January 19, 2016, 7:00

NPE Library Media Center

1 principal, 4 board members, 2 parents, 2 teachers

Welcome: Co-President-Codi Strong

Financial Report: Lori Burks-Checking-$25,175.42, Savings-$33,155.09

Mrs. Eastes Mentioned the gym facelift. We will be receiving a new curtain from corporate, and the gym will be painted. PTO was asked to purchase a $5000 hanging screen and projector cart for events held in gym such as programs etc.

6th Grade Dance/Celebration:Codi Nothing to be planned until year end.

Box Tops/Label for Education: Stacey Cleveland: In November we had a total of 2,977 Box Tops, 917 Labels for Education and 96 A+ Rewards. The winner for November was Mr. Thayer’s 3rd grade class….they had a total of 778! Next pickup 1/29 CHECK received for $1471.00

Carnival: Ruby Short-Need To Pick A Date for Carnival and discuss what we are planning

Date of 4/15 was decided 5:30-8:30. Talked about asking classes for pop donations.

Community Liaison: Amy Brown/Jan Roberts- Shop for Your School Night- Profit-$495. Marsh Fresh Ideas for Education Program- We have 213 Registered cards. We have accumulated 255, 143 points this year. We recently redeemed 145,800 points to get the school 3 much-needed and requested kidney shaped activity tables. Our remaining balnce is 109,343 points. Target RedCard- This program will no longer be available as of May 2016. We will receive annual payout check in February 2016 and another one after May 2016. We will also receive a grant after May 2016. Vawter – I would like to do another push with the digital flyer the end of February/early March before Spring Break Restaurant Nights- We've added Mama Nita's and Pizza Hut nights to our calendar.

Mama Nita's All Day

September 17th-Made $200

November 19th- Made $200

January 21st

March 17th

May 19th

Pizza Hut4-7p.m.

October 22nd-made $71

December 17th- made $35.24

February 18th

April 21st

Both places require us to have the flier in hand when we get the pizza. Both places will give us 10% of proceeds. At Mama Nita's, if we generate $2,000 in sales, they will donate 20% of the proceeds!

Talked about adding Dairy Queen in April/May. Scrip made $286. Art To Remember made $2000.00 this year.

Discover Indy Books: Lori Burks-Nothing til 2016 $12,296 made – goal was $10,000

Landscaping: Andrea Purcell- the committee planted 120 tulip bulbs in front of the kindergarten classrooms in November. The 2 pots were also filled with Evergreen trees and Christmas décor.

McDonald’s Family Nights: Erin Amones-December - $169.48 Mrs. Gore was the winner, January- $160.51. Miss Oliver was the winner. Codi will talk to Erin about emailing the office to remind them to announce.

Schwann’s Care/Tynar Pond Farms: Bobbi Gielerak- SCHWANN campaign ended on December 17th. We raised $195 during the 6 week campaign. We will continue to earn 5% of sales until the middle of March. We should receive the check for the initial 6 week period sometime within the next month. TYNAR: November sale earned $43.80. No sale planned for January yet.

Room Parent Coordinator: Codi Strong –Christmas parties were Friday, December 18th at 2:30. Snack was a Oatmeal Crème pie and pretzels. The parties went well. 6th grade was again in the Gym and will continue to be. It seems to work well for everyone. Valentines Parties will be held Friday, February 12th.

Spirit Wear: Missy Ackerman- The apparel Sale was awesome. We made just under $2000.00!

Scrip: Amy Brown/Jan Roberts- We earned $286.00. We would like to do another round in the spring with a push for graduation and end of the year Teacher Gifts.

Student Directory & Website: Jennifer Aldridge-Student Directory – The school website has been updated to include a link to the PTO website. We did experiment with spending $5 to “boost” a PTO post in November. It generated more views. Need to decide if we want to “boost” posts in the future, and do we set aside money for it , is it necessary , what do we want to boost etc.

We agreed to try boosting the next McDonalds night to see if this helps draw people in.

Teacher Appreciation: Codi Strong/Jessie Hurst- We delivered 100 pies the week before Thanksgiving. We have such a good turn out with lots of willing families. We also hosted the Teachers luncheon on Thursday, December 17th. We moved it to Mrs. Eastes home this year which added a personal touch. Most teachers were able to come and we had Kopper Kettle cater once again.

Yearbook: Angela Phillips-We will be doing yearbooks like we did last year and handing them out Fall of 2016 versus Spring of 2016. This will allow the yearbook staff to incorporate more pictures and fun activities at NPE.

New Business: Daddy/Daughter Dance or breakfast – no volunteers to lead this event at this time.

OUR NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR Tuesday, March 8, 2016 AT 7:00

NPE Library Media Center