Updated February 2, 2018

Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
1. Advertise, interview, and hire a full-time IT Manager. / County Manager/
Human Resources / Advertised on the county website, ACCG website, and local newspaper. Application deadline was 7/28/19. 8 applications received.3 interviews held on 8/10/17. IT Manager hired and began on 9/1/17. Completed.
2. Advertise, interview, and hire a full-time Appraiser I for the Tax Assessors Office. / Chief Appraiser / Completed.
3. Advertise, interview, and hire a full-time Parks & Recreation Director. / County Manager/
Human Resources / Was advertised during Oct.Open until filled. First review of applications wasNov. 10. Interviews of top9 candidates were 11/16, 11/17, 11/29, 12/6, 12/7. Candidate accepted position. Start date wasJan. 8, 2018.Completed.
4. Implement shift supervisors at the 911 Center. / 911 Director / Completed.
Equipment Purchases
5.Prepare specs, advertise, interview, select, convert, and install a county-wide fund accounting software package using $35,000 from General Funds. / County Manager/
CFO / Bid opening was 9/1/17.6 responses received and evaluated, interviewed top 4 companies on 9/25, 9/26, and 10/6. Negotiated with top ranked firm. Board approved Caselle on 11/7/17 at $53,848 with an 8-12month deployment period.On-going.
6.Prepare specs, advertise,interview, select, and implement a county-wide GIS system using $32,648 from General Funds. / County Manager/
Community Dev Director/
911 Director/
Chief Appraiser / Preparing specifications.
7.Prepare specs, advertise, and select a company to design the Prison’s replacement camera system with a digital system. Then advertise the resulting design and select a company to install the camera system using $100,000 from General Funds. / County Manager/
Prison Warden / Design specifications have been prepared, mandatory pre-proposal conference was 8/14/17 and 9 companies were represented, proposal deadline was 8/24/17 and 5 companies responded. Board approved Rosser at $17,531 on 9/5/17.
Rosser completed the camera design, bid packagewas prepare to select a vendor to install the new system. 3 bidders prequalified. Bid
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Equipment Purchases
7. Continued. / deadline was 12/22/17. A total of 3 bids received, 2 bids were received after the deadline and the other one was over budget. All bids were rejected on 1/2/18 and staff conducted another bidding process.New bid deadline was 2/1/18. 2 bids received. On 2-6-18 agenda for consideration. Completion during late May 2018.
8. Evaluate the county-wide public safety radio system using $40,000 in 911 Funds + $15,000 to assist in preparing user agreement. / 911 Director/
Tusa Consulting / Tusa spoke with radio system users about radio issues on 3/15/17. Preliminary evaluation report was presented by Tusa on 7/18/17 to Diverse Power, Dean Ginn, 2 commissioners, 911 Director. Another preliminary evaluation meeting was on 8/1/17 between Tusa, 911 Director, Assistant 911 Director, and 2 commissioners. Evaluation report completion delayed due to needing additional information.Evaluation reportwas presented during the 9/5/17 commission meeting. Approved engaging Tusa to assist with preparing a user contract with Diverse and others. Contract preparation is on-going.
9. Improve 911 telephone and CAD systems using $220,000 in 911 Funds and $80,000 in SPLOST- 2014 funds for a total of $300,000. / County Manager/
911 Director/
Tusa Consulting / Radio consultant visited on 12/6/16 for free consultation/cursory evaluation. Consultant’s proposal to prepare a 911 improvement plan was on 1/17/17 agenda for consideration. Tabled until 1/23/17. Board approved on 1/23/17 to proceed. Tusa evaluated 911 center equipment on 2/14/17.
The 911 equipment assessment was presented during the 4/4/17 commission meeting.
