Council Minutes

18 November 2013

A. Reading of the Prayer

B. Apologies

C. Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 424

D. Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act[1]

E. Questions to Council from Members of the Public

F. Correspondence

G. Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

H. Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters

I. Notice of Motion

J. Reports of Special and Other Committees

K. Reports of Delegates

L. General Business

1. planning applications

1.1 Planning Application 0457/89 - 16 Hurry Place Prahran – Amendment to Planning Permit and Plans to Allow For the Removal of Obscure Glazing to East Facing Bathroom Window

1.2 Planning Permit 0848/00 - 359 And Part Of 357 Chapel Street, South Yarra – S72 Amendment To Approved Planning Permit And Plans Comprising Variation Of Condition 4 And Installation Of A Fence

1.3 Planning Application 0854/12 - 3 May Road, Toorak - Construction Of Two Dwellings On A Lot Within A Residential 1 Zone And Associated Car Parking Dispensation

1.4 Planning Application 0110/13 - 8 & 10 Murphy Street, South Yarra – Construction Of A Five Storey Building Over Two Basements To Accommodate Dwellings And Associated Car Parking

2. Motherwell Street, South Yarra – Traffic Management Proposal (Road Cushion)

3. Valetta Street, Malvern – Proposal to Install Permit Zone Restrictions

4. clayton south regional landfill agreement – deed of variation

5. Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Emergency Donation

6. Lyric Opera of Melbourne Request for Additional Funding

7. Children’s Services Fee Review

8. Financial Report – September 2013

9. Prahran Market Operating Report to Council for the Quarter Ended 30 September 2013

10. other general business

M. Urgent Business

N. Confidential Business

present : cr adrian stubbs, mayor

: cr john chandler

: cr erin davie

: cr sam hibbins

: cr jami klisaris

: cr melina sehr

: cr matthew koce

: cr john mcmorrow

: cr claude ullin

council officers present

: warren roberts, ceo

: geoff cockram

: connie gibbons

: simon thomas

: karen watson

: alexandra kastaniotis

: stuart draffin

: judy hogan

Judy Hogan, Civic Support Officer, read the following reconciliation statement:

We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.

A. Reading of the Prayer

The meeting began with a prayer at 7.00pm.

The Mayor, Cr Stubbs, introduced Councillors and the CEO, Warren Roberts, to the meeting. The CEO introduced Council Officers to the meeting.

B. Apologies


C. Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law (2008) No 1

motion: moved cr davie seconded cr chandler

That the Council confirms the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 28 October 2013 and Minutes of the Confidential Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 28 October 2013 as an accurate record of the proceedings.


D. Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act

Cr Ullin declared a Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 6 – Lyric Opera of Melbourne Request for Additional Funding as he is the Chairman of Lyric Opera of Melbourne.

E. Questions to Council from Members of the Public

The Mayor, Cr Stubbs, read the following statement:

During Council’s previous Ordinary Meeting no set of Questions to Council was received from members of the public.

For tonight’s Ordinary Meeting of Council no set of Questions to Council has been received for response.

F. Correspondence – (only if related to council business)

Cr Chandler tabled the following correspondence:

·  An email (14.11.3) from a resident of Murphy Street asking that Council take measures to reduce vehicle speed in that street on the grounds of: excessive vehicle speed; pedestrian safety; and the use of the street as a ‘rat run’ between Toorak Road and Domain Road. Cr Chandler asked that Council Officers carry out a survey to establish traffic speeds in the street.

·  An email (15.11.13) objecting to Item 1.3 - 3 May Road, Toorak, on the grounds of: overshadowing; excessive visual bulk and mass; excessive height of building and walls; and excessive length of a boundary wall.

Cr Sehr tabled the following correspondence:

·  A letter from a former Councillor, Henry Buch, a resident of Hampton Road, who has asked on previous occasions that parking restrictions be imposed in Hampton Road which has no parking restrictions. Cr Sehr asked that Council undertake a parking survey as requested previously.

Cr Koce tabled the following correspondence:

·  A letter from the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, thanking the City of Stonnington for its letter of congratulations on his appointment and noting that the new Coalition Government will honour its commitments.

