Norbert Hornstein
1. Personal Information
Degrees Awarded:
· Harvard University 1975-1979 Ph.D.
· McGill University 1971-1975 B.A
· Full Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland, 1990-.
· Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland, 1986-1990.
· Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland, 1983-1986.
· Assistant Professor, Columbia University,1979-1983.
· Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1978-1979.
Fellowships, Prizes, and Awards:
· University Scholar, McGill University, 197375
· McConnell Prize, McGill University, 1974
· James D. Ross Prize, McGill University, 1973, 1974
· Prince of Wales Gold Medal, McGill University, 1975
· Canada Council Fellowship, 197679
· Columbia University, Society of Fellows, Mellon Fellow, 1979, 1980
· Columbia University, Society of Fellows, Beekman Fellow, 1982
· Student's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Fall 1988
· NEH Fellowship, From 5-1992 to 9-1992.
· Distinguished Research Fellow 1996-1998, UMCP.
Grants and Contracts:
· GRB Summer Research award UMCP, 1984
· GRB Semester Research award UMCP, 1986
· NSF Grant (with D.W. Lightfoot), Spring 1989-Spring 1991
· GRB Semester Research Award UMCP, 1993
· NSF Grant, (with J. Uriagereka) from 8-1996 to 8-1998
· NSF Grant, (with J.Uriagereka) from 8-1999 to 8-2002
· NSF Grant (with J.Uriagereka and H. Lasnik) 8-2007 to 8-2009
Hornstein, N and D.W. Lightfoot. Explanation in Linguistics, Longmans 1981. (Japanese edition 1988).
Hornstein, N. Logic as Grammar: An Approach to Meaning in Natural Language (1984) Bradford/MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (Chapter 2 reprinted in Meaning and Truth:Essential Readings in Modern Semantics, J. Garfield ed. (1990) Paragon House).
Hornstein, N. As Time Goes By: Tense and Universal Grammar (1990), Bradford Books/MIT Press
Lightfoot, D.W., and N. Hornstein. Verb Movement (1994), Cambridge University Press.
Hornstein, N. Logical Form: From GB to Minimalism, (1995), Blackwell, Oxford.
Epstein, S.D., and N. Hornstein. Working Minimalism, (1999), MIT Press,
Hornstein, N. Move! A Minimalist Theory of Construal, (2001), Blackwell, Cambridge. Oxford.
Antony, L., and N. Hornstein. Chomsky and His Critics, (2003) Blackwell, Oxford
Hornstein, N., Nunes, J. and K. Grohmann. Understanding Minimalism, (2006), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hornstein, N. A Theory of Syntax; Minimal Operations and Universal Grammar. (2009), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hornstein, N. and M. Polinsky eds. Movement Theory of Control. (2010). John Benjamins. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Boeckx, C., N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes. Control as Movement. (2010). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
Dresher, B. Elan, and N. Hornstein. On Some Supposed Contributions of Artificial Intelligence to the Scientific Study of Language, (1976) Cognition 4, pp.32l398
Hornstein, N. S and the X' Convention, Linguistic Analysis, (1977) Vol. 3.2, pp. 137176.
Hornstein, N.Towards a Theory of Tense, (1977) Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 8.3 pp.52l557.
Dresher, B. Elan, and N. Hornstein. Reply to Schank and Wilensky, (1977) Cognition 5 pp. 147149.
Dresher, B. Elan, and N. Hornstein. Reply to Winograd, (1977) Cognition 5, pp. 379392.
Hornstein, N. and S. Cushing. Software Systems, Language, and Empirical Constraints, (1977), Behavior and Brain Science, Vol. l.l
Dresher, B. Elan, and N. Hornstein. Trace Theory and NP Movement Rules, (1977), Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 10.1.
Aoun, J. Hornstein, N., and D. Sportiche. Some Aspects of Wide Scope Quantification (1980), Journal of Linguistic Research Vol. l..
Hornstein, N. and A. Weinberg. Case Theory and Preposition Stranding, (1981), Linguistic Inquiry 12.1, pp. 5592.
Hornstein, N. Review of Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, (1981), Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 78.7.
Hornstein, N. Foundationalism and the Indeterminacy of Translation, (1982), Social Research, Spring.
Hornstein, N.The Interpretation of Quantifiers in Natural Language (1984) Synthese.
Hornstein, N. Grades of Nativism, (1984) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 7.2.
Davidson, A. and N. Hornstein. The Primary/Secondary Quality Distinction: Berkeley, Locke, and the Foundations of Corpuscularian Science (1984), Dialogue,(1984), XXIII, pp. 28l303
Aoun, J and N. Hornstein. Quantifier Types, (1985), Linguistic Inquiry 16.
Hornstein, N. Review of Situation & Attitudes by J. Barwise and J. Perry, (1986), Journal of Philosophy, March, pp. 168-184.
Brandon, R. and N. Hornstein. From Icon to Symbol: Some Speculations on the Evolution of Natural Language (1986), Philososphy & Biology. Vol. 1.2 pp.169-189
Hornstein, N. Pragmatics and Grammatical Theory, (1986) CLS Proceedings of parasession on pragmatics. Reprinted in A. Kasher ed. Pragmatics:Critical Concepts, 1997, Routledge, London and New York.
Hornstein, N and A. Weinberg. Superiority & Generalized Binding, (1986) Proceedings of NELS 1986 (coauthored with Amy Weinberg).
Hornstein, