeeze two dwellings onto this plot falls foul of any reasonable interpretation of “limited infill”. We call on the planning officer to reject the proposal and ask the applicant to resubmit plans to build the one property for which Outline approval was granted.
If the planning officer is not mindful to accept this objection, we would want the application considered by Planning Committee.
This was seconded by Cllr Rowson and agreed.
18/08Cllr Rowson proposed the following dates of Parish Council meetings for 2018/19:
- Thursday, 19 July; Thursday, 27 September; Thursday, 29 November
- Thursday 31 January; Thursday 21 March; Thursday 23 May
This was seconded by Cllr Hames and agreed.
18/09Any other business
The Clerk advised that the Village Shop had awarded the Council a grant of £156, in respect of the costs for maintaining the defibrillator. The cheque will be presented on 9 June at 11:00 outside the shop. It was agreed that Cllr Rowson should accept the cheque on behalf of the Council.
18/10Date of next meeting, Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 7pm in the Village Hall
The meeting closed at 9:15pm
John Major Parish Clerk