February 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0218r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGaf Call for Proposals
Date: 2010-02-12
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion Corporation / 7305 Napier Trail, Austin, TX 78729 / +1 972-207-3554 /


Call for Proposals for IEEE 802.11af Task Group.

Revision History

Revision / Comments / Date
R0 / RK initial proposal. / 12 Feb 2010

1  Introduction

The IEEE 802.11 TGaf was approved by the 802.11WG, ExCom and Nescom with this PAR: 11-09-0934-09-tvws-par-nescom-form-plus-5c. In its first face-to-face meeting the group approved its Purpose and Principles and Vision/Outcome by a unanimous vote, captured in document 11-10-0021-06-00af-meeting-plan-and-agenda-los-angeles-2010 (in slides 20 and 21; Motion to approve is slide 27).

Together these documents provide the following guidelines and limitations for the work of the task group:

PAR Scope: An amendment that defines modifications to both the 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the 802.11 Medium Access Control Layer (MAC), to meet the legal requirements for channel access and coexistence in the TV White Space

PAR Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to allow 802.11 wireless networks to be used in the TV white space

Purpose: the Task Group should create an amendment whose implementation in solutions is likely to receive FCC approval for operation in the TV White Spaces under the 47 CFR Part 15 subpart H rules.


–  If the FCC changes the rules, the Task Group should change the amendment accordingly

–  The amendment should not duplicate functionality that is being standardized in other Task Groups that are likely to complete before 802.11af.

–  There is no need for backwards compatibility with 2.45 GHz ISM operation.

–  The starting point is changes to Clauses 17 and 20 and Annexes I and J

Vision/Outcome: Use the OFDM PHYs with 5-, 10- and 20-MHz channel widths to specify the basis for a system that the regulators can approve for operation in the TVWSbands.

Proposals that conform to these guidelines will be the focus of TGaf going forward.

2  Notification of Intent to present: February 19, 2010 (midnight, GMT-5)

The chair of TGaf, Rich Kennedy, shall be notified by email at the above email address with a copy addressed to the 802.11 WG chair Bruce Kraemer () by February 19, 2010 (midnight, GMT-5) of all individual’s intent to present a proposal at the March 2010 Session of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group.

Please include at the beginning of your subject field [TGaf proposal]. You can include additional subject information as desired.

3  Submission of Proposal

The initial version of all proposals and related documents shall be submitted to the IEEE Mentor document server by the following times to make submissions available to the membership 15 days in advance of the session at which they will be presented. Should the submitter encounter difficulties please contact either Rich Kennedy or Adrian Stephens (). Submissions should conform to the IEEE 802.11 formatting and numbering conventions. Templates are available on the IEEE 802.11 website at http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11.

Submission date for presentation in March 2010: February 28, 2010

Submission page 1 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion