Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)in State Bank of India(BD Ops)
Ref: SBI-BD/ IT/CCTV-DVR-Etc/ 2017/ 002
Dated: 24.10.2017
State Bank of India, Bangladesh Operations, invites application from reputed firms/contractors for Annual Maintenance Contract of CCTV Storage Server, DVR, UPS, Smoke / Heat Detector, Other Related Equipments of Video Surveillance System atthe following sites/branches of State Bank of India Bangladesh Operations.
- State Bank of India, Dhaka Branch
- State Bank of India Gulshan Branch & Country Office, Gulshan.
- State Bank of India Khulna Branch & IVAC Khulna
- IVAC Gulshan
- IVAC Sylhet,
- IVAC Rajshahi
Peripheral (inventory list enclosed) including LAN for State Bank of India’s following offices:
Bid Document Availability / Bidding document shall be availableat SBIBD.COM website under E-tender Module as well as in the Notice Segment from 24.10.2017 to 31.10.2017Last date for requesting clarification (optional) / Upto 5:00 PM on 28.10.2017
All communications regarding points / queries requiring clarifications shall be given in writing to
AVP(IT) at ;
Clarifications to queries raised / Within 5:00 PM , 29.10.2017
Last date of submission of bids / 31.10.2017
Opening of Technical Bids / 12:00 Noon on01.11.2017. Authorised representatives of vendors may be present during opening of the Technical Bids. However Technical Bids would be opened even in the absence of any or all of the vendor’s representatives.
Opening of Commercial Bids / 4:00 PM on 02.11.2017
OR on a subsequent date which will be communicated to such bidders who qualify in the Technical Bid.
Finalization of TLI Vendor / 09.11.2017
State Bank of India (SBI), Bangladesh Operations, invites quotation (Technical and Commercial) for Annual Maintenance Contract of CCTV Storage Server, DVR, UPS, Smoke / Heat Detector, Other Related Equipments of Video Surveillance System (inventory list enclosed) including LAN for State Bank of India’s following offices from reputed vendor in Bangladesh and Qualified as per the other criteria contained in this RFP. They are invited to participate in the RFP Specifications of the equipments and details terms and conditions and other details of the procurement are as detailed in this RFP document.
(a)Dhaka Main Branch, (b) Gulshan Branch, (Including Country Office) (c) Khulna, (Including IVAC) (d),Indian Visa Application Center at Gulshan (IVAC), (e), IVAC Sylhet (f), IVAC Rajshahi.
a) RFP shall mean Request for Proposal.
b) Bid, Tender, Quotation and RFP are interchangeably used to mean the same thing.
c) The Bidder who is participating in this process is expected to examine all instructions, forms, Terms and Conditions and technical specifications in the Bidding Document. Submission of a Bid not responsive to the Bidding Document in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its Bid without any further reference to the Bidder.
d) SBI reserves the right to take any decision with regard to RFP process for addressing any situation which is not explicitly covered in the RFP document.
e) The Bidder must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest with SBI, Bangladesh Operations.
2. Scope of Work:.
The bidders shall have to enter into a SLA (Service Level Agreement) for AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) with SBI for three (03) years (Extendable to 5 Years subject to satisfactory Service Report by the Branch/IVACs) The price quote shall contain the yearly payment to be made by SBI for AMC, as given in the proforma for commercial quote.
VP (Operations)
State Bank of India
Uday Tower (1st Floor) Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan-1, Dhaka.
3.In case of further clarification:
Interested OEM authorized vendors in Bangladesh may contact the following officials should they need any further information / clarification / information, on the date, place and time mentioned below.
The Head of IT/AVP (IT)
State Bank of India, 24-25 Dilkusha, C/A, Dhaka-1000.
On Date: 25/09/2017 at 4 PM
4. Time Schedule:
The prospective L1 bidder has to submit an undertaking to the effect that in case they fail to complete the work within stipulated time/day, Bank would be free to impose penalty as per the terms of this Request for Proposal (RFP) which shall be (penalty) @ 5% of the entire price of the contract amount per day for the days of delay.
5. Eligibility:
(i).The vendor should have all the required licenses and approval from Government of Bangladesh for doing such business / work.
(ii).The vendor should have all necessary registration(s), from all competent authorities in that regard.
(iii).Vendor should have at least 5years experience in the work relating to installation and AMC of the Computer, Hardware, Peripheral, trouble shooting and maintenance.
(iv).The vendor shall have local presence for the office it is submitting the quotation(s). That means, it should have an established office with proper infrastructure to support the service locally,
(v) Emphasis would be given to the vendors who are in possession of quality assurance certificates from reputed certifying authorities (like, QNAP, SAN,CDCS, ISO, CCNA, MCSE, A+, CISA, CISM. etc.)
(6) General Instructions
(a).State Bank of India has the right to reject any / all application(s) without assigning any reason.
(b).Please note that through the current process, the Bank will select the L1 vendor.
(c).Mere submission of application or any call by the bank in response thereof does not devolve any right to any applicant to get any preference & priority in getting the AMC.
(d).Interested vendors, who are satisfying the eligibility criteria may apply to SBI, Country Office, Uday Tower Gulshan, Dhaka in the prescribed format along with copies of certificates, testimonials in support of their claim. The AMC will be valid for 3 Years from the date of acceptance of the offer which may be further renewed upon satisfactory performance. The rate quoted shall be valid for three months from the date of quote within the purchase order would be issued to L1 vendor. The interested vendors shall be agreeable to get the usual VAT, Taxes as per the Govt. rule deducted from the sale price by the Bank at the time of payment.
7.Bid Price
Prices quoted in the Bid should include all costs excluding VAT. The VAT should be shown separately in the Price Schedule.
8.Period of Validity of Bids
Bids shall remain valid for a period of 60 days after the date of Bid opening.
9. Signing of Bid
The Bid shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder.
All pages of the bid, except for printed instruction manuals and specification sheets shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. The Bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures, or overwriting, except to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid.
The Bid shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. Such authority shall be either in the form of a written and duly stamped Power of Attorney or a Board Resolution duly certified by the company’s competent authority, extract of which duly certified as true copy should accompany the Bid.
10.Bid Language
The Bid shall be in English Language
11. Rejection of Bid
The Bid is liable to be rejected if:
a) The document doesn’t bear signature of authorized person.
b) It is received through Telegram/Fax/E-mail.
c) It is received after expiry of the due date and time stipulated for Bid submission.
d) Incomplete/incorrect Bids, including non submission or non furnishing of requisite documents / Conditional Bids / Bids not conforming to the terms and conditions stipulated in this Request for Proposal are liable for rejection by SBI.
12. Intellectual Property and Copy right
The L1 vendor shall pass on genuine and licensed copies of the product and accessories as per Intellectual Property and Copyright act, and SBI can’t be in anyway held responsible any act or omission of the vendor in this regard.
13. RFP Abandonment
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, SBI, may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a Bidder, amend the Bidding Documents.
Amendments will be provided in the form of Addenda/corrigenda to the Bidding Documents, which will be posted in SBI’s website. Addenda will be binding on Bidders. It will be assumed that the amendments contained in such Addenda / corrigenda had been taken into account by the Bidder in its Bid.
In order to afford Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, SBI may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, in which case, the extended deadline will be posted in SBI’s website.
From the date of issue, the Addenda to the tender shall be deemed to form an integral part of the RFP.
14. Extension of Deadline for submission of Bid
SBI may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the Bidding Documents which will be intimated through SBI website
15. Late Bid
Bids received after the scheduled time will not be accepted by the SBI under any circumstances. SBI will not be responsible for any delay.
16. Modifications and Withdrawal of Bids
Bids once submitted will be treated, as final and no further correspondence will be entertained on this. No Bid will be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.
17. Right to Reject, Accept/Cancel the bid
SBI reserves the right to accept or reject, in full or in part, any or all the offers without assigning any reason whatsoever. SBI does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to reject all or any bid or cancel the Tender, any time during the tender process, without assigning any reason whatsoever. SBI also has the right to re-issue the Tender without the Vendors having the right to object to such re-issue.
18. How to submit the Bids:
The interested bidders shall participate through e- Tendering module of SBI. For this they shall login to our website . And can submit their quotes online after registering for e-tendering.
Process of evaluation of Bids:
The Technical quotes will be opened first and evaluated and the commercial quotes of those bidders will be opened who would qualify as per the technical specifications.
19. Checking of Bid Documents by the prospective bidders:
The following items must be checked before the Bid is submitted:
a)Eligibility criteria response, Technical and Commercial Bids prepared in accordance with the RFP document.
b) All the pages of the Bid documents, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid duly sealed and signed by the authorized signatory.
c) Prices are to be quoted in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT).
20. Where and whom to submit the Bids:
Interested parties who are eligible are requested to submit their Bids as per following schedule:
The BIDSs shall be submitted on or before 31st October 2017 up to 5 PM, to
The VP (Operations),
State Bank of India
57 757A, Uday Tower (1st Floor)
Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan-1, Dhaka.
The authorized representative(s) of the OEM or authorized/ licensed vendors of OEM in Bangladesh are requested to be present at the time of opening of the Technical and Commercial bids/ quotes. Maximum two representatives from a single bidder would be allowed to be present. After opening of the technical quote, evaluation would be made as per the specification of the bank. Those who disqualify as per their technical quotes, their commercial quotes would not be opened nor would be returned.
21. Fate of earlier bids when revised bid submitted as per modification made by the Bank.
Please note that for any amendments / or modification in the RFP document, no notification will be published in print media (News paper). The interested vendors should refer to our website for any amendment or modification till the last date of submission of the document. The vendor(s) who might have already submitted their bid at the time of amendment / modification, they can submit fresh revised bid, which will be considered by the bank (the old bid submitted earlier, would not be considered).
Head of IT
State Bank of India
Bangladesh Operations
Uday Tower (1st Floor) Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan-1, Dhaka.
