** Notice of Joint Seminar**

Title: Joint Seminar on Ice-class Tankers & Long-term Anti-corrosion System Using Nano-technology

(Jointly organized with Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture and Chemical Division)

Synopsis: (1) Ice-class tankers - (a) To explain the underlying reasons for the increased interest in operating tankers in ice-infested waters; (b) To provide an introduction to the various ice classes and associated technical issues; (c) To give examples of key technical challenges. (2) Long-term anti-corrosion system using nano-technology - (a) Basic principle of corrosion; (b) Reasons of failure for conventional corrosion system; (c) Principles of rust conversion; (d) Basic concept of nano-technology; (e) Nano-coating; (f) Applications with experience sharing

Speakers: (1) David Power has been employed by Lloyd’s Register for over 20 years. He is currently Principal Surveyor & Marine Manager for Hong Kong. Mr. Power gained wide experience on various new construction projects & repair yard work during the period 1988 until 2002 when based in Korea & Japan. His previous position was as Manager of LR’s office at Ulsan responsible for all work in the district which included Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. He studied at Southampton College and Cranfield Institute of Technology in the UK, obtaining UK Chartered Engineer status and a qualified Naval Architect. (2) Ir. P. S. Kwan is now the Managing Director of Ocean Man Ltd. and General Manager of Tru-seal International (HK) Ltd. He has been lecturing in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University over 13 years. He then came to his own business in 1995 firstly in the field of crystallization applying in building materials and then into other applications. In the past few years, Ir. Kwan was concentrating in researching nano-technology applications in three major areas: building materials such as masonry, concrete/wood, coating, light enhancement and now in bamboo and paper. Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ir. Kwan obtained his first degree and higher degrees in Sunderland University and University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in U.K respectively.

Date: 6 November 2004 (Saturday)

Venue: Conference Room, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

9th Floor, Island Beverley, No. 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Time: 09:00hrs to 12:30 hrs ( tea & coffee at around 10:45hrs )

Registration & Enquiries : This event is free of charge. Members are welcome to attend and are required prior registration on first-come-first-served basis. Due to limited seats, priorities will be given to members of organize / co-organizers. CPD certificates will be available. Please complete the registration form at below and return to Mr. Michael LEE ( Tel: 2852 4406 )

Registration / Reply Form

( By Fax : 2573 6966/ Email: )

Please reserve one seat for me to attend the Seminar event on Saturday, 6 November 2004.

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