Director, Security Studies Program
Director, Center for Peace and Security Studies
EdmundA.WalshSchool of Foreign Service
Washington, D.C.20057-1029
Telephone: (202) 687-5727
Fax: (202) 687-5175
GeorgetownUniversity, EdmundA.WalshSchool of Foreign Service, July 1998 – Present.
! Director, Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), July 2000 – Present. Founding Director of the Center. Responsible for setting the Center’s intellectual agenda, program development, and fund-raising. The Center’s main activities include: the M.A. program in security studies; a research and publications program; and a multi-faceted events program. Women In International Security (WIIS), the leading organization in the world dedicated to the advancement of women in the field of security studies, moved to and became an integral part of CPASS in August 2001. Responsible for managing a staff of 12 administrative professionals and an annual budget of approximately $2,500,000. Endowment, as of 2003: $1,800,000.
! Director, Security Studies Program, July 2000 – Present. Responsible for development and oversight of the largest academic program in the United States devoted specifically to graduate-level, professional education in security studies. Responsible for development and implementation of a graduate curriculum of 60 courses; designed a new, expanded curriculum in 2000-01. Responsible for recruiting and supervising over 50 Regular, Visiting, and Adjunct Faculty. Responsible for recruiting and overseeing over 240 M.A. students.
! Associate Professor, July 1998 – Present. Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in June 2000. Teach graduate-level courses on International Security, Ethnic Conflict and Civil War.
HarvardUniversity, International Security, Co-Editor, January 1994 – Present.
! One of four editors who set the intellectual direction of and decide on submissions to the leading academic journal in the security studies field.
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (BCSIA), January 1994 – July 1998.
! Associate Director, International Security Program, January 1995 – July 1998. One of 3-4 people who set the Program's intellectual agenda, supervised its research and fellows programs, and managed its publications program. Engaged in fund-raising. Organized conferences, workshops, and seminars. Conducted independent research.
! Directed a 12-person, 18-month project that led to the publication of Michael Brown and Šumit Ganguly (eds.), Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997).
! Directed a 19-person, 18-month project that led to the publication of Michael Brown (ed.), The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996).
! Managing Editor, International Security, April 1994 – July 1998. Had primary responsibility for reviewing and soliciting articles for the Center's academic journal. Convened meetings of the journal's Editors.
! In 1997, International Security was ranked #1 out of 50 journals in the international relations field by Journal Citation Reports.
! In 1996, International Security was ranked #1 out of 47 journals in the international relations field by Journal Citation Reports.
! In 1995, International Security was ranked #2 out of 46 journals in the international relations field by Journal Citation Reports.
! In 1994, International Security was ranked #2 out of 50 journals in the international relations field by Journal Citation Reports.
! Co-Editor, BCSIA Studies in International Security, July 1995 – July 1998. One of 3 people who set the direction of and decided on submissions to the BCSIA book series published by MIT Press.
! Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, JohnF.KennedySchool of Government, HarvardUniversity, July 1995 – July 1998. Taught a graduate-level course on nuclear weapons and international security.
! Senior Fellow, International Security Program, January 1994 – January 1995.
! Co-Editor, International Security, January 1994 – April 1994.
International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, January 1988 – January 1994.
! Member of the Directing Staff , January 1988 – January 1994. One of 3-5 people who set the Institute's intellectual agenda, supervised its research program, and managed its publications program. Engaged in fund-raising. Organized conferences, workshops, and seminars. Lectured widely. Conducted independent research.
! Senior Fellow in U.S. Security Policy, January 1988 – January 1994. Responsible for following developments in U.S. foreign and defense policy, and providing in-house expertise on these and other international security issues. Contributed chapters to the Institute's annual review of international security affairs, Strategic Survey.
! Editor, Survival, April 1991 – January 1994. Had sole responsibility for editorial direction and content of the Institute's international affairs journal. Was responsible for overhauling the journal and re-launching it as a quarterly.
! Consulting Editor, Survival, January 1988 – April 1991. Helped to select and edit articles for the Institute’s journal.
