Saddleback College

Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee

Friday, October 15, 2015


AGB President’s Conference Room


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Nicole Ortega, Co-Chair Interim Director of

Planning, Research and Accreditation

Carol Hilton, Co-Chair, Vice President of

Administrative Services/Planning Group Chair 2014-20

Khaver Akhter, Classified Senate Designee

Kathy Werle, Vice President of Instruction

Charles Myers, Academic Senate Designee

Donna Rane-Szostak, Deans Representative

Roxanne Metz, Director of Fiscal Services

Juan Avalos, Vice President of Student


Jennie McCue, 2014-20 Planning Group


Anthony Teng, 2014-20 Planning Group


Shouka Torabi (minutes)


Bruce Gilman, 2014-20 Planning Group Co


Penny Skaff, 2014-20 Planning Group Co


Barbara Cox, 2014-20 Planning Group

Co-Chair/EPA Coordinator

Barbara Carey, CSEA Representative

Kim D’Arcy, Academic Senate Designee

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Committee Discussion:

I.  Old Business:

a.  Strategic Plan Year ½ Action Steps

i.  Status of Proposed Action Steps in Goal 2/3:

1.  Curricular review of GE requirements where applicable and # of units required in CTE programs

2.  Pro-actively registering students for certificate/degree completion when they are identified as concentrators in CTE programs

3.  Getting OSAs of 12-18 units approved by the Chancellor’s Office so these completions will be transcriptable AND will be reflected in our scorecard data.

-In order to make progress on this item, Chairs from Goal 2 need to be present at PBSC. Nicole will email the Chairs to ask for their attendance at the next meeting, 10/29/15.

ii.  CCSSE Additional Questions Due by 12.4.15

-Kathy would like Student IDs to be collected so that more research can be done on the respondents. Nicole will contact the company and report back if it is feasible.

-Roxanne was interested in adding satisfaction questions to the survey. Kathy mentioned that she did not want this survey to become lengthy which may result in a low response rate.

-Nicole will bring a copy of the CCSSE to the meeting on 10.29.15

iii.  Strategic Plan Annual Report due every May

-Jennie McCue reported that her group is meeting, but was concerned that folks in Risk Management at the District may not be aware that they are part of the action items for her strategic planning Goal. Jennie will reach out to them via email to see if they can assist.

-Nicole stated that she would like an update on each groups’ progress by 10/29/15. Nicole will send an email to remind the Chairs.

b.  Governance and Organization Manual

-Tod would like PBSC to create an outline and Table of Contents before the end of Fall 2015.

-Nicole will email the manual to the committee so that it can be reviewed in the 10/29/15 meeting.

II.  New Business:

a.  Timeline for the Annual Planning Cycle – Next DWSP Task Force meeting 11/6/15

i.  Denice Inciong requested that a document showing our planning cycle be presented at the next DWSP meeting. Nicole asked the committee if there was an existing document, but the members were unaware. Kathy suggested looking at IVC’s timeline document and replicating that. Members stated that the resource allocation process timeline should be included in this document.

b.  Strategic Planning – Review of current Mission Statement

-The committee reviewed the statement and felt it was satisfactory. Nicole asked that members submit all edits to her by 10/29/15. Nicole will also email the members asking them to review the mission statement.

-Charlie added will add this as an agenda item for the Academic Senate and then bring back feedback.

c.  CRC Recommendations (Carol Hilton)

-Carol brought the most updated version of the resource allocation process for the committee to approve. The committee gave consensus to move this to Consultation Council.

d.  Resource Request Email (Will discuss at next meeting)

-Email notice from OPRA to remind recipients that resource requests can be submitted all year long. This would include a time line letting requestors know that if they submit a request between certain dates, which fiscal year to input into TracDat.

III.  Updates

a.  Carol stated that June Millovich, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, sees a conflict in time for her meetings in the Spring 2016 semester and would like PBSC to possibly change their meeting times.

i.  The committee gave consensus to shorten the PBSC meetings by 30 minutes to accommodate the Curriculum meeting. Therefore, starting in the spring, PBSC meetings will be from 130-230.

IV.  Announcements

a.  Next meeting: October 29, 2015 from 1:30pm-3:00pm

Meeting Adjourned: 3:00 pm

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