Canton Board of Education
Regular Meeting
May 28, 2009 6:30 p.m. Canton Middle School
Board Members: Also Present:
Susan Crowe Present Kevin D. Case, Superintendent
Lou Daniels Absent Lynn McMullin, Assistant Superintendent
Leslee Hill Present (8:15) Joseph Scheideler, Principal Canton Middle School
Beth Kandrysawtz Present
Carlene Rhea Present
Sue Saidel Present
Kyra Sheehan Present
Jonathan Webb Present
Patti White Present
Student Representative
Francis Klimczak
Kelly Nedorostek
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room with Board members and Mr. Scheideler. A brief overview of Canton Middle School took place along with a period of time for questions and answers of Mr. Scheideler regarding CMS.
The meeting was moved to the cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Scheideler led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Education along with Superintendent Case and Mr. Scheideler recognized the following students, staff and community members for their service and dedication to Canton Middle School: Donna Corbett, Brett Gottheimer, Samantha Bosse, Leigh FitzGerald, Sophie Huff, Phoebe Magna, Emily Neddermann, Colby Buehler, Natalie Ericson, Justin Fortier, Bailey Jeffko, Evan Rexford, Morgan Scafuri, Marsha Jorgensen, Marta Lingenheld, Leigha Emerson,
Abigail Brophy, Karl Ide-Pech, Haley Kolding, Autumn Magro, Ryan Vaillancourt, Sandra Hurd, Hayley Whittingslow, Judge Michael Sheldon, Attorney John FitzGerald, Sam Byus, Amanda Curvino, Leigh FitzGerald, Kathy Kandrysawtz, Hayley Kolding, Cailin McHugh-Roohr, Kyle Mullins, Dakota Nicholson, William Donovan, Cheryl Adams, Nan Bartlett, Nora Mocarski, Peter Fortier, Kathy Hooker, Emily Barger, Tyler Cormier.
The meeting recessed from 7:22 p.m., to 7:42 p.m.
Student Report
A written report was distributed to the Board detailing the activities at the High School during the past two weeks of school. Francis and Kelly briefly provided the Board with information on the Concert in the Park, the Scholarship Assembly, the Memorial Day Parade, the cafeteria updating and the upcoming B Sharps concert. Full details of school activities were provided in their written report.
Frances spoke to the Board on her experiences serving with the Board for the past two years. She felt that her greatest accomplishment were aiding in the updating of the softball field and the high school cafeteria project. Frances thanked the Board for their support and providing to her a professional environment in which to grow.
MOTION: To add to the Agenda Item 5# Allocate Open Choice Funds.
Saidel/Crowe U
Assistant Superintendent Report
Ms. McMullin and members of the Professional Growth Committee presented a draft of the revised Teacher Performance Evaluation and Continuous Professional Growth Plan in a powerpoint demonstration to the Board. A complete overview of this plan was given. Board members asked questions of the committee. The plan will be presented for adoption at the Board meeting of June 11th. The Board thanked the members of the committee for their commitment to this project.
Athletic Participation Fee
Superintendent Case reviewed the proposed athletic participation fee schedule with the Board. He provided data on the fee structure from surrounding towns and towns in our DRG. Action will be requested of the Board at the meeting of June 11th.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Case distributed a written report on district activities that he had participated in during the past two weeks. Some of the items discussed were interviews for open positions including the full process of interviewing; the CREC Council meeting; the Junior/Seniors Honors Celebration at the high school; the Academic Awards Breakfast; Special Education Policies and the June Calendar.
Mr. Case informed the Board that he had investigated the allegation of a safety issue with the stage at the high school. After a full investigation; it was determined that there are no safety concerns with the stage at the high school.
Lastly, Superintendent Case distributed a recent article that was printed in the Connecticut Magazine. He provided information on the data that was stated in the article and accurate information for the Board.
Chair Report
Vice Chair Carlene Rhea reminded Board members of the meeting schedule for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Rhea asked for Board participation in the retirement dinner of June 9th. Lastly, Mrs. Rhea informed Board members that a summer retreat will not be held this year. A fall retreat will be scheduled with new members.
Committee Reports
Fields – Jonathan Webb reported that the West Field project will begin on Saturday, May 30th. He informed the Board of the discussion and decisions that were made regarding the drop off area at Cherry Brook Primary School.
Mr. Webb discussed the money that would be needed to address space issues at Cherry Brook Primary School. There are proposals of $20,000 to fix the tutoring area and $17,000 to make the necessary adjustments with the computer lab. Further updates will be provided at the next Board meeting.
Mr. Webb then discussed the revenue of approximately $2,000 from the parking fees and the remaining funds of approximately $5,000 from a past fields project.
Lastly, Mr. Webb discussed addressing one of the ADA issues at the high school. He requested that the Board allocate $9,000 to replace the pass door in the gym.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education allocate $9,000 to replace the pass door in the gym at Canton High School.
There was extensive discussion regarding the space issues at Cherry Brook Primary School and the current fiscal budget. Updated financial reports will be available by June 11, 2009.
Mr. Webb withdrew his motion.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education move forward with both Cherry Brook Primary School Projects - $20,000 for the tutoring space and $17,000 for the computer room changes with funds from the Open Choice Grant of $28,154 and the balance from the budget surplus.
Webb/Kandrysawtz U
Strategic Planning
Mr. Case provided a brief update on the progress that the committee has made. It is anticipated that an updated document will be available by November.
Community of Concern –
Susan Crowe informed the Board that the May 2nd Safe Driving Program was very successful.
She also told the Board that a meeting was held with the Youth Service Bureau and that progress was being made to allocate funds to the McCall Project, the Drums Not Drugs Project and the Substance Free Graduation Party.
Sue Saidel informed the Board that a meeting will be held on June 3 at 6:00 p.m. A summary of the World Language and new textbook adoption will be presented at the Board meeting of June 11th.
Adoption of Minutes
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adopt the minutes of the meeting of May 14, 2009.
AYE: Crowe, Kandrysawtz, Rhea, Saidel, Sheehan, Webb, White
Policy #6111- School Calendar
Policy #5139 – Participation Fees for School Activities
Sue Saidel left.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adopt Revised Policy #6111 – School Calendar.
Crowe/Hill U
Sue Saidel not present for vote
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adopt Policy #5139 – Participation Fees for School Activities.
Hill/Crowe U
Sue Saidel not present for vote.
Sue Saidel returned.
2009-2010 Budget
Superintendent Case briefly reviewed the need to reduce the budget by $195,000. The Board of Finance reduced the Board of Education’s proposed budget by $195,000 at their meeting on April 21, 2009.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education reduce the Capital Expenditure portion of the 2009-2010 Budget by $195,000.
Webb/Kandrysawtz U
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education go into Executive Session at 9:29 p.m. and invite Superintendent Case to remain for the purpose of negotiations, a discussion on pending claims and litigation, and Superintendent Evaluation.
Webb/Hill U
The Board came out of Executive Session at 10:07 p.m.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adjourn at 10:07 p.m.
White/Saidel U
Respectfully submitted,
Patti White, Secretary
May 28, 2009
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