Acolyte: to be announced

Ushers: Logan Rouse, Kendall Brigham

Organist: Sandy Hutson

Liturgist: to be announced

Nursery: We have a Cry Room available. Ask an usher for directions.

This Week in the Church

Sunday, October 22
9:15 A.M. Sunday School
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship

6:30 – 7:30 P.M. Trunk or Treat

A Coffee Time and Bake Sale will be held today following Morning Worship in Torrens Fellowship Hall by the Sunday School and LOGOS children to benefit the PCUSA disaster relief fund. Everyone is invited!

Monday, October 23

12:00 Noon Pastor’s Bible Study

Tuesday, October 24

9:00 A.M. Moms Club

Wednesday, October 25

9:30 A.M. Presbyterian Fellowship Group at South Haven

6:00 P.M. Logos

7:00 P.M. Bell Choir

8:00 P.M. Chancel Choir

Thursday, October 26

9:30 A.M. Presbyterian Fellowship Group at Care Center

Saturday, October 28

10:00 – noon Boutique

If you are a visitor this morning, WELCOME! We are glad that you are here, and hope that we have created a time and place for you to encounter the risen Christ with us. If you would like to learn more about us, you can check out our website at the following address: If you would like to become a member of the church, please call the church office at 443-4220 or speak to the pastor after worship today.

Trunk or Treat will be held in the church parking lot TONIGHT from 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. Try out your Halloween costumes early! If you can decorate a trunk and provide treats, please contact Jennifer Steven at JenniferFPCWahoo@gmailcom

Youth Fellowship will be doing a Food Drive for the Saunders County Food Pantry. We are asking for donations to be brought to church! We are also doing a city-wide drive on Oct. 29th from 4 to 6. If you have a food donation you would like us to pick up, call Lynae Callan at 402-490-8229. Our goal is to gather 500 items to help restock the Food Pantry for the holidays. Thank you for your support!

The front entry wall of the church has become a Prayer wall and a Sponsor wall. The Prayer wall will give the members of the congregation a chance to add a prayer to the frames on the wall. The prayers can be written with dry erase marker and then can be erased and new prayers may be added. The Sponsor wall is a way to support our children of the church. There are envelopes placed on the “clothesline” that have a variety of ways that a family could provide sponsorship to the children of the church. Look at the envelopes, decide how you may be able to help, take off the envelope, put the money or check in (checks to First Presbyterian Church and in the Memo write “Sponsor Wall”) and place it into the offering plate. We will be able to use the sponsorship to help grow our Church’s Foundation! Special thanks to Jennifer Stevens for painting and creating the wall with the assistance of Jason Stevens!

Boutique: A Boutique will be held on October Saturdays from 10:00 A.M. to Noon in Torrens Fellowship Hall. You will find new and gently used ladies’ clothing, shoes, purses, and jewelry for all occasions at super bargain prices! This is a Food Pantry Fundraiser.

The Deacons will host a 5th Sunday Potluck in October. It’s almost here! Ham-o-ween and Spooky Scalloped Potatoes will start the hauntingly good Potluck on Sunday, October 29th! Please bring a favorite dish to share and join us in Torrens Hall for food and fellowship.

The Session voted to send $1,000 from the Caring, Growing, Sharing Fund to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance relief from hurricane Harvey and Irma.

Fall/Winter PresbyPraise: This is a casual, comfortable and relaxed worship service on select Sunday evenings. If you seek an alternative to our traditional Sunday morning service, please JOIN US!!!! Also, please mark your calendars for the following dates: Fall PresbyPraise Schedule - November 5th December 3rd and 17th

The Pastor’s Bible Study is held every MONDAY from noon to 1:00. We are having a small group, and more are always welcome. Please stop in when you can. Bring your lunch if you wish, and a study Bible if you have one.

If you are in need of Pastoral Care/Visitation, please call the church office or Pastor Kathleen at 402-277-0165. Please feel free to leave a message.

Saunders County Food Pantry: A collection box is in the coat rack across from the restrooms. The Pantry especially has the following needs: canned fruit, canned tomatoes, peanut butter, jelly, canned chicken, and boxed potatoes.

Sign-up Sheets for Coffee Time and Greeting are on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Any articles for the newsletter are due by October 25 for the November newsletter.

Prayers of God’s People: Joyce and Bonnie Sanders, Kim Brigham, Joni Pearson, Ryan Schooling (Richard & Linda’s son), Brady Pearson (great grandson of Joan Norenberg), Howard Pearson, Donna Lair (daughter of the late Rev. Don Ball & Joy Ball), Galyn Rouse, Warren Barry, our Mission Trip team which includes those injured Emma Hastings, Jack Maass, Sapphire Quintana, Maddie Talbert. Please keep the church office informed of any changes or updates.

Attendance last Sunday was 43.

Ways to Help for Mission Trip Emergency Fund
The families and the church will encounter unplanned expenses for this unfortunate accident and if you would like to help offset some of those expenses, we welcome any and all contributions! You can simply note on your check "Mission Trip Emergency Fund". If you would like to contribute online, simply go, log in and contribute to the "Special Offering" fund and make a notation in the "Notes" section that the donation is for the "Mission Trip Emergency Fund". (See bulletin insert also regarding directions for the online giving). Please share this information with anyone that may ask you about our youth and this mission trip.



We are excited to offer online giving for all our members, friends, and family. This is a very easy system with registration taking only a few minutes.

1.  Go to

2.  In the upper right hand corner of this web page you will see “My Mission Exchange.” New users click on “Join.”

3.  Complete the registration and select your user name and password.

4.  Next, click on the “Givers” page and you then click on “Make a gift online.”

5.  On the next page, simply fill in First Presbyterian in organization name, Wahoo, NE 68066, hit submit and our church will come up.

6.  Click on our church and all our funds are listed.

7.  Click on the fund that you would like to donate to and follow the directions.

8.  If you use debit or credit card, the fees are higher than an EFT, which is a direct transfer from the bank to the foundation account we have set up. The fee (which is deducted from what the church gets, not a charge to the giver) is 1% for an EFT transaction and approximately 3% for a debit/credit card.

9.  Donations/contributions can be set up as a recurring donation/contribution.

10. You will receive an immediate e-mail from the foundation detailing your donation.

11. After you have set up your registration, returning users will click on “Sign In.”
