Old Mill Road Traffic Calming Initiative Background
There are three categories of people involved in implementing the FCDOT Plan besides the Task Force:
1. “Affected Residences” (property owners). These are the households adjacent to a physical calming device. For this plan, the “affected residences” are the four adjacent to the proposed speed table: 4414, 4415 and 4419 Old Mill Rd., and 8831 Badger.
The Task Force must have them sign off and concur in the plan or it cannot be implemented.
2. “Voting Ballot Area” Residences. These are 163 households shown in the map in file #3. A majority must vote in favor of the plan. The households are in MVMCA, Sulgrave and Southwood.
3. The “community”. This category overlaps those above and consists of MVMCA, the Sulgrave Manor Citizens Association and the Southwood civic association and the Woodlawn Firehouse.
I do not believe MVMCA BOD approval or the approval of the other threegroups:e.g., the Sulgrave Manor and Southwood Civic Associations and the Woodlawn Firehouse, is legally required in order for the FCDOT plan to be implemented (Linda is double checking on this question). Nonetheless, everyone involved agrees that getting the support of the officers/leadership of the three Associations and the firehouse is desirable if the plan is to move forward. And FCDOT requires the Task Force try to build “community” consensus.
I have attached several documents to this 31 Dec. email:
1. File #1 - Speed study results from FCDOT
2. File #2 Steps in the process for implementing the FCDOT proposed plan (we are at Step 3 – the plan has been drafted and approved by the Task Force but the Task Force has not yet obtained signatures from affected property owners, i.e. the four parcels near the proposed Badger speed table).
3. File # 3 - A map showing the 163 ballot voting area households who must approve the plan. At least 50% of ballots must be returned and of those returned, 60% must support the ENTIRE traffic calming plan. The Task Force would be responsible for sending out the ballots and tabulating responses, in collaboration with FCDOT. The Task Force must fund this so MVMCA and the other Associations may be asked to help defray this cost.
4. File #4 - A map showing the traffic calming measures (this is the file I emailed to the BOD on Dec. 12). The measures are: two stop signs, a speed table and re-striping the road borders to make it narrower. The speed table is not optional and must be used whenever stop signs are added, according to FCDOT program rules.
If the MVMCA BOD concurs in the plan, the Task Force will then seek formal support from Sulgrave Manor’s and Southwood’s Associations and the Firehouse (again, this approval from all four entities is probably not mandatory). Linda has reached out to the other three organizations already to brief them. The next step would then be for the Task Force to obtain the signatures of the four affected property owners adjacent to the speed table by the Badger intersection. If they are obtained, the FCDOT and Task Force would move to Step 4 (holding a community awareness meeting) followed by Step 5 (ballot vote of 163 households). If approved by the voters, then FCDOT would request approval of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors followed by implementation by Fairfax Dept. Public Works. All actions to obtain the approvals/votes would be carried out by the Task Force in collaboration by FCDOT.
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