Table S3. Environmental preferences assumed for diatom taxa identified from sand and peat in core at Kiritappu site (Fig. 3b, d). *, dominant species in core samples

Taxon / Reported habitat / Reference for modern habitat
Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis Ehrengberg / Outer bay; planktonic / Kosugi (1989)
Thalassionema nitzschioides (Brunow) H. & M. Peragallo / Outer bay; planktonic / Kosugi (1989)
*Paralia sulcata (Ehrengberg) Cleve / Inner bay; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ehrengberg) Cleve / Inner bay; planktonic / Kosugi (1989)
Thalassiosira gravida Cleve / Inner bay; planktonic / Kosugi (1989)
Thalassiosira spp. / Inner bay; planktonic / Kosugi (1989)
Cocconies scutellum Ehrengberg / Salt water with aquatic plants; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
*Delphineis surirella (Ehrengberg) Andrews / Salt-water sand flat; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Opephora martyi Heibeg / Salt-water sand flat; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Navicula alpha Cleve / Brackish-water sand flat; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Navicula marina Ralfs / Salt-water mud flat; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Pseudopodosira kosugii Tanimura and Sato / Brackish-water mud flat; benthic / Kosugi (1989)
*Eunotia spp. / Freshwater, benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Cocconies placentula (Ehrengberg) / Freshwater, benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Diploneis ovalis (Hilse) Cleve / Freshwater, benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Meridion circulare Agardh / Freshwater, benthic / Kosugi (1989)
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrengberg) Simonsen s.l. / Freshwater, blanktonic / Kosugi (1989), Ando (1990)
Navicula cf. N. contenta / Probably on land
*Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrengberg) Grunow / Land / Ando (1990)
Navicula mutica Kuetzing / Land / Ando (1990)
*Pinnularia borealis Ehrengberg / Land / Ando (1990)


Ando, K. Environmental indicators based on freshwater diatom assemblages and its application to reconstruction of paleo-environments. Ann. Tohoku Geogr. Assoc. 42, 89-104 (1990) [in Japanese with English abstract].

Kosugi, M. Classification of living diatom assemblages as the indicator of environments, and its application to reconstruction of paleoenvironments. Daiyonki-kenkyū (The Quaternary Research) 27, 1-20 [in Japanese with English abstract].