
Enrich the community and promote a healthy lifestyle by facilitating the creation of a network of public trails and greenways.


Shawano Pathways will plan for and facilitate in the development, implementation and maintenance of a greenway and trails network within Shawano County and adjacent areas for recreation and alternative transportation, while preserving and restoring natural areas and resources connected with the trails.

Tuesday – October 7, 2014 Shawano County CourthouseMeeting Room A 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Facilitator / Dave Koeller
Note Taker / Nancy Schultz
Members Present / Matty Mathison, Maxine Williams, Gail Bartz, Jerry Czech , Nancy Schultz, Chuck Gueths, Mr. Lucky (Ervin Steinke), Dave Koeller, Jay Moynihan, Mary LaMarche, Christa Hoffman
Members Absent / Tim Reed, Carrie Verkuilen, Janet Lewellyn, Judy Judd, , Keith Marquardt, Dennis Heling, John Brodhagen, Dave Schmidt, Nancy Brown Koeller, Carol Westphal, Greg Sturm, Nancy Brown Koeller

Welcome/Secretary’s Report Dave Koeller

Discussion / Dave K. called the meeting to order and sent around the attendance sheet. It was determined that a quorum of 5 out of the 8 Board members were present. Dave welcomed and thanked everyonefor attending and introductions were made. Corrections to minutes were noted: Dave will send out postcards to the Let’s Get Moving participants. Jerry will send postcards to members. Members reviewed the September 2, 2014Shawano Pathwaymeeting minutes. Gail made a motion to approve the minutes and Maxine second the motion.
Conclusions / Motions passed. Minutes were approved as written.
Action Items / None.
Treasurer’s Report Gail Bartz, Treasurer
Discussion / Gail shared the treasurer’s report. Shawano Pathway balance in the general account is $5538.84; 2014 memberships $1412.97; park to park $3608.71; BTBQ $6533.79; Matching funds $51,445.00; Shawano Lake trails $2477.48 and Hillcrest $1000 for a total of$72,016.79. Gail and Matty discussed signage for Hillcrest trail and additional signage for park loops. See attached treasurer’s report for detail transactions. Nancy S made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Matty seconded the motion.
Conclusions / Motion carried; Treasurer’s report approved.
Action Items / None

Routes in Town of Wescott Matty Mathison

Discussion / Matty and Steve C will be putting up 40 signs for the 3 routes. Keith M. will be putting in a black top trail by N Shore Drive. Matty discussed trail path. Steve C made a wooden sign for the Mielke Theater and County Park. Mike S. has been outstanding to work with in regards to these trails. Routes are 20 miles, 7.8, and 6.7 miles. Matty requesting help with signs that need to go up next week. Jerry, Dave K and Matty will meet on October 13, at 10 am to help with signage. They will meet at the Mielke Theater. Matty will email them about tools needed.
Conclusion / Signage for the three routes will probably happen within the next month or so.
Action / Matty, Jerry and Dave will meet on October 13 at 10 am by the Mielke Theater to help with signage.

Safe Routes to School Nancy Schultz

Discussion / International Walk to School day is tomorrow. East Central gave bags of goodies for each of the schools. Seven Schools will be participating in the event. Back to School night went well and now gearing up for the kick-off of the walking challenge program at St James and SacredHeart.
Conclusions / Tomorrow is International Walk to School day and the kick-off of the Walking Challenge program at Sacred Heart and St James.
Action Items / None

Healthy WI Initiative- shared notes Nancy Schultz

Discussion / Nancy S. will be starting to meet with the Healthy WI initiative team in October.She had a meeting with team members on October 1st and they brainstormed some ideas on how to create active communities.
Conclusions / Nancy will keep the group posted about the Healthy WI Initiative.
Action Items / None

Transform WI

Discussion / Matty shared that the last flyer was sent by Transform WI to the community. The open gym may be pushed back to November. Matt H will keep us posted about the details of the open gym.
Conclusion / Matt H. will keep us posted about the details for the open gym.
Action / None