Tusa prepared RFP for 911 telephone equipment. The RFP was distributed the week of 5/15/17 with a deadline of 6/23/17. Mandatory pre-bid meeting was held 6/1/17. Received nine responses. Tusa evaluated all
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Equipment Purchases
9. Continued. / responses. Personal interviews of the top three proposers were 7/7/17. Tusa presented a recommendation during the 7/18/17 commission meeting. Board approved RPSS/Solacom for $197,190, later reduced to $186,790. Telephone system is operational.
The CAD RFP was prepared and distributed. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting was held on 7/24/17. Received 3 responses on the deadline of 8/18/17. Personal interviews of top three proposers were 8/28/17. Board approved SSI for $88,500 on 9/5/17. CAD is operational.
Tusa has accepted the project as of Feb. 1, 2018 and it is Completed.
10. Purchase a replacement commercial mower ($7,700) and a replacement commercial washing machine ($12,500) for the Prison using General Funds. / Prison Warden / Mower bid deadline was 7/28/17. 4 bids received. Anthony’s Lawn Mower Repair (West Point) was low bidder at $6,100. Completed.
Washing machinebid opening was 11/2/17 and tabled on 11/7/17 to see if used machines from Roosevelt Institute. Those machines are unavailable. Board approved on 11/21/17.Completed.
11. Purchase tire balancer ($15,500) and a rolling jack ($6,100) for Vehicle Maintenance department using General Funds. / Vehicle Maintenance Director / Tire balancer and rolling jack delivered. Completed.
12. Purchase commercial mower for Ellerslie Park using $7,000 in General Funds. / Recreation Director / Mower bid deadline was 7/28/17. 4 bids received. Anthony’s Lawn Mower Repair (West Point) was low bidder at $6,100. Completed.
13. Purchase 7 fire trucks, 2 brush trucks, and NW Harris building using SPLOST-2014 funds of $2,683,872. $100,000 is allocated to each brush truck and $312,625 is allocated to each of the 7 fire trucks and the 1 building. / County Clerk/Asst. County Manager / Coordinated with all VFD on purchasing their own vehicles. Delivery of all trucks will occur during Nov.-Feb.2018. Received the 2 brush trucks and two fire trucks (Ellerslie and Hopewell). On-going.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Road & Bridge Projects
14. Continue the rails to trails project along US 27 using $512,473 from a federal TE Grant and $258,118 from TSPLOST for a total of $770,591. / County Manager/
Carter & Sloope Engineering / Coordinating with Carter & Sloope. In progress. Funds could be available during Winter 2017-2018. Rode trail on 5/8/17.
Submitted a $200,000 LWCF grant and a $250,000 Recreational Trails grant and will know during March/April 2018 if successful.
15. Complete 2016 LMIG project of resurfacing 6.9 miles of Lick Skillet Road using $530,926.03 from LMIG, $53,092.60 as the 10% county match from SPLOST- 2009, and $291,340.42 from SPLOST-2009 funds. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Mandatory pre-bid meeting was 6/15/17. Bid opening was 6/22/17. Board approved on 7/5/17. Robinson Paving was low bidder at $875,359.05. Completion during Oct. 2017. Completed.
16. Complete 2017 LMIG project of resurfacing 1.9 miles of Hunter Road, 2.2 miles of Terry Lane/Krogland Road, and 1.1 miles of Vorhees Road using $693,183.33 from LMIG and $69,318.33 as the 10% county match from SPLOST-2009. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Board approved road list to submit to GDOT on 12/6/16. Mandatory pre-bid meeting was 6/15/17. Bid opening was 6/22/17. Board approved on 7/5/17. Robinson Paving was low bidder at $670,611.12. Completion during Oct. 2017. Completed.
17. Resurface Madison Way and Mt. Airy Road using $107,214.88 from SPLOST-2009 funds. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Mandatory pre-bid meeting was 6/15/17. Bid opening was 6/22/17. Board approved on 7/5/17. Robinson Paving was low bidder at $75,109.05 for Madison Way and $32,105.83 for Mt. Airy. Completion during Oct. 2017. Completed.
18. Complete 2018 LMIG project of resurfacing 5.9 miles of Cold Springs Road, Davis Lake Road, Goat Rock Road, and Waterford Drive using $753,663.13 from LMIG and $75,366.31 as the 10% county match from SPLOST-2009 funds. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Board approved project list on 7/18/17 and list submitted to GDOT. Received annual LMIG check from GDOT week of 8/21/17. On bid, bid opening is 2/22/18. Completion during late June 2018.
19. Begin and complete the 2017 additional LMIG funding for guardrails and road stripping using $65,000 from LMIG, $6,500 as the 10% county match, and $10,100 from SPLOST-2009 by Dec. 2017. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Projects have been finalized by Public Works Director, specifications have been prepared. Bid opening was 11/17/17. Board approved 2 guardrails on Hamilton Pleasant Grove Road and Lickskillet Road for $81,600 from Stembridge Custom Metals. Completion in early 2018.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Road & Bridge Projects
20. Pave Hardage Road using $762,000 from SPLOST-2009 funds for the road and $60,000 from SPLOST-2014 funds for water line materials. / Public Works Director/
Water Works Director/
EMC Consulting / All ROW deeds signed. Design and construction management agreement from EMC was approved on 12/20/16. Status meetings were 2/6/17 and 3/9/17. Mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on 6/1/17. Bid deadline was 6/22/17. Board approved on 7/5/17. Robinson Paving was low bidder at $716,091.35 for the road portion and the Water Works department will install the water line for $60,000 in materials. Precon meeting was 7/14/17. Completion during mid 2018.
21. Continue to improve Hamilton Business Park (road extension, turn lane, utility extension) using $200,000 in SPLOST-2014 funds. / County Manager/
Public Works Director / Harris-Gray prepared design, specifications, and obtained permits. Coordination meeting held on 11/8/17. Prepared bid documents. Pre-bid meeting held on 2/1/18. On bid, bid opening is 2/13/18.
22. Coordinate low impact bridge projects with GDOT for Bethany Church, Old West Point Road, and O Street bridges. / Public Works Director / GDOT is doing preliminary work and bridge work is scheduled for early 2018.
23. Have GDOT acquire the needed ROW for the Standing Boy Creek/Fortson Road bridge replacement using $188,000 from TSPLOST funds. / GDOT / GDOT will be acquiring the ROW (5 pieces) during the next 9 months, bridge should be on bid during summer 2018 and be replaced fall 2019. Paid GDOT $188,000 during 11/17.
24. Prepare to pave Holland Dr., Kingsboro Rd., and Diamond Circle/Road using $223,882 from TSPLOST funds. / County Manager/
Public Works Director/
County Attorney / Received GDOT connection permits. Attorney preparing ROW deeds for all roads to prepare for future paving.
25. Install 10,800 linear feet of water line on Hadley Road using $200,000 from SPLOST-2014 funds. / Water Works Director / No action.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Park Projects
26. Continue the development of Ellerslie Park using $308,888 from the remaining proceeds from land sale and $250,000 from SPLOST-2014 fund, for a total of $558,888. / County Manager /Public Works/Facilities Maintenance/ Director/Community Dev. Director/Parks & Rec. Director / Conceptual budget and schedule have been prepared. Meeting among staff was on 11/16/16 to review and coordinate. Meeting of committee to approve all specs was 12/8/16. Board approved budget on 12/20/16. Coordination meetings held on 12/21/16, 1/11/17, and 2/24/17. Paving of road is now gravel and park to be done by county forces as time permits. Carter Sloope preparing basic concept plan. Preparing specs to bid out modern playground for this park. On-going.
27. Prepare specs, advertise, and select a playground for Pate Park and resurface tennis courts using $145,563 of the remaining SPLOST-2004 funds. / County Manager, County Clerk/Asst. County Manager/Parks & Recreation Director / Preparing specs to bid out tennis court rehabilitation and resurfacing during Jan. Completion during Spring 2018.
Preparing specs to bid out modern playground for Pate Park.
Airport Projects
28. Have airport consultant design wildlife fence and prepare construction documents and bid documents using $50,000 in federal grant funds. / Airport Director/
Pond Consulting / Board approved proceeding with the fence design on 7/5/17 for $51,458. Design and bid documents Completed.
29. Advertise, select a company, and install Phase I of the wildlife fence at the airport using $300,000 in federal and state grants. / Airport Director/
Pond Consulting / Fence design completed. Committed $376,651 for Phase I. Total cost of the fence is about $600,000. Bid opening was 12/21/17. A total of 5 bids were received, 2 were received after the deadline, 2 were noncompliant, and 1 was overbudget. Rejected all bids on 1/2/18 and will conduct another bidding process. New bid deadline is 2/12/18.Completion during June 2018.
30. Have airport consultant design the airport access road for paving using $30,000 in TSPLOST funds. / Airport Director/
Pond Consulting / Board approved task order #6 on 10/3/17.
31. Advertise, select a company, and pave the airport access road using $300,000 in TSPLOST funds. / Airport Director/
Pond Consulting / Waiting for road design to be completed.
32. Have airport consultant update the airport master plan using $50,000 in TSPLOST funds. / Airport Director/
Pond Consulting / Board approved task order #5 on 10/3/17.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Airport Projects
33. Renovate the airport terminal building with Facilities Maintenance staff using $25,000 in airport funds. / Airport Director/
Facilities Maintenance Director / Began during Oct. and completion during late Jan. 2018.
34. Prepare specs, advertise, and purchase an AV gas truck for the airport using $45,000 in airport funds. / Airport Director / Board approved purchase of a used 1999 F-550 AV gas truck with a 1,000-gallon tank on 8/1/17 for $42,000. Delivered during Aug. Completed.
35. Complete airport security system using $15,000 in airport funds. / Airport Director / In progress. Completion during midFeb. 2018.
Solid Waste Projects
36. Install a new roof at the landfill’s scale house using $15,000 in Solid Waste funds. / Solid Waste Director / Completed.
37. Prepare specs, advertise, and purchase two replacement garbage trucks using $380,000 in Solid Waste funds. / Solid Waste Director / Specifications have been prepared. Bid deadline was 8/24/17.Board approved purchase at $360,288 on 9/5/17. Delivery during 3/18.
38. Prepare specs, advertise, and purchase two replacement compactors for the Hamilton site and the Harrisville Road site using $34,000 in Solid Waste funds. / Solid Waste Director / Bid opening was 11/2/17. Board approved Nu-Life on 11/7/17 at $30,671 with a 75 day delivery or about late Jan. 2018. Delivered, waiting for electrical hookup at Hamilton site and concrete work/electrical hookup at Harrisville site. Both should be completed late Feb.
39. Prepare specs, advertise, and purchase two replacement receiving containers for the transfer station using $13,000 in Solid Waste funds. / Solid Waste Director / Bid opening was 11/2/17. Board approved Bakers Waste Equip. on 11/7/17 at $13,305 with a 45 day delivery or about late Dec. 2017. Completed.
40. Prepare specs, advertise, and purchase lawn mower, pressure washer, and storage building using $24,000 in Solid Waste funds. / Solid Waste Director / Lawn mower and pressure washer purchased, storage building in progress for early Feb. delivery.
41. Bid out solid waste transportation and disposal due to expiration of contract. / County Manager, County Clerk/Asst. County Manager/Solid Waste Director / Specifications were prepared. Bid deadline was 8/22/17. Two bids received. Evaluated the proposals and prepared contract with outside legal counsel. Board approved 5-year contract with Waste Management on 10/17/17. New service began on 11/1/17. Completed.