State Bank of India, FORM OF APPLICATION
1.Name of the Organization and name of the key person2.Address with phone number and Fax Number
3.Year of establishment
4.Status of the firm whether company/firm/proprietary
5.Name of the Directors/Partners/Proprietor
6. Whether registered with the Register of Companies/Register of firms/Trade license. If so, mention number and date
7.Name and address of Bankers
8. Whether registered for Service TAX/VAT purposes. If so, mention Service TAX /VAT registration number and date of registration
9. Whether an assesses of income TAX. If so, mention ID number
10.Detailed description and value of similar works done during the last 3 years and works in hand (i.e. name of organization, value of work done and date of completion including scope of works executed)
11. Name and address of the persons who will be in a position to certify about the quality as well as performance of your organization (existing Clients).
12. Details of key Technical personnel, their Designations/posts with educational qualifications.
13.Details of experiences in previous Annual Maintenance service to Computer, Peripheral and various others electronic equipment’s for maintaining WAN/LAN including fault finding: / Name of the Organization / From TO / Scope of work
14. Office address at various places for which it (the Service Provider) is submitting financial quote. Please note that preference will be given to the Service Provider(s) who will quote for all the centers. Please also note that no quote of a service provider would be considered / accepted, if it does not has an established office at that centre.
I/ We hereby confirm that all information, particular, copies of certificates and testimonials in connection with my /our empanelment for above job are correct and genuine. I am/we are therefore liable to face appropriate actions as deemed fit by the bank in the event of any of the information, particulars, copies of certificates and testimonials are not found correct and genuine.
Signature with seal of the
Note: Furnish self-attested Xerox copies of all relevant documents in support of the information furnished above.
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / UNIT
1 / 16-ch DVR with 32TB storage Capacity / 1 / No.
2 / Dome IR camera / 16 / Nos.
3 / 2 KVA off Line UPS / 1 / Nos.
4 / TV 40 inch / 2 / Nos.
5 / Storage Systems / 1 / No.
6 / Online UPS 2 KVA 2 hrs backup / 1 / No
7 / Laptop Mini with adapter / 1 / No.
8 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 30 approx
Branch Name: Gulshan & Country Office
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / UNIT
1 / 16-ch DVR with power adapter / 1 / No
2 / Dome IR camera / 16 / Nos.
3 / LCD TV 32 inch / 1 / No
4 / Voltage stabilizer 1000VA / 1 / No
5 / Storage Systems one year / 1 / No
6 / Online UPS 2 KVA 2 hrs backup / 1 / No
7 / Laptop Mini with adapter / 1 / No
8 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 20 approx
Branch Name: IVAC (Gulshan)
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / UNIT
1 / 32-ch DVR with 32TB storage / 1 / No.
2 / Out Door type Bullet camera / 4 / Nos.
3 / IR Dome & Box camera / 28 / Nos
4 / Camera Mounting kit / 5 / Nos
5 / LCD TV 40 inch / 1 / Nos
6 / Power Cable & camera data Cable / 16 / Coils
7 / 2 KVA UPS / 1 / Nos.
8 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 30 approx
Branch Name: IVAC Sylhet
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / UNIT
1 / 16-ch DVR with power adapter / 1 / No.
2 / Dome IR camera / 11 / Nos.
3 / LCD TV 32 inch / 1 / No.
4 / Voltage Stabilizer 1000 VA / 1 / No
5 / Storage Systems / 1 / No
6 / UPS 2 KVA 2 hrs backup / 1 / No
7 / Laptop Mini with adapter / 1 / No
8 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 10 approx
Branch Name: Khulna Branch & IVAC Khulna
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / Unit
1 / 16-ch DVR with power adapter / 1 / No.
2 / 8-ch DVR with adapter / 1 / No
3 / Dome IR camera / 18 / Nos.
4 / 2 KVA off Line UPS / 2 / Nos.
5 / Fire Alarm Control Panel / 1 / Nos.
6 / Conventional Detection / 20 / Nos.
7 / Manual Call point & Exit Sign / 9 / Nos
8 / Electrical sounder & Bugler alarm / 5 / Nos
9 / Storage Systems / 2 / Nos.
10 / TV monitor 32 inch / 2 / No
11 / Laptop Mini with adapter / 1 / No
12 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 10 approx
Branch Name: IVAC ,Rajshahi
S/L / Hardware List / QTY / Unit
1 / 16-ch DVR with 2 TB HDD / 1 / No.
2 / DOME IR camera / 14 / Nos
3 / 1.5 KVA UPS / 1 / No
4 / Fire Detection controller 2 zone / 1 / No
5 / 24v red Polarized bell / 2 / nos
6 / Conventional Detection / 15 / Nos.
7 / Manual call point and break glass / 8 / Nos.
8 / Storage Systems / 1 / No
9 / UPS 2 KVA 2 hrs backup / 1 / No
10 / 32-inch TV monitor / 1 / No
11 / Laptop Mini with adapter / 1 / No.
12 / Smoke & Heat Detector / 15 approx