Tuesday, 3rd June, 2014.
a) Present
R. Forsyth, G. McGann, M. Smith, R. Osbourne, C. Miles, P. Rogers, A. Jarrett, L. Rookyard, W. Marsh, N. Peplow, J. Canning, A. Davies, A. Dodd, R. Jones, E. Tomlinson, Mitchell Lee, Matt Lee, D. Jarrett, T. O’Brien, T. Hayward, B. Holt, J. Johnson, B. Taylor, J. Davies, T. Davies, M. Sishton. M. Thomas.
b) Apologies
R. Clague-Smith, G. Johnson, Jason Grundy, Julia Grundy, A. Macey.
c) Minutes of BRUFC AGM 2013
1) Copy posted on club noticeboard last August and posted on club’s Pitchero website for the last month. In the Chairman’s report, the 3rd paragraph, 2nd line should read “Burntwood Rugby Club Sports Association” not “Sorts”.
2) J. Davies proposed and A. Dodd seconded that the Minutes of the 2013 AGM be approved. Carried.
M. Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Liz and Dave from Wychbury Greaves, our bookkeepers.
d) Officers’ reports for season 2013-14
Hon. Secretary’s report
1) The RFU is looking to develop rugby in all its CBs and clubs via six key drivers: retaining and developing players; recruiting new players; recruiting and retaining high quality coaches, volunteers and referees; providing effective and efficient facilities; establishing effective and efficient management and governance; and integration with the local community. We score well on some of these but there is room for improvement in others. We need more leaders to share the load to maintain a sustainable club. There are funding opportunities available if we deliver on one or more of the key drivers.
2) In connection with the above, we are a year closer to RWC 2015 – a great opportunity for all clubs to develop. The RWC Volunteer Programme, known as “The Pack”, has been launched already. There are no volunteers from our club or indeed many rugby clubs. We are better off with volunteers meeting and greeting visitors to our club and helping to turn it into a fanzone during the tournament. We do have a RWC Club Champion in Ben Holt who will work closely with other club champions from September to maximise the impact of the RWC on clubs and local communities. Part of their work will be planning the Staffordshire leg of the RWC Trophy Tour. The Webb Ellis Trophy will be toured around the county for a day next summer at a maximum of three events which are yet to be decided.
3) Match tickets for RWC games are currently available to the rugby community. We have an allocation of 100 tickets in total for the 10 fixtures to be played at Twickenham and 200 for games at the other venues. All details are on the noticeboard and website. This priority access for the rugby community closes on 2nd July. A draw will probably be conducted for the more popular games. Tickets go on sale to the general public in September.
4) Concerning tickets for international fixtures at Twickenham, the application procedure for club members has had to be tightened up. The club’s allocation of tickets for Twickenham internationals will continue to be posted on the noticeboard but applicants will also need to complete an individual application form which highlights the RFU’s Terms and Conditions of sale. Secondly, there will be a maximum of 4 tickets per member for A-list games. The November allocation has been received – applications and payment will be required by Sunday, 3rd August.
5) The RFU Competitions Review has reported, recommendations have been made and amendments have been submitted. The Midlands Division Organising Committee seem happy with the outcome but the north and south west regions are proving more problematic. The main effect is to create smaller leagues at the higher levels ie. 3-5. A reliable source has said that there will be no changes to leagues until season 2016-17 so clubs will have two seasons to prepare for any repercussions.
6) Our disciplinary record for the season has been excellent with no red cards received. The Staffordshire Referees’ Society has monitored its red card procedures after match officials tended to issue them too liberally early on last season. The Society has circulated a Referees’ Protocol, a copy of which is on the noticeboard. It explains the do’s and don’ts of the relationship between match officials and clubs on match days. All club members, including spectators, should be aware of its contents.
7) However, the Staffs Referees’ Society will be fully launching their Clubwatcher Scheme next season. Each club will be expected to appoint a person or people to provide feedback on a referee’s performance on a formal basis, even at 2nd, 3rd team or colts level. There will be a simple form to complete, perhaps highlighting one specific area. The Society sees this as the way forward for providing regular assessment of referees.
8) Sales of RFU Grand Draw tickets produced similar proceeds to the previous season but this time it was the mini/youth section which easily outsold the senior section despite offering the incentive of the proceeds going towards an end of season “jolly” ie. the trip to Abercarn.
9) It was good to make the return trip to Abercarn. Many thanks to the organisers. Good to see two teams entered into the Rugeley 7s plus a planned trip to the Newquay 7s. It was also pleasing to see the U17s off on tour to Belgium and the U15s go to Burnham. Much interest has also been shown in trips to Leicester Tigers’ fixtures and matches played at Twickenham – 115 tickets have been ordered for the England v Samoa game in November which is amazing. Let’s keep these people interested in rugby and, hopefully, increasingly involved in our club - they could be future volunteers.
10) A point of information regarding the mini/youth section, there will be no leagues at U13s, U14s and U15s next season. There will be a cup/plate competition. Leagues will start at U16s.
11) Lastly, thanks to anyone who has provided info for match reports and thanks particularly to Jo Gough who provides picturess for the website and local press, covering both senior and mini/youth games. It all helps to raise our profile in the local community.
R. Forsyth.
Chairman’s report
My sincere thanks to the present committee members, coaching staff, volunteers and clubhouse staff for their support and dedication throughout the season.
A special mention for Gerry McGann who has taken his role as Treasurer to the extreme, not only providing financial information for the Juniors and Seniors but, more importantly, the limited company which manages the facilities.
At last year’s AGM I spoke about the dissolution of the Sports Association and taking the business forward as Burntwood Rugby Limited.
We have raised the profile of the club via our website and social media. Functions, events and general news now not only reach our members but a large proportion of the community.
We are constantly building links with local groups and businesses becoming a venue for meetings, seminars, training courses and presentations. The RFU has awarded us “RFU Coaching Centre” status due to our facilities and professional staff approach.
It is a sign of the times that we cannot survive on income generated from rugby alone. We have to open our doors to the general public and make them feel welcome.
We have hosted several events over the last twelve months, all providing valuable income and publicity: 40th Anniversary Summer Ball, The Burntwood Wakes, a Bavarian Night, Junior Presentation Evening, Burntwood First Responders Presentation with Hugh Grant in attendance which was covered by TV, radio and the Press, a Kickboxing Competition, a Teenage Cancer Trust Ball, the county Value the Volunteer Dinner and Presentation Evening and our own Club Dinner and Presentation Evening. The last event was the first time that we have been able to host our own dinner on this scale and, more importantly, retain the bar revenue.
There is a busy programme of events for the summer: a Burntwood Dragons Fundraiser for Stephen Sutton; a mini-festival called Thumbs Up for Stephen; Buttstock; the Velocette Motorcycle Club Rally; the Summer Ball; and a Help for Heroes Ball.
The business is now growing and there are very few dates available in the bookings diary.
Combine these outside bookings with rugby based activities/events such as the British Lions Tour, the New Zealand v England summer tour and the forthcoming Rugby World Cup in 2015, we have a recipe for sustainability.
Following a meeting with Heineken I was informed that our beer sales have increased by 50% and that we are one of the few success stories in a declining market.
To enhance our reputation, CRB Catering have been replaced by Simply Fine Dining whose quality of food and standard of service will allow us to further grow our functions and events programme. The after match meals will be more varied and bar meals, Sunday lunches and morning tea/coffee will be available soon.
The 2012-13 accounts and the new lease have both taken a lot longer than originally anticipated due to issues beyond our control. Frustratingly, this has hindered the application for the consolidated loan. We now have all of the information required and an outcome is imminent.
We still have outstanding debts which we are gradually reducing but our cash flow is still very tight on a weekly basis.
From a business perspective, we are in a better position than this time last year but we still need to keep the momentum going to become financially stable.
I will leave the rugby matters to Paul. As part of the coaching staff he is in a far better position to comment than me. All I will say is that contrary to belief we set out three years ago with a plan to concentrate on developing our junior/youth section. This has been embraced by Julia Grundy and her team of coaches to subsequently provide the seniors with a conveyor belt of talent for many years to come.
We are once again building for the future and our 1st XV squad is maturing as a group that this coming season can seriously challenge for promotion but, more importantly, sustain their position in a higher league.
In summary, success in both rugby and business does not just happen, you have to work hard and be patient. Next season will define our club’s path for many years to come.
M. Smith.
President’s report
When I spoke at the AGM last year about my role as President I made it clear that I wanted to try and concentrate on matters within the rugby section. As Martyn has worked tirelessly with his staff on the business side of the club this has given me the opportunity to get involved.
We are very lucky as a club to have Rob Forsyth, Bob Osbourne, Mansel Thomas and Kev Cantrill all doing jobs within the county on various committees that we are more than well represented so it has given me chance to get to know a little more of the goings on within the rugby club.
I feel that although there is a lot to do, the club is making strides in the right direction.
The main plus for the year has been the fact that the junior section has started to bear the fruits of all the hard work that has been put in over the past few years.
It is always difficult to replace senior players, the likes of Rob Cartwright, Mark Poole, Graham Shelley, Mark Thomas, Ian Mapp, Amrit Derry and Hal Gozukucuk to name a few, and to lose the services of promising young players like Tom O’Brien, Rob Jones, Elliot Tomlinson, Dan Thornton, Liam Smith, Corey Douglas, Mitch Adams and Dan Garrity for various reasons – that’s nearly a whole team in one season.
Hopefully, most of the young ones will return and next season we will be bolstered up with numbers to run a successful vets team again.
However, they have made way for a new breed of youngsters who have worked very hard to establish themselves in the 1st and 2nd XVs and the good news is that next season they will have the experience that they have gained along with another hard pre-season with Graham, Jimmy and the rest of the coaching staff putting them through their paces.
Obviously, the main aim has to be promotion and to avoid a repeat of this season when, after a tremendous two thirds of the season, it fell away somewhat towards the end.
This is just the start of the conveyor belt though. Next season we will be running a colts side and they will have a tremendous coaching team with Mark Osborn, Jason Grundy, Tony Sutton and Mark Fisher all on board. I can see the boys blossoming nicely over the next couple of seasons.
It is great to see so many ex-players giving up their time to coach the juniors. It is an area that is most important. The development of coaches in the club can only help bring our young players on. Our coaches include the likes of Stu Maguire, James Holmes, Dave Jarrett, Wad Reeves and Andy Dodd, all ex-players, as well as some great new recruits.
Currently, Ian Mapp and Ben Holt are taking coaching badges and I am hoping that we can get support from the senior sides to help out on junior training nights next season and vice versa with some of the junior players turning up and getting involved on senior matchdays.
I think the communication between the junior and senior committees has been very good with different points of view being discussed. A lot of thanks has to go to Julia for her work between the two committees and also with the RDO and CRCs.
Coming up in the next couple of weeks there is the Touch Rugby series organised by the RDO/CRCs and we have decided to put a coaches’ squad to compete in the series. I think this is an important piece of the jigsaw where they can have some fun and communicate about aims for next season.