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Research Fellow, 1986-87.
Coordinator of the Center's Group on Strategy and Arms Control. Conducted independent research.
Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, Research Fellow, 1984-85.
Conducted independent research.
Vassar College, Political Science Department, Assistant Professor, 1982-86.
Taught undergraduate courses on international politics, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. defense policy, the politics of arms control, and theories of international conflict.
Bucknell University, Political Science Department, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1981-82.
Taught undergraduate courses on international politics, U.S. defense policy, the politics of arms control, politics of the Middle East, and public policy decisionmaking.
Wesleyan University, Government Department, Visiting Instructor, Fall 1980.
Taught undergraduate courses on U.S. defense policy and arms control.
Harvard University, Center for Science and International Affairs, Research Fellow, Fall 1979.
Conducted independent research.
The Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies Program, Research Fellow, 1978-79.
Conducted independent research.
The Rand Corporation, Social Sciences Department, Intern and Consultant, Summer 1976.
Ph.D. Cornell University (Government), 1983.
M.A. Cornell University (Government), 1978.
M.A. University of Pennsylvania (Political Science), 1975.
B.A. University of Pennsylvania (Political Science), 1975.
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Have chaired panels and served as a discussant at various meetings of the American Political Science Association, the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the International Studies Association, and the U.S. Institute of Peace.
Have reviewed manuscripts for the Brookings Institution, Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Georgetown University Press, Oxford University Press, and the U.S. Institute of Peace Press.
Have been a U.S. Information Agency speaker in Denmark, Finland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda, Slovenia, and Sri Lanka.
Have been interviewed by ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, John McLaughlin “One on One,” National Public Radio, BBC television, BBC World Service radio, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, ITN (UK), The Economist, Financial Times, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and other media organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Member of Study Group on European Security, U.S. Institute of Peace, 1998-99.
Member of Study Group on European Security, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, 1998-99.
External reviewer, Project on Managing Global Issues, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1998-99.
External Reviewer, Grant Application Panel, U.S. Institute of Peace; April 1998, November 1999.
External Reviewer, Project on U.S. Military Personnel, MIT, December 2002.
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, July 2000 – December 2001.
Winner of the 1993 Edgar S. Furniss Book Award for "a book making an outstanding contribution to national security studies" – for Flying Blind: The Politics of the U.S. Strategic Bomber Program.
Pacific Basin Research Center, Harvard University, Project on “Language Policies and Ethnic Conflict in Asia,” 1999-2001.
U.S. Institute of Peace, Project on “Political Leaders and the Causes of Ethnic Conflict,” 1998-99.
Contributed to institutional grant proposals to the Carnegie Corporation; Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, 1994-98.
Contributed to institutional grant proposals to the Ford Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, the MacArthur Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, and the Volkswagen-Stiftung; International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1988-94.
Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, John M. Olin Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 1984-85.
Vassar College, Committee on Research, 1983.
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, 1978-79.
Institute for the Study of World Politics, 1978.
Cornell University, Center for International Studies and Peace Studies Program, 1975-77.
Born October 29, 1954. United States citizen.
Married to Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, a citizen of The Netherlands.
Have traveled to over 60 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Political Leaders and the Causes of Ethnic Conflict (forthcoming).
The Transformation of European Security (MIT Press, forthcoming).
Flying Blind: The Politics of the U.S. Strategic Bomber Program (Cornell University Press, 1992). Winner of the Edgar S. Furniss Book Award.
Edited Books
Grave New World: Security Challenges in the 21st Century (Georgetown University Press, 2003).
Fighting Words: Language Policy and Ethnic Relations in Asia, Co-Editor with Šumit Ganguly
(MIT Press, 2003).
The Costs of Conflict, Co-Editor with Richard Rosecrance (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999).
Government Policies and Ethnic Relations In Asia and the Pacific, Co-Editor with Šumit Ganguly
(MIT Press, 1997).
The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict (MIT Press, 1996).
Ethnic Conflict and International Security (Princeton University Press, 1993).
International Security Readers
Offense, Defense, and War, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller
(MIT Press, forthcoming).
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller,
second edition (MIT Press, 2001).
The Rise of China, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller (MIT Press, 2000).
Rational Choice and Security Studies, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller (MIT Press, 2000).
America's Strategic Choices, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller,
second edition (MIT Press, 2000).
Theories of War and Peace, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller
(MIT Press, 1998).
America's Strategic Choices, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller
(MIT Press, 1997).
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller
(MIT Press, 1997).
East Asian Security, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller (MIT Press, 1996).
Debating the Democratic Peace, Co-Editor with Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller
(MIT Press, 1996).
The Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security, Co-Editor with Sean
Lynn-Jones and Steven Miller (MIT Press, 1995).
Articles, Book Chapters, Monographs
“The United States, Western Europe, and NATO Enlargement,” in Frances G. Burwell and Ivo H. Daalder (eds.), The United States and Europe in the Global Arena (St. Martin’s, 1999).
“Minimalist NATO: A Wise Alliance Knows When to Retrench,” Foreign Affairs, May-June 1999.
“Comparing Costs of Prevention and Costs of Conflict: Toward a New Methodology” and “The Case for Conflict Prevention,”Co-Author with Richard Rosecrance, in Michael E. Brown and Richard Rosecrance (eds.), The Costs of Conflict (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999).
“The Impact of Government Policies on Ethnic Relations,” in Michael E. Brown and Šumit Ganguly (eds.), Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific (MIT Press, 1997).
“Introduction,” Co-Author with Šumit Ganguly, in Michael E. Brown and Šumit Ganguly (eds.), Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific (MIT Press, 1997).
"Nuclear Doctrine and Virtual Nuclear Arsenals," in Michael J. Mazarr (ed.), Toward a Nuclear Peace: The Challenge of Virtual Nuclear Arsenals (St. Martin's, 1997).
"Phased Nuclear Disarmament and U.S. Defense Policy," Occasional Paper No. 30 (Henry L. Stimson Center, 1996).
"Introduction," "The Causes and Regional Dimensions of Internal Conflict," and "Internal Conflict and International Action," in Michael E. Brown (ed.), The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict (MIT Press, 1996).
! Excerpts published in Chester Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall (eds.), Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict (U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 2001).
! Excerpts published in John Mueller (ed.), Peace, Prosperity, and Politics (Westview, 2000).
! Excerpts published in Michael Klare (ed.), World Security: Challenges for a New Century (St. Martin’s, 1998).
! Excerpts published in Michael E. Brown, Owen Cote, Sean Lynn-Jones, and Steven Miller (eds.), Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (MIT Press, 1997 and 2001).
"The Flawed Logic of NATO Expansion," Survival, Spring 1995.
! Reprinted in a special Russian-language edition of Survival, 1995.
! Reprinted in Philip Gordon (ed.), NATO's Transformation: The Changing Shape of the Atlantic Alliance (Rowman and Littlefield, 1997).
"Other Nuclear and Near-Nuclear Possessors," in Peter Gizewski (ed.), Minimum Nuclear Deterrence in a New World Order (Canadian Centre for Global Security, March 1994).
"Causes and Implications of Ethnic Conflict," in Michael E. Brown (ed.), Ethnic Conflict and International Security (Princeton University Press, 1993).
"Will START Stall?" UNIDIR Newsletter, June/September 1993.
"Recent and Prospective Developments in Nuclear Arsenals," in Serge Sur (ed.), Nuclear Deterrence: Problems and Perspectives for the 1990s (United Nations, 1993).
! Excerpts published as "Nuclear Arms Control," in Trevor Findlay (ed.), Arms Control in the Post-Cold War World (Australian National University, Peace Research Centre, 1993).
"The 'End' of Nuclear Arms Control," Arms Control, April 1993.
! Reprinted in Ivo Daalder and Terry Terriff (eds.), Rethinking the Unthinkable: New Directions for Nuclear Arms Control (Frank Cass, 1993).