·  A letter (24.10.13) from the CEO, Very Special Kids, thanking the City of Stonnington for enabling them to host their 2013 Remembrance Ceremony at the Malvern Town Hall.

Cr Klisaris tabled the following correspondence:

·  A letter (29.10.13) from a resident of Buddle Drive, Toorak, noting the loud noise from megaphones used by rowing coaches riding beside the Yarra River in the early morning and evening, and suggesting a solution using wireless headphones.

Cr Ullin tabled the following correspondence:

·  Correspondence in relation to Planning Application 0408/13 – 581 Toorak Road, Toorak:

Ø  An email (14.11.13) from a property owner in Dalriada Street, Toorak, objecting on the grounds of: traffic congestion in Dalriada Street; inappropriate car access arrangements; blocking of property access to residents; and requesting vehicular access to the development from Toorak Road.

Ø  An email (14.11.13) with an attached objection, opposing the application on the grounds of: excessive form, scale, size, height and bulk; problems with the rear elevation; dwarfing of heritage buildings; lack of landscaping; inappropriate use of Dalriada Street to access the basement car park; probable vehicle congestion in Dalriada Street; positioning of the on/off ramp on Toorak Road; and problems associated with the use of Dalriada Street by construction vehicles.

Ø  An email (15.11.13) from a resident of Lansell Road, Toorak, with an attached objection, opposing the application on the grounds of: loss of a heritage building and tennis courts; excessive height and scale which do not permit adequate landscaping; extent of development at the rear; inappropriate vehicular access via Dalriada Street; lack of waste management plans; lack of clarity about parish activities in the development; drainage and overflow issues; and loss of community sporting facilities.

·  An email (11.11.13) from a resident of Charles Street, Prahran, objecting to the installation of clear glass in a bathroom window in relation to Item 1.1 - 16 Hurry Place, Prahran.

·  An email (8.11.13) from a resident of Duke Street, Windsor, objecting to the presence of a large rubbish bin on the footpath during the day and other filthy bins near venues in the street making movement difficult for those with disabilities, and creating health and hygiene issues. The email makes a number of suggestions and asks Council to take action.

·  An email (31.10.13) from residents of Powell Street, South Yarra, with an attached objection, opposing Planning Application 0057/13 – 20 Powell Street, South Yarra, on grounds including: neighbourhood character issues; site layout and building mass; drainage; energy efficiency; open space and landscaping issues; parking and traffic problems; setbacks; and overshadowing.

·  An email already tabled in relation to Item 1.3 - 3 May Road, Toorak.

Cr Hibbins tabled the following correspondence:

·  A letter (25.10.13) from Major General the Hon. Michael Jeffery, former Governor-General of Australia, writing to Council and enclosing a paper titled ‘Influencing Climate Through Greening our Cities’ noting that local government can be a force for change in the way the natural environment is managed to impact food security and climate change. Cr Hibbins asked that Council respond to Major Jeffery, noting steps being taken in the City of Stonnington to manage climate change.

Cr Stubbs tabled the following correspondence:

·  An email (15.11.13) expressing disappointment about Council’s decisions in relation to the Milton Gray Reserve Scout Hall.

·  An email already tabled in relation to Planning Application 0408/13 – 581 Toorak Road, Toorak.

·  An email (15.11.13) with attached information in relation to improvements for pedestrian and bicycle facilities in East Malvern.

·  An email (15.11.13) from a trader in Bates Street, Malvern East, in relation to rubbish associated with a building permit issued by the City of Stonnington.

·  An email already tabled in relation to Item 1.3 - 3 May Road, Toorak.

G. Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

Cr McMorrow said that at the last Council meeting he had tabled a petition in relation to Council’s Footpath Trading Policy, especially in Malvern Village, Malvern Road, Glen Iris. At the time Cr McMorrow had asked for a briefing paper. He requested that it be made available to give some clarity to traders prior to Christmas.

