Our Mission Statement directs us to “Provide …aviation education in the community.” The Air and Space Education Award will recognize chapter achievements in educating others about the 99s and aviation as a whole.

To clarify the activities that will count towards this award, please consider your participation level and the idea that the event should educate the public about the 99s and aviation. For instance, if you work a booth at an exhibition and inform people about aviation it will count. If you only attend the event or if you attend a lecture given by someone else, that does not count. If you make a presentation to a group it will count but it will not count if you just attend a safety seminar and sit in the audience. When in doubt, list the event and the committee will check it for qualification.

The awards will be presented at the spring section. The new award given will be an Air and Space lapel pin andthe winning chapter will receive a pin for each member who participates so it is important to list the name of each person on you activity report sheet. It is hoped that this will encourage more chapter members to turn in an activity sheet to the chapter Air & Space education chairman. There will be two awards given – one to chapters with 35 and fewer members and one to chapters with 36 and more members based on the international list as of Dec. 31including FWPs.

There may be an additional Innovation Award given to the chapter with a new idea for educating the public about aviation. This can be just about any NEW activity for the chapter. To apply for the award, the chapter Air and Space Education Chairman should explain the activity, advise how it was conceived and carried out, and how it advanced the knowledge of aviation in the community.

In order to compete for the award given at the spring Section Meeting, it is necessary that all chapter members participate by reporting all such activity that take place during the calendar year Jan.1 – Dec. 31. Deadline for submission on chapter activities is Mar. 1 to Bertie Duffy, 11761Laurelcrest Drive, Studio City, CA91604 or .

Examples are as follows:


(Actively participated in or assisted with)

Local general aviation meetings

Secondary school career days

An exhibit or booth at an aviation function

Speaking at a school program

Activities that support aviation in local, state or federal legislative committees

Aviation oriented presentations to community organizations

Writing an aviation article for non-aviation publications

Placing aviation publications in school libraries

Taking school children or scouts on airport tours

Taking students, scouts or other groups for airplane rides

Taking media person or public official for airplane rides

Taking non-pilot for first flights or any related function


TV/Radio talk show on aviation/aerospace

Local school programs on aerospace

Flying Companion Seminars

A chapter aerospace discussion groupYouth Science project Award

Air and space workshop for teachersAir safety programs

Talks to clubs on aviation vocationsScout Aviation Badges