"Strategic Forces," in Joseph J. Kruzel (ed.), American Defense Annual, 1991-1992 (Lexington Books, 1992).
"The Case Against the B-2," International Security, Summer 1990.
"The U.S. Manned Bomber and Strategic Deterrence in the 1990s," International Security, Fall 1989.
"B-2 or Not B-2? Crisis and Choice in the U.S. Strategic Bomber Programme," Survival, July/August 1988.
"The Strategic Bomber Debate Today," Orbis, Summer 1984.
"The Nationalization of the Iraqi Petroleum Company," International Journal of Middle East Studies, February 1979.
SPAIN, “Military and Non-Military Aspects of International Security,” Panel Presentation to 300 attendees of the Dialogue on Governance, Globalization, and Development, sponsored by the Centre Estudis Internacionals and the Observatori de la Globalitacio, University of Barcelona, October 2003.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, “Security Challenges in the 21st Century,” Panel Presentation to 75 international military officers sponsored by the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Washington, D.C., April 2003.
AUSTRALIA, Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, Annual Conference, “Ethnonationalist Conflict in the 21st Century,” Plenary lecture, Canberra, August 2002.
ARGENTINA, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), “The Changing Global Political and Security Order,” Series of four lectures, Buenos Aires, July 2002.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service,
“Security Challenges in the 21st Century,” Panel Presentation to U.S. Air Force officers,
Washington, D.C., October 2001.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service,
“Grave New World: Security Challenges in the 21st Century,” Conference Chair,
Washington, D.C., September 2001.
UNITED STATES, Texas A&M University, George Bush School of Government and Public Service, “The United States and Military Intervention: When to Go, and When to Say No,” College Station, Texas, November 2000.
UNITED STATES, National Collegiate Security Conference, “Continuity and Change in International Security Affairs,” Keynote Address, Washington, D.C., October 2000.
UNITED STATES, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Continuity and Change in International Security Affairs,” Washington, D.C., August 2000.
UNITED STATES, The Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies Program, “U.S. Nuclear Policy: The Case for a New Nuclear Posture Review,” Washington, D.C., May 2000.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service,
“International Responses to Internal and Conflicts: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,”
Washington, D.C., October 1999.
BANGLADESH, National Defence College, “The United States and South Asia,” Dhaka, August 1999.
BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies, “International Responses to Ethnic Conflict and Civil War: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Dhaka, August 1999.
INDIA, Jadavpur University and Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, “The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Regional Dimensions, International Responses,” Lectures, Calcutta, August 1999.
INDIA, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, “Ethnic Conflict and Civil War in the Post-Cold War Era,” New Delhi, July 1999.
PAKISTAN, South Asian Studies Center, Punjab University, “The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Regional Dimensions, International Responses,” Lahore, July 1999.
PAKISTAN, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Karachi), Pakistan Institute of National Affairs (Lahore), and American Center (Islamabad), “The United States: Uncertain Superpower in a Changing World,” Lectures, July 1999.
UNITED STATES, Council on Foreign Relations, “NATO and the Future of European Security,” Panel Presentation, Washington, D.C., April 1999.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, National Security Studies Program, “NATO and the War in Kosovo,” Panel Presentation, Washington, D.C., April 1999.
UNITED STATES, Brookings Institution, “NATO’s Future,” Panel Presentation, Washington, D.C., April 1999.
UNITED STATES, Columbia University, Institute of War and Peace Studies, “NATO and the Future of European Security,” New York, March 1999.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Georgetown Leadership Program, “Ethnic and Regional Conflict,” Washington, D.C., March 1999.
RWANDA, American Center, “International Responses to Ethnic Conflicts,” Kigali, December 1998.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Government Department, “Internal Conflict and International Security,” Washington, D.C., November 1998.
UNITED STATES, Georgetown University, Government Department, “How to Get Your Stuff Published,” Seminar for Ph.D. Students, Washington, D.C., October 1998.