Professional Doctorate Post Interview Admission Approval Form
Applications for admission to a research degree are considered by Research Degrees Sub Committee. Please complete all sections of this form, and submit to Registry() by e-mail.
School / Education / Humanities, Religion & PhilosophyAward / Professional Doctorate Education / Professional Doctorate Ministry / Professional Doctorate Religion
Mode of study / Part time
Start Date
Degree / Professional Doctorate
Candidate’s full legal name
(Surname in block capitals, must be checked at interview)
Student number
Subject area
Possible research topic/question (if specified)
Personal Statement
For award:
Programme staff with seniorstatus in this discipline area
Staff in this discipline area involved in excellent research (i.e. able to evidence nationally or internationally recognised research outputs)
Proposed chair for transfer(Part 1 to Part 2) panel[1]
Proposed second member of transfer panel[2]
Proposed chair for annual reviews during Part 2[3]
Proposed Internal Examiner
Proposed Independent Chair
Head of Programme for this Award
Other PD students in this subject area to provide peer support
Finance / Self funded / Studentship
Employer funded / YSJU fee remission
Other (please state)
If Employer funded please supply official confirmation (e.g. letter of award) of funding including contact details and address for the invoice to be sent to:
If YSJU funded please supply authority and budget code:
If ‘Other’ please supply additional details:
Submitted by[4]: / name / date
RDSC Action (to be completed by Registry)
Approved by[5]: / name / date
Approved by: / name / date
Approved by: / name / date
August 2017
[1]Must be a senior member of staff (Executive Dean, Pro Dean, Head of School, Deputy Head of School, Professor, Associate Professor, Reader, Subject Director or YSJU Senior Supervisor) with supervisor status, working in a cognate discipline, who is not a member of the supervisory team.
[2]Must be a member of staff with supervisor status working in a cognate discipline, who is not a member of the supervisory team.
[3]Must be a member of staff with supervisor status working in a cognate discipline, who is not a member of the supervisory team. This person cannot serve as the candidate’s internal examiner.
[4]School Research Lead or analternate.
[5]Approvers are the members of the RDSC sub group (if the SRL submitting the form is a member of the sub group they will not take a role in the sub group consideration of the application).