The General Manager, Planning and Development, Stuart Draffin, said that this matter was being worked on in preparation for the next Council cycle. Council Officers are already talking with traders who are aware that Council is addressing the issue.

Cr Davie said she had been asked to raise a potential safety concern in relation to cyclists and dogs in the area of the Sheridan Pavilion and Basil Oval. Council has plans to re-lay the oval and remove the fences. She asked for details of the extra signage needed to prevent collisions between bikes and dogs.

The General Manager, Planning and Development, Stuart Draffin, took the question on notice.

Cr Klisaris referred to an issue raised under Correspondence in relation to megaphones being used near the Yarra River during rowing training sessions. She asked if any investigations had ever been undertaken into this issue. If not, she asked that the matter be discussed at a Councillor Briefing.

The CEO, Warren Roberts, recalled that some previous investigations had been conducted. He noted that it was very difficult to control issues relating to cyclists. He will investigate the matter and respond.

Cr Klisaris said that the correspondent had offered a possible solution to the problem.

Cr Chandler said he had a further issue in relation to Council’s Footpath Trading Code, noting that he had received a letter from a children’s wear shop in Toorak Road which wanted to have a small windmill on the footpath. He asked that this matter be included in the report that was coming to Council.

The General Manager, Planning and Development, Stuart Draffin, said that these requests in relation to Council’s Footpath Trading Code were being dealt with together.

Cr Koce referred to an article in The Age newspaper on 18 November 2013 in relation to residents of a rooming house in Malvern Road, Glen Iris, being evicted in the near future. This affected about 30 vulnerable people. He asked if Council was assisting them to find accommodation.

The General Manager Social Development, Connie Gibbons, said that the residents had been given 120 days to vacate. The owners of the rooming house are being prosecuted. Council has activated the Emergency Recovery Program in relation to people in rooming houses and Council Officers are working with HomeGround Services, the local housing service which is taking the lead in this matter, to ensure the issue was covered.

Cr Sehr raised the following issues, noting that she was happy for them to be taken on notice:

·  Elizabeth Street Car Park: Could Council Officers or the Prahran Market Board assess the current parking patterns in the Elizabeth Street Car Park, noting if they involve long-term, all-day or short-term parking. There is a possibility that, as a result of the cost of parking at the Alfred Hospital Car Park, staff find it more affordable to park in the Council car park. Cr Sehr said that Council may need to change the way the car park is run.

·  Chris Gahan Reserve: Some residents are upset about the off-leash arrangement. Could Council Officers consider stepping up enforcement in relation to animal owners who don’t clean up after their animals and erect signs to remind people of this responsibility.

·  Nottingham Street, Prahran: This street has significant parking pressure and Council has already carried out a survey. Cr Sehr asked that the survey be done again with a view to resident-only parking as a very successful cafe has recently opened nearby.

·  Hampton Street: Could Council Officers respond to the correspondence in relation to Hampton Street and carry out a traffic survey in that street.

The General Manager Social Development, Connie Gibbons, said that Council Officers had stepped up enforcement in Chris Gahan Reserve. New A-board signs are being finalised. These can be erected in areas about which residents make particular complaints. A recent survey carried out by Council Officers at Chris Gahan Reserve showed that the problem was not more severe than in most off-leash parks.

The Mayor, Cr Stubbs, noted that a meeting in relation to the Elizabeth Street Car Park had been held with the Prahran Market Manager and a Board member. An analysis of length of stay and occupation at the car park has been carried out. The Market Board now have to form a view. Once Council Officers know what the Prahran Market Board wants, the matter will be brought back to Council in relation to implementing a trial of new parking arrangements. This will hopefully occur prior to Christmas.

Cr Sehr asked if the matter of people from other establishments parking in the Elizabeth Street Car Park as a result of increased pricing in other car parks had been investigated.

The Mayor, Cr Stubbs, said that there was anecdotal evidence of long-term parking by workers from local construction sites, rather than from the Alfred Hospital.

H. Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters


I. Notices of Motion


J. Reports of Special and Other Committees

The CEO, Warren Roberts, tabled the Assembly of Councillors Records for the: