August 3, 2011
The following is a brief summary of the new and revised paragraphs in the Outline Of Investigation For Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Luminaire Conversion Kits, Subject 1598C, and CSA Technical Information Letter TIL. No. B79 both of which have a future Effective Date of July 16, 2012. The table below summarizes the requirements of each document and the actions that may be required to determine compliance.
1598C Par/Sec / General Subject and CommentEntire Document / The Outline Of Investigation For Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Luminaire Conversion Kits, Subject 1598C was created to document requirements currently being applied to LED retrofit kits. In addition it addressed new requirements applied to luminaire retrofit kits intended to replace fluorescent illumination sources with tubular LED lamps. Note that all LED retrofit luminaire conversion kits currently in category IEUQ will need to comply with this document by the effective date and those products deemed in compliance will be moved to either category IFAR or if they are intended to convert luminaires in commercial refrigerators or freezers IFAS as part of this review.
Supplement SA / While the requirements for tubular LED lamps used in retrofit kits refer to the applicable requirements in UL 1993 Standard for Self Ballasted Lamps, additional requirements related to retrofit kits that use existing fluorescent lampholders and misapplication considerations related to the use of incorrect tubular lamps in retrofitted luminaires were included in Supplement SA to the Outline of Investigation and intended to supplement the current requirements of UL 1993.
Section 16 / While these requirements are similar to marking requirements noted in UL 1598B and applied to previously evaluated LED retrofit kits, some additional markings noted in Table 16.1 were added for specific types of LED retrofit kits.
Entire Supplement SA / In addition to applying the requirements of UL 1993 for LED lamps, specific additional requirements were developed to address tubular LED lamps and are contained in Supplement SA to 1598C. Some specific requirements in Supplement SA that may need special attention are noted below. .
SA 5 / New Weight and Moment Requirements apply to LED tubular lamps supported by fluorescent lampholders.
SA 11 / This grounding requirement applies to tubular LED lamps where voltages exceed 150V and dead metal parts such as end caps and heat sinks are accessible and could become energized. For this construction the dead metal parts must be grounded or comply with the double insulation requirements of UL 2097 Standard for Double Insulation Systems for Use in Electronic Equipment.
SA 13 / Lamps substituting for linear fluorescent lamps shall comply with the requirements of this section including risk of electric shock test in Section SA 25.
SA Performance Tests / In addition to UL 1993 requirements, tubular LED lamps shall comply with applicable performance tests of Supplement SA beginning with Section SA 14 through SA 29.
SA 30 / In addition to the rating and marking requirements of 10.2 in UL 1993, the requirements in Section SA 30 apply.
TIL B79 Paragraphs / TIL B79 General Subject and Comment
Entire Document / TIL B79 expands the scope of TIL B64 to address the requirements of two specific types of luminaire retrofit kits not documented in TIL B64. The first category of retrofit kits covered are LED retrofit kits that include LED light sources and separate LED drivers/power supplies. These requirements are covered in Appendix A of TIL B79. The second category of retrofit kits are LED Tubular Lamp Retrofit Kits and is covered in Appendix B of TIL B79. With respect to tubular LED lamp requirements please note that the basic requirements for the lamp refers to CSA No. 22.2 No 1993 plus additional requirements noted in TIL B79. The main body of TIL B79 through Section 17 covers the general LED retrofit kit requirements. Note that all LED retrofit luminaire conversion kits certified for Canada and currently in category IEUQ7 will need to comply with this document by the effective date and those products deemed in compliance will be moved to either category IFAR7 or if they are intended to convert luminaires in commercial refrigerators or freezers IFAS7 as part of this review.
Table 14.1 / LED Retrofit Kits shall comply with the consolidated marking requirements of Table 14.1. These marking requirements apply to both product marking as well as installation instruction marking.
B1.4 / An LED tubular lamp shall comply with the temperature test of Section B1.4. The test box and test procedure is described in this section.
B2.1 / Paragraph B2.1 states that retrofit kits using an interchangeable LED tubular lamp cannot have the lamp connected directly to the branch circuit. This means that tubular LED retrofit kits that involve disconnecting the ballast and connecting the branch circuit wiring directly to the fluorescent lampholders is not permitted in a retrofit kit certified for use in Canada. UL Certification for use in Canada will need to be withdrawn on the effective date for retrofit kits of this type currently covered under IEUQ7.
B2.3 / LED tubular lamp retrofit kits with interchangeable lamps shall comply with the abnormal operation test of B2.3.