Primates PowerPoint Project
Objective: Using the library resources and web resources, you will research one primate and present that topic to the class. Your presentation should last 5-10 minutes and it should be presented in a fun yet instructive format. A printout of your PowerPoint presentation and a copy of all your research MUST be submitted.
The following questions should be addressed in your presentation:
· What is the classification of the primate?
· What form of locomotion does it use?
· What behavioral abilities (tool use, communication, language, etc.) does it have?
· What type of social structure (and group size ) exists?
· What is the brain size?
· Is there significance to the name?
· Where does it exist?
· What does it look like?
· How big is it?
· Describe its habitat, niche, sexual dimorphism, trophic level, and other interesting facts
25 / 20 / 15 / 5Components of report / All requirements are present and additional information is included / One requirement is missing. Some use of additional information or graphics / More than one requirement is missing. No additional information included. / Several requirements missing from report. Crucial information is lacking
Participation / Used class time/research time wisely. Focused attention on the project / Used time fairly well. Stayed focused most of the time / Did some research but did not appear very engaged. Focus was not maintained. / Class time & research time were not used wisely.
Research & Citation / More than five reputable resources were used and cited correctly. Material is translated into own words. / Three to five reputable resources used and cited correctly. Material in own words. / Fewer than three reputable resources used and cited correctly. Research incomplete. Material in own words. / Material is copied. Major errors in citing sources. Research incomplete or not done. Material not in own words
Scientific Concepts / Presentation accurate and thorough understanding of topic is demonstrated / Presentation is accurate and shows understanding of most of topic / Presentation shows limited understanding of topic / Presentation is inaccurate. Lack of understanding of topic
Appearance/Organization/ Creativity / Presentation is visually appealing, organized, and keeps the interest of the class. Creative. 10-15 graphics/pictures included / Presentation is interesting, organized, and keeps attention of most of class
5-9 pictures included / Presentation is well done, but not very creative or organized. 1-4 pictures included / Presentation is poorly organized, hard to follow and learn from. Pictures/graphics missing
Information is bulleted / Information is presented appropriately with no more than five bullets on a slide / Information is presented with more than five bullets on a slide / Information is bulleted but information is presented in paragraph form / Information is presented in paragraph form
Slide mechanics / Presentation contains more than 15 well prepared slides with no spelling errors. Pictures support material. References cited page done correctly as last slide in PowerPoint / Presentation contains more than 10 well prepared slides with no spelling errors. Pictures support material. References cited page done correctly as last slide in PowerPoint / Presentation contains more than 10 well prepared slides with fewer than three spelling errors. Pictures support material. References cited page done correctly as last slide in PowerPoint / Presentation contains fewer than 10 slides
Slides not well prepared.
Three or more spelling errors. Pictures randomly placed and do not support material. References cited page not submitted as last slide in PowerPoint
Topic List
1. Lemurs, Indris, Aye-ayes
2. Lorises, bushbabies
3. Tarsiers
4. Cebids
5. Marmosets
6. Tamarins
7. Colobines
8. Cercopithecines
9. Gibbons
10. Siamangs
11. Orangutans
12. Gorillas
13. Chimpanzees
14. Miocene apes