February 3, 2015
Rockford Township
Regular Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Chair Beise called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Rockford Township Hall. Present were Supervisors Beise, Eckblad, McDougall, Deitering, Kjome, and Clerk McDougall.
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the agenda with the addition of new item C. Buffalo Township – Division St. E. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Kjome to approve the January 20, 2015 regular meeting minutes as printed. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Maintenance Crew
The Board discussed patching work that needs to be completed on Farmington Ave. SE (Bridge) and Rockford Ranch. The Board will discuss this at a future meeting. The maintenance crew will put together a list of roads that need to be seal coated for 2015.
Continued Items - None
Public Comment- None
New Agenda Items
February 3, 2015 Planning Commission Recommendations
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the February 3, 2015 Planning Commission recommendations as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Set Time & Date for Board of Appeal and Equalization
The Board agreed to meet on April 20, 2015 at 6:00p.m. Clerk McDougall will confirm the time and date with the Wright County Assessor.
Buffalo Township – Division St. E
The Board discussed a future turn-around on Division St. E and will meet with Buffalo Township in the future to discuss expense and maintenance.
Supervisor Kjome – None
Supervisor McDougall – Noted Wright Recycling sold to Randy’s Sanitation and will be at the next Township meeting to discuss recycling for Rockford Township.
Supervisor Eckblad – None
Supervisor Deitering - None
Supervisor Beise – None
Clerk McDougall – None
Funds Report – None
Review of Bills
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to pay 2015 claim #34 to #42 in the amount of $13,157.87 including payroll. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Supervisor Eckblad moved to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
______Date: ______
Dennis Beise (Chairperson)
______Date: ______
Rachelle L. McDougall (Clerk /Treasurer)