Alan Salter Scholarship Application

Purpose: The Rio Grande GCSA will provide a minimum of $500 in scholarships for students who will be attending accredited colleges. Applicants must be enrolled in a college or university for the 2017 Spring semester (January 2017). Applicants must have an immediate family member that is a current member of the association. In evaluating each application, the scholarship committee will also consider service and participation in school and civic activities. Recipients may have work assignments at bi-monthly meetings at the discretion of the Alan Salter Scholarship Committee.

Please type this form out! If you have downloaded this form, you may enable editing and simply type in the lined spaces. Another sheet of paper may be used for additional information.

Student’s Name:


Home Address:


Current Address:


Home Phone Number ( ) Current/Cell Phone Number ( )

What college/high school are you currently attending?

Mailing Address City, State Zip

CurriculumClassification (current)

Grade Point Average as of last semester (attach copy of transcript)

Are you a full-time student? Yes No

What college will you be attending the Spring 2017 semester?

Mailing Address:City, State Zip

What field do you wish to pursue upon graduating from college?

What activities or organizations have you been involved in at school or civic?

What special recognitions or awards have you received?

What experience in golf course maintenance or other turf related fields have you had?

What experience do you have in any field?

List other associations where you are a member:

List all family members that are currently members of RGGCSA:

Member’s NameRelationship


Number of years as a member of RGGCSA:

List all RGGCSA Committees or Board Positions that your family member has served and dates:

Please include the following with your application:

  1. A one-page essay explaining your reason for requesting the Rio Grande GCSA to invest in furthering your education.
  2. A copy of your college or high school transcript
  3. 2-letters of recommendation from non-family members
  4. Your current resume

Please mail application and materials listed above to:

RGGCSA Alan Salter Scholarship

7820 Enchanted Hills Blvd A-144

Rio Rancho, NM 87144

Scholarship money will be sent directly to the student.

Student’s Signature:Date:

Application Deadline is December 1st, 2016

For Scholarship Committee chairperson

Scholarship Awarded: YesNo

Signature of Chairman: Date: