Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (GATE)
Job Title:Advocacy Worker
Area of work:Leeds/West Yorkshire
Accountable to: Director (Chief Executive Officer)
Report to:Health AdvocacyManager
Salary:Sc6 £22’221
Hrs:35hrs per week
Contract:6 month
Job Summary
To provide a reliable and confidential advocacy service which provides information, signposting and support to Gypsy and Traveller individuals and their families in the Leeds area.To represent the interests of the Gypsy and Traveller communities, highlighting needs and barriers identified to agencies and service providers. To work with agencies and service providersto ensure that services are increasingly accessible and inclusive.
To identify and develop opportunities and activities which promote empowerment, engagement and independence, individually and across the communities.
- To provide an advocacy service that provides intensive support/casework to targeted families or individuals to meet identified need; and as a way of raising concerns or improving the practice of service providers.
- To promote the service through making contact with families living on permanent or temporary sites, on the road-side as well as with Gypsies and Travellers living in houses
- To provide a service which is accessible to all Gypsies and Travellers by providing weekly drop in advocacy sessions across the city at agreed venues and times.
- To provide a service which advocates on behalf of individual Gypsies and Travellers with service providers and other key agencies using appropriate means of communication
- To identify key issues affecting particular groups of Gypsies and Travellers and to work with community representatives to highlight their concerns with service providers and to negotiate for improved services.
- To develop and maintain networks with service providers and managers statutory, voluntary and community organisations as appropriate for the development of the health advocacy service.
- To contribute to and represent the interests of Gypsies and Travellers on related working groups or forums to ensure the particular needs of the communities are considered and included in new policies, strategies, new initiatives as well as action plans such as the Race Equality Scheme.
- To keep informed, and engage with as agreed by line manager, of local, regional and national developments and initiatives that may have an impact on service provision for Gypsies and Travellers.
- To work with other GATE and agencies staff on projects which promote community and individual development opportunities and promote opportunities for engagement between communities.
- Contribute to the development of the organisation in conjunction with community members, Leeds GATE staff and partner agencies ensuring that the service meets the needs and aspirations of Gypsies and Travellers who live in, or resort to, Leeds.
- To maintain agreed written records of all work carried out for monitoring and evaluation purposes, and to contribute to the development and review of the advocacy project.
- To produce written and verbal reports on the project reflecting outcomes and outputs as maybe required by the funder or the Director of GATE.
- To adhere to the personnel, financial and other policies and procedures of GATE
- To participate in supervision, training and appraisal as agreed with the Director
- To be responsible for one’s own health and safety at all times taking a common sense approach to new situations
- The post holder may be asked to re-organise their work in order to help GATE respond to changes in type or extent of identified need. This would be done in ways consistent with the purposes of the post and in consultation with the post-holder.
- To promote positive images of people from the Gypsy / Traveller communities and adhere to the values of GATE in all activities
- Represent Leeds GATE, its members and clients, in a positive and professional manner at all times.
Person Specification / Application form/interview (AF/I)
Experience of community work, advocacy, advice provision or similar / AF
Experience or working with a range of different agencies and service providers ie housing, benefits, complainant aid, health, legal services / AF
Experience of recording information and case management / AF/I
knowledge and understanding
Practical knowledge of issues relevant to ethnic minorities or other excluded groups / I
Knowledge of legislation and policy which impacts on Gypsies and Irish Travellers / I
Knowledge of the needs and aspirations of Gypsies and Irish Travellers / I
Awareness of relevant services and agencies in Leeds
Qualifications or training
NVQ level 4 or equivalent in relevant professional area (ie social work, community development, CAB training or similar) or the ability to demonstrate through practical experience the capacity to work at that level. / AF
Any other relevant training / AF
Skills and Abilities
Ability to engage and communicate with clients, developing and maintaining trust. / I
Ability to liaise and negotiate with agency staff and service providers / AF/I
Ability to relate positively to community members in a sensitive and culturally appropriate manner. / I
Good verbal listening and communication skills / I
Ability to effectively present information in a variety of medium and to a range of different people / AF/I
Good IT and record keeping skills / AF
Good literacy and numeracy / AF
Administrative skills / AF
Ability to travel freely in target area as required / AF
Commitment to confidentiality, equal opportunities and challenging discrimination / I
Non-judgemental and person centred / I
Commitment to involvement and inclusion of clients / I
Commitment to team work and supervision process / AF/I
Commitment to personal and professional development / AF/I
Willingness and ability to work in a flexible manner including out of hours as necessary. / AF