EC-PORS-5/INF. 21, p. 1
Fifth session
Wellington, New Zealand, 25 – 28 February 2014 / EC-PORS-5/ INF. 21
Date: 7 January 2014
Cooperation with the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM)
(Submitted by the wmo secretariat)
ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED: Linkages between the work of WMO/ EC PORS and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM).DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED:
- The Panel is invited to review recent contributions to the ATCM on its behalf.
- The Panel is invited to provide guidance on the scope/nature of future ECPORS’ collaborations with the ATCM – particularly for the upcoming ATCMXXXVII, Brasilia, May2014.
- The Panel may wish to consider who will provide representation at subsequent sessions of the ATCM.
Information on the Antarctic Treaty System and related matters is available through:
In particular the ATCM Home page is at:
Final Reports on sessions of the ATCM are at:
1. Background
1.1.WMO has been an invited expert to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM)for decades. However, WMO participation lulled in the early 2000s as personnel changed.
1.2. WMO Congress XVI encouraged re-engagement through ECPORS leading to WMO/ECPORS participation at ATCMXXXV(Hobart, Australia June 2012).
1.3. Coincidentally, at ATCMXXXV,Britain and Norway actively sought WMO re-engagement proposing that WMO be invited to future sessions of the ATCM to report on developments within WMO in the climate change space.
2. Summary of recent WMO/EC-PORS contributions to the ATCM
2.1. Following the successful re-engagement outlined above, WMOwas invited to continue its participation in the ATCM as an Invited Expert. Accordingly WMO was represented at ATCMXXXVI (Brussels, 2013) and at an ATCM SpecialWorking Group on Search and Rescue (SAR) (basically a workshop) held over two days ahead of ATCMXXXVI.
2.2 Prior to ATCMXXXVI, WMO/ECPORSprovided input to several relevant ATCM Intersessional Contact Groups (ICG) the most significant input being detailed information on how decades old ATCM “Operational Meteorology” Measures might be updated.
2.3. The Executive Secretary of the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (COMNAP) led the overall co-ordination of presentation of material related to the updating alluded to in para 2.2. above. The main vehicle for this presentation was Working Paper 1(WP1) to ATCMXXXVI (Brussels, 2013) titled “Review of the ATCM Recommendations on Operational Meteorology”. (The preamble to WP1 is appended to this document.)
2.4. The outcome of consideration of WP1 “is included inParagraphs 34 to 40 in the Final Report of ATCMXXXVI which may be found at: to 40 also refer to the outcomes from the Special Working Group on SAR mentioned in current para 2.1 above. In brief, outcomes of ATCMXXXVI’s deliberation of WP1,and of the SAR workshop, which are of particular relevance to WMO/EC-PORSare summarised in paras 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 below.
2.4.1. ATCMXXXVI found WP1 to be a “large and complex body of work” and so the following resulted:
- the Meeting agreed to establish an Intersessional Contact Group(ICG) essentially to re package WP1 in a way that nontechnical participants could follow;
- Observers and Experts participating in the ATCM would be invited to provide input to the above mentioned ICG; the ATCM Executive Secretary would open the ATCM forum for the ICG and provide assistance to the ICG; andthe United States would act as convener and report to the next ATCM on the progress made in the ICG;
- An exception, to the above action on WP1, was regarding the operational Recommendation XV-20 (1989) on “Air Safety in Antarctica”, for which immediate action resulted in it being replaced by Resolution 1 (2013) which is discussed further in para 2.4.2 below.
2.4.2. The full text of Resolution 1 (2013) “Air Safety in Antarctica” may be found in pages 281-283 of the Final ATCMXXXVI meeting report at: Clause 7 is of most relevance to WMO/ECPORS and reads:
“7. So as to provide for the improved collection from, and for the exchangewithin Antarctica of meteorological data and information of significance tothe safety of Antarctic air operations, Parties should:
(a) encourage the World Meteorological Organizationin its work towardsthis end;
(b) take steps to improve meteorological services available in Antarctica, specifically to meet aviation requirements; and
(c) take account of the International Antarctic Weather ForecastingHandbook; “
2.4.3.A key reason that Resolution 1 (2013) “got up”, when action on the rest of WP1 was deferred, lay in the outcomes of the Special Working Group on SAR in Antarctica mentioned in para 2.1 above. This Special Working Group also led to Resolution 4 (2013) “Improved Collaboration on Search and Rescue (SAR) in Antarctica” The full text of Resolution 4 Air Safety in Antarctica may be found in pages 301-303 of
the Final ATCMXXXVI meeting report at: Of particular relevance to WMO are that (a) COMNAP is to be supported in holding threeyearly workshops on SAR to which experts such as WMO would be invited; and (b) Rescue Coordination Centres (RCCs) are encouraged to hold SAR exercises “with each other, National Antarctic Programs, IAATO, and other relevant entities to continually improve SAR cooperation and response.”
3. Summary of intended WMO/EC-PORS contributions to ATCMXXXVII, Brasilia, May 2014
3.1. It is proposed that WMO/ECPORS contributions to ATCMXXXVII (Brasilia, 2014) essentially take two forms: (a) a verbally presented report, based on a pre-submitted Information Paper alerting ATCM members to the relevant contemporary work of WMO/ECPORS; and (b) pre-meeting input to relevant ICGs.
3.2. The (as yet not written) Information Paper alluded to above allows the WMO to keep the ATCM informed of meteorological-related developments relevant to Antarctica and it would include the latest outcomes from the current ECPORS meeting (ECPORS 5 (Wellington 2014)).
3.3. ICG of relevance to WMO/ECPORS includes, in particular, (a) the US-led ICG re-packaging the update of Operational Issues mentioned in para. 2.4.1 above; and (b) a UK-Norwegian led ICG on climate change.
3.3.1 In relation to (a), at time of writing the ICG examining how to repackage suggested update to the ATCM Operational Matters had not yet been initiated by the ATCM Executive Secretary. Since WMO/ECPORS made a substantial contribution to the previous ICG examining this matter its delegates to ATCMXXXVII (Brasilia, 2014) are well placed to assist further if/when needed.
3.3.2. Regarding (b), the ICG on climate change, this ICG is essentially examining impacts that climate change might have on, in particular, the biology of the Antarctic. WMO/ECPORS delegates to ATCMXXXVII (Brasilia, 2014) are actively contributing to this ICG albeit in a minor way given the scope of the ICG remit. Nonetheless, given that the convenors of this ICG (UK and Norway) actively sought WMO engagement in ATCM (para 1.3. above refers) ECPORS engagement is no doubt mutuallywelcome.
4. Suggestions for possible WMO/ECPORS contributions to subsequentsessions of the ATCM
4.1.It is clear to the current WMO delegates to the ATCM that there are clear benefits to the ATCM Parties from the work that WMO/ECPORS undertakes. Conversely, it is clear that the Antarcticrelated Services, which ECPORS champions, should, in the main, be informed by the needs of the ATCM Parties. However, it will likely take mid to long-term (i.e. on-going) participation by WMO/ECPORS in the ATCM to optimise the outcomes for both organizations. The following recommendations are made by the current WMO delegates to the ATCM:
(1)that WMO/ECPORS participates in future sessions of the ATCM;
(2)that, given that, at time or writing, while there seems to have been little or no follow up ATCM action on the ATCM 36 Working Paper No. 1 (WP 1) “Review of ATCM Recommendations on Operational Matters”, WMO/ECPORSremains ready to assist the ATCM further on this matter – presumably through participation in the relevant Intersessional Contact Group led by the US;
(3)given that WMO/ECPORShas a focus on disaster mitigation, it participates in the triennial workshops on search and rescue that COMNAP are to host; and WMO/ECPORS considers also being involved in Rescue Coordination Centre co-ordinated SAR exercises; and
(4)given WMO/ ECPORS’ interests in Antarctic research and in the International Polar Initiative, WMO/ ECPORS contributes to the SCAR: Future Directions in Antarctic Science scan.
4.2. An item of great interest at ATCMXXXVI (Brussels, 2013) was the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) initiative in conducting a “Future Directions in Antarctic Science” scan (see Given WMO/ECPORS’ own interests in Antarctic research, and in the mooted International Polar Initiative, WMO/ECPORSmight want to actively be involved in this scan – however, the SCAR initiative is well developed ( eg see and so ECPORS might want to take early action on this – at least to be “in the tent”.
5. In Conclusion: future WMO representation inthe ATCM
5.1. WMO/ECPORS has been represented by ECPORS Secretariat representatives at the last two ATCM (at ATCMXXXV (Hobart, 2012) by Steve Pendlebury (exAustralian representative to ECPORS) as Delegate; and ATCMXXXVI (Brussels, 2013) by Dr Miroslav Ondráš as Head of Delegation and Steve Pendlebury as Alternate both of whom will also represent WMO/ECPORS at ATCMXXXVII (Brasilia, 2014)).
5.2.The Panel may wish to considerwho might represent it at subsequentsessions of the ATCM: the combination of the relevant WMOSecretariat staff member together with an “Antarctic practitioner” seems to produce an effective team given the blend of diplomatic-policy issues along with operational matters canvassed by the ATCM. And so the Panel may wish to endorse this model and, in particular,choose a current ECPORS member to fill the “Antarctic practitioner” role subsequent to ATCMXXXVII.
Working Paper 1 (WP1) to ATCM 36
Review of ATCM Recommendations on Operational Matters
At ATCM XXXV, the Antarctic Treaty Executive Secretary presented SP 9, Report of the Intersessional Contact Group on the Review of ATCM Recommendations on Operational Matters, which continued the analysis of operational recommendations as agreed byATCM XXXIV. The ICG had reviewed twenty-eight recommendations in four categories.
The ICG identified eleven recommendations that are current; seven recommendations that are no longer current; twelve recommendations containing current general principles but outdated operational paragraphs requiring updating; and eight technical recommendations relating to meteorology, on which advice was required from relevant expert bodies, including WMO, COMNAP and SCAR.
COMNAP offered to provide draft language for those recommendations identified by the ICG as requiring updating, and also to suggest draft report language for the ATCMXXXVI final report, in those cases where the general principles of the recommendations might still be valid, but the technical and practical aspects may be outdated and therefore no longer current.
Given the subject matter contained in the recommendations that require updating, COMNAP agreed it would invite other organisations with expertise on particular technical topics, such as the WMO, IAATO and the IHO in particular, to contribute to the drafting work. ATCM XXXV accepted the offer by COMNAP and this Working Paper is presented as a result.
COMNAP invited representatives from IAATO, IHO, SCAR and WMO to participate in the project to update the twelve recommendations under the categories: logistics, siting of stations, aircraft, hydrography, fuel storage and handling, contingency planning, shipping regulations, and telecommunications; and the eight technical recommendations relating to meteorology. Each organization agreed to participate.
Given the various topics that were the subject of the recommendations, each organization took the lead on certain recommendations and the subsequent drafting of draft report language or updated recommendations. The chart below shows what was considered and by which organisation in particular, although all organizations involved were given an opportunity to comment on all the entire suggested draft language and final draft Working Paper.
Results for ATCM consideration
The suggestions are presented in three attachments. Attachment A contains the suggestions for the twelve recommendations which required updating; Attachment B contains the suggestions for the two recommendations which required further advice from COMNAP and SCAR; and Attachment C contains the suggestions for the eight recommendations related to meteorology from WMO.
Within each attachment, the format is as follows: First, the original recommendation, decision or resolution is shown. Then, there is a suggestion either for final report language or for an updated recommendation, decision or resolution. Such updates are usually presented in “track changes” mode so that it can clearly be seen where changes are being suggested and what those changes are.
We invite the ATCM to consider the suggestions for updates contained in Attachments A, B and C and act upon those suggestions in whatever way ATCM deems appropriate.
A. / Twelve Recommendations which required updatingRecommendation / Topic / ICG Advice (ATCM XXXV SP09) / Drafting led by
1 / Rec. I-VII / Exchange of information on logistic problems / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP
2 / Rec. I-XII / Cooperation on postal services / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP
3 / Rec. VIII-7 / Cooperative Air Transport System / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP
4* / Rec. X-3 / Antarctic meteorological data; telecommunications handbook / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP & WMO
5 / Rec. XV-17 / Establishment of new stations / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP
6 / Rec. XV-20 / Air safety measures / This recommendation should be updated. / COMNAP
7 / Res. 1 (1997) / Contingency plans / This resolution should be updated. / COMNAP
8 / Res. 6 (1998) / Fuel oil handling guidelines / This resolution should be updated. / COMNAP
9 / Res. 3 (2005) / Fuel storage and handling / This resolution should be updated. / COMNAP
10 / Rec. XV-19 / Hydrographic survey and charting / This recommendation should be updated. / IHO
11 / Res. 1 (1995) / Coordination of hydrographic surveying and charting / This resolution should be updated. / IHO
12 / Dec. 4 (2004) / Shipping guidelines / This decision should be updated. / IHO
B. /
Two Recommendations which required more detailed technical advice
13 / Rec. VII-7 / Antarctic telecommunications: continued information exchange / The ATCM should require more detailed technical advice from COMNAP and SCAR before taking a decision on the legal status of this recommendation. / COMNAP & SCAR
14 / Rec. XII-2 / Use of Antarctic telecommunications systems / The ATCM should require more detailed technical advice from COMNAP and SCAR before taking a decision on the legal status of this recommendation. / COMNAP & SCAR
C. /
Eight Recommendations relating to meteorology
15 / Rec. V-2 (1968) / Cooperation on Antarctic Meteorology / Further consideration required / WMO
16 / Rec. VI-1 (1970) / Guideline recommendations on Antarctic telecommunications / Further consideration required / WMO
17 / Rec. VI-3 (1970) / Exchange of meteorological information / Further consideration required / WMO
18* / Rec. X-3 (1979) / Antarctic meteorological data; telecommunications handbook / Further consideration required / COMNAP & WMO
19 / Rec. XII-1 (1983) / Collection and distribution of meteorological data / Further consideration required / WMO
20 / Rec. XIV-7 (1987) / Collection and dissemination of meteorological data / Further consideration required / WMO
21 / Rec. XIV-1- (1987) / Meteorological and sea ice information services / Further consideration required / WMO
22 / Rec. XV-18 (1989) / Meteorological and sea ice information services / Further consideration required / WMO
*Note: 4 and 18 are the same recommendations. Points 1-5 and 8-10 in this recommendation are related to meteorology, while points 6 and 7 refer to the telecommunications manual. Therefore this recommendation was considered by WMO and COMNAP and suggestions can therefore be found in both Attachments A and C.