Updated April, 2016
Swine Rules and Regulations
- In order to exhibit in the Swine division, the 4-H member must be enrolled in :
Swine I–The Incredible Pig Pub. BU-08065 or
Swine II –Putting the Oink in Pig Pub. BU-08066 or
Swine III –Going Whole Hog Pub. BU-08067
- Refer to General Livestock Rules.
- Ownership of all swine by April 15, current 4-H year.
- Entrants limited to showing the number of hogs specified in each show.
- All Registration and Health Papers are due to Superintendents upon unloading at the Fairgrounds.
Rules and Regulations
- All market hogs will be weighed during posted hours.
- Superintendents will determine Class divisions for hogs based on this weight.
- Only Market hogs may be sold in livestock auction.
- Each exhibitor will be limited to two animals in the Market Swine show.
- Market Swine must be farrowed on or after January 15, current year.
- Market Swine may NOT be shown in the Breeding Swine Show.
Class 01S- Market Barrow
Class 02S- Market Gilt
SWINE DIVISION (continued)
Rules and Regulations
- Superintendents will verify registration papers for all Purebred Breeding Swine.
- Purebred Swine will be shown by age.
- Breeding Swine are not permitted to be sold in Livestock Auction.
- Entrants will be limited to showing four gilts, with no more than two per class per subclass.
- Hogs shown in Breeding Swine Division may NOT be shown in Market Swine Division.
- The following subclasses will apply to classes 04-08:
SubClass A - BerkshireSubClass B - Chester White
SubClass C - DurocSubClass D - Hampshire
SubClass E - HerefordSubClass F - Land Race
SubClass G - Poland ChinaSubClass H - Spot
SubClass I - Yorkshire
Class 03S - Purebred Gilt January-February
Class 04S - Purebred Gilt March- April
Class 05S - Commercial Gilt – (non-registered)
Class 6S- LAND OF CRAWFORD (female, registered, born, and bred by 4-H’er)
A special class has been established to recognize the top breeding female. Bred and owned by a 4-H’er in beef, goats, sheep, swine and rabbits. All animals must have registration papers showing the exhibitor as the breeder and owner of the animal. No premiums awarded for this class. Prizes will be awarded to the Champion and Reserve Champion in each class. Females entered in market classes are not eligible for Land of Crawford.
SHOWMANSHIP Member must be enrolled in Swine and show their own animal to participate in Showmanship class. Exhibitor age is 4-H age as of September 1 of previous year. Jr Showmanship winner will move to Senior Showmanship the following year. Senior showmanship winner may move to Overall Champion Showmanship current year.
Junior Showmanship - Ages 8 – 13 years
Senior Showmanship - Ages 14-19 years
Overall Champion Showmanship–Anyone who has won Senior Showmanship current/and previous years
Master Showmanship- May be eligible for Master Showmanship Competition – See Master Showmanship
Regardless of age, Showmanship winner in Class 1 will move up to Class 2 the following year, winner of Class 2 will move to Class 3 the following year. Class 2 winners may show in class 3 and unlimited number of times. There will be a champion and reserve in each division. Entries on the 4-H Fair Entry Form are requested. No premiums