42. Conduct Scrap Tire Amnesty Day Events (4/7 and 4/14, 2018) at the Transfer Station funded by a state scrap tire grant. / Solid Waste Director / Board approved $8,000 grant on 11/7/17. Application sent to state for approval on 11/8/17. State has approved grant. Event will be held during April 2018.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Building Projects
43. Complete library construction project using $1,500,000 from SPLOST-2009, $500,000 from SPLOST-2014, $2,000,000 from state funds, and $1,226,000 from donations for a total of $5.226M. / County Manager / Reviewed 3 construction manager at-risk-proposals. Meeting was 11/21/06 to interview the 3 contractors. Contractor was selected and contract prepared. Board approved contract on 12/20/16. Status meetings were 2/13/17, 3/1/17, and 3/3/17. Approval of guaranteed maximum price (GMP) was approved on 3/7/17. Ground breaking was 3/21/17. Other library costs approved 3/21/17. Status meetings held on 3/25/17, 4/25/17, 5/10/17, 6/23/17, 6/6/17, 6/20/17, 7/18/17, 8/1/17, 8/15/17, 8/29/17, 9/19/17, 10/3/17, 10/17/17, 10/31/17, 11/14/17, 11/28/17, 12/13/17,1/3/18, and on 1/24/18. Next meeting is 2/7/18. Completion during early 2018. On-going. On time and budget. Dedication ceremony scheduled for late March.
Other Projects
44. Prepare close-out documents for the 2012 Kings Gap CDBG project. / County Clerk/Asst. County Manager / Coordinated with Regional Commission on closing out grant. Final public hearing was 8/8/17. Completed.
45. Conduct BOC quarterly retreat. / County Clerk/Asst. County Manager / Previous retreats were conducted Oct. 31, 2016, Jan.5, 2017, May 9, 2017, Aug. 11, 2017, August 31, 2017, and Dec. 12, 2017. Next retreat is scheduled for late February 2018.
46. Obtain the National Weather Service Storm Ready designation. / 911 Director / On-going.
47. Complete a revision of the sign ordinance. / County Attorney / Being reviewed.
48. Prepare construction pad for TNT and Hart Steel in Hamilton Business Park. / Public Works Director / TNT completed, Hart Steele not started. Unknown when both companies will begin their construction.
Program & Funding Source / Responsible Party / Status
Other Projects
49. Reroute streamfor Daesol’s new building using SPLOST-2014. / GMC’s proposal for the Daesol stream rerouting project was approved on the 9/5/17. GMC preparing bid specs. Project delayed by Daesol.Meeting on 2/1/18 indicated project should be bid out by county during April, awarded to private company during May, construction begins during June, and is completed by November. Estimatedcost is $1.0 to 1.5M. Cost will be included in next year’s budget.
50. Prepare 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). / County Manager/
All Department Heads / CIP was prepared and emailed to commissioners for review on 7/14/17. Discussed during 8/11/17 retreat. Completed. All department heads are reviewing for upcoming budget.
51. Prepare SPLOST continuation proposal for a May 22, 2018 referendum. / County Manager/
All Department Heads / Proposal was prepared and emailed to commissioners for review on 7/14/17. Discussed during 8/11/17 and 8/31/17 retreats. Meeting with all cities were on 9/19/17 and 10/16/17. Additional SPLOST meeting on 11/13/17 and 12/12/17. Attorney prepared intergovernmental agreement for all cities to sign. Board approved on 1/2/18. All cities have signed. Completed.
52. Update all fee schedules. / County Manager/
All Department Heads / Current fee schedules presented during 8/11/17 retreat. Public workshop held on 9/5/17. Community Development Dept. was addressed on 10/3/17. Board approved all fee schedules on 10/17/17 with an effective date of 1/1/18. Posted on web site. Completed.
53. Prepare RFP to bid out prison inmate medical services. Contract expired during June 2017. / Prison Warden / Preparing bid specs.