Mrs. Wright’s Weekly News
September 17-21, 2012
A Peek at the WeekTheme: All About Me (5 senses)
Literature: non-fiction big books
Fundations Focus: Cc, Aa
Math Focus: model/count/write 0-5, ways to make 5, and ordering to 5
Color Word: green / Stations
Blue – I Can (little book)
Red – making sets of 3, 4, 5 using dot markers
Green – Starfall ABC’s program
Orange – finger painting with shaving cream
Yellow – practice writing letter Tt correctly
Language Arts
We will read several non-fiction big books as we begin to learn about the 5 senses. Students will that non-fiction books help us learn and find out about things. In Fundations, we will introduce the letters Cc and Aa. Students will learn that Aa is a “vowel” and vowels are important because all words have a vowel. Students are learning to write the letters with correct letter formation. Many children are starting their letters at the bottom…this is a habit we want to break. Please encourage your child to “start at the top”. / Homework
1. Fast Start Poem – Please see the attached paper and complete the activities with your child. Sign and return when complete.
2. Math Lessons 1.6, 1.7, 1.10- please do the assigned pages in the workbook that went home on parent night. Directions are at the bottom of each page. When all pages are done, please tear out, staple and return to school. Don’t worry that we are skipping a few!
Due: Mon. Sept. 24th - (it may be turned in early!)
We continue with Chapter 1 in our Go Math lessons. This week, students will learn different ways to make 5 (2 red and 3 yellow), ordering #’s to 5, and about the number 0. We will have our first math test this Friday. I will be reading the test aloud and helping the children follow along. / Star Student
Coming soon! Star Student schedule will be coming home later this week! Please watch for it! / Important Information/Dates
· It was great to see everyone at Open House.
· Library books are due every Wednesday!
· If you are interested in becoming a room parent, please be sure to attend the PTO meeting tomorrow night!
Upcoming Dates
· Tues. 9/18 - Wilcox PTO meeting (7:00pm)
· Fri. 9/21 – Team Spirit Day (dress to support your favorite team!)
· Fri. 10/12 – NO SCHOOL
· Tues. 10/16 and Thurs. 10/18 – Conferences (please contact me if you need to sign up)
Pop-Up Words
These are sight words that POP-UP in our reading and writing. Many of these words are “trick words” or words that cannot be sounded out. Therefore, students need to learn to recognize these words by sight. Each week, I encourage you to write or have your child write each word on an index card. This set of homemade flash cards can be used for practice at home or when you’re on the go. If your child needs more of a challenge, see if he/she child can spell and/or write these words without a model! J
name / red / I / the
a / blue / yellow / like
green / can