2014 Bike the Barn Quilt EventMatty Mathison

Discussion / Matty shared that there were 188 bikers, and over 80 volunteers. Eleven percent of the participants were from Shawano. There were numerous participants from Appleton, Green Bay and Gresham. There were 12 people from out of state. We also received 6 memberships
There were 30 of us that met on Sunday night at Angie’s to evaluate the event. One thing that was suggested was to do a different guided tour. It was also suggested that we provide a 40 mile ride out of the of 70 mile ride.
There were 63 people that completed the Gresham route and 29 people that completed the 70 mile route.
Mary L won the kiddie money for guessing the number of riders on the 70 mile ride.
Edi Grosskopf won the quilt
We will have to change the timeline. Riders were overall pleased about the event.
Dave K suggested darker painted lines.
Nancy S suggestedthat registration table volunteers make note of breakfast and lunch to participants. Matty suggested that we should make computers available for totaling participant count.
Avid bikers did not want turkey sandwich.
The Inner Wheel women group has already signed up for next year.
Sandy King donated 3 quilt squares for giving away.
Matty also shared that some of the thank you notes still need addresses.
Matty suggested that next year we repeat the release of the doves and having Jerry C daughters sing.
Conclusions / Very successful event.
Actions / Matty will address thank you notes and get them sent out this week.

Annual Meeting Committee Jerry Czech

Discussion / Jerry shared theagenda for the annual meeting with the group. The event will start at 6 pm. Jerry or Nancy B.K. will do announcements. Jerry will speak with Tom B. about his presentation. We will have door prizes. The event is at Farm Inn on Main. Mattyshared that there were 18 people from Shawano that biked in the Bike the Barn Quilt ride and if each took 2 names, and invite them to the annual meeting we would have 18 more people at the event.
Jerry said that payments are due ahead of time for the meeting.
Conclusions / Annual meeting is November 11 at 6 pm at Farm Inn on Main.
Actions / None

Zion Health FairNancy Schultz

Discussion / Nancy explained that we have been invited to have a table at the Zion Health Fair. Nancy asked if there were any volunteers to help man the booth at the fair. Matty volunteered to help with the fair. Nancy will send a reminder out to all members to see if anyone else can help Matty. Nancy shared that she will also be having a booth for the Family Living program.
Matty shared that she will bring 20 helmets to give away at the fair. She also shared that we will hand out“Let’s get moving” surveys,
Actions / Nancy will send an email to all members to see if they can help with the health fair.

Yellow Park to Park LoopGail Bartz

Discussion / Gail led the discussion on the Trail Use Agreement. Shawano County is still requiring Liability Insurance even though Wis law provides immunity from liability on recreational trails. The following response was sent to Tim Reed regarding this issue. “Please provide Shawano Pathways with the logic behind requiring us to provide liability coverage for the trail we’re proposing to create. WI state law clearly grants immunity from liability insurance for biking trails that we are currently creating, despite the fact that these trails run through Mielke and Shawano County Park. It is truly puzzling to us that this liability issue continues to delay our project when a precedent has already been set. “
Actions / Follow up on reaching a consensus on the Trail Use Agreement

Let’s Get Moving Surveys Matty Mathison

Discussion / Matty shared that the survey is part of the Community Foundation grant. We will try collecting surveys during the Zion Health Fair.
Conclusions / Collect surveys at Zion Health Fair.
Actions / none

Marketing discussionAll

Discussion / No discussion occurred tonight about marketing.
Actions / none

Fall Parade Review

Discussion / The parade was on October 4th. Float was built by Maxine, Chuck, and Maxine’s husband on Friday. Jerry drove the float. Chuck G., Greg, Nancy and Ervin handed out candy and invites to the annual meeting. Thank you to Maxine for all her hard work with designing and putting together the float.
Conclusions / 11/3/14 The float won 1st prize for non-profit organizations.
Actions / None

Miscellaneous All

Discussion / None

Next meeting date will beon November11, 2014 at Farm Inn on Main


Nancy Schultz, Secretary