Pinocchio is coming to NHE in 2018!!!
Join us for a treasured tradition at NHE—the PTA School Play! We are thrilled to have Terence and Angela Kelley return as our professional directors/choreographers. We will proudly be presenting the timeless classic, Pinocchio, with several creative twists thoughtfully added to the script by our talented directors. This will allow ALL students in the play an opportunity to shine.Second through fifth grade students will be able to participate andregistration packets will be available on January 15th.
Note: Only 3rd-5th graders will attend an audition. If your child is in second grade, he/she will be assigned to a fun group part. One of the best parts of our play is that all students who register/audition will be given a part.
We need a few volunteers for our audition day which will take place onMonday, January 22nd. It is a short time commitment (2:10-2:45 for the majority of help). We need helpers to facilitate getting each student who is attending the audition his/her audition number. (All materials are provided.) We also need some helpers to manage the traffic flow of all the students attending the audition. Click HERE to volunteer for cast auditions. As many of you know, we rely on lots of volunteers to make this play possible. In fact, volunteering in some capacity is a requirement if your child would like to participate in the play.Thanks in advance for your support!! Here are volunteer opportunities we have right now: Pinocchio 2018
Pinocchio Timeline of Events:
- Monday, January 15th-Registration packets will be available in the office for
3rd-5th grade students. Sign-up forms will be sent home with 2nd grade students.
All forms will be available to download from nhe-pta.orgon this date.
- Thursday, January 18th-School Play Information Night, 7 to 8pm in the NHE
(Come and meet the directors, hear about this year’s play, and get your questions answered.)
- Friday, January 19th-Registration Due!
- Monday, January 22nd-Cast Auditions from 2:30-5:00 (3rd, 4th, and 5th grades)
- Tuesday, January 23rd-Backstage & Tech Crew Auditions from 2:30-3:30 (4th & 5th grades ONLY)
- Thursday, January 25th and/or Friday, January 26th-Cast announcements emailed out
- Friday, January 26th -TBA (Some students may be called to do an initial read through of the script.You will be emailed Thursday if this applies to your child.)
- Tuesday, January 30th-Rehearsals Begin! There is not a set schedule and the days your child rehearses may vary. However, if your child wants to be a part of the play, he/she will need to be available for the following times: **M, T, Th, Fri 2:30 to 4:30 and Wed 12:10 to 2:30**
Specific schedules for each cast member/group TBA on a week to week basis.
- Friday, March 16th and/or Monday, March 19th-Tech Day (All tech/backstage cast members will do a run through of the technical components of the play. These days are non-school days so times are still TBA. If your child is interested in doing tech/backstage, he/she MUST be able to attend this important day.)
- Wednesday, March 21st-Dress Rehearsal (12:10-4:30-may run later)
- Thursday, March 22ndand Friday, March 23rd-Evening Performances, 7:00pm
Questions, please email Kristi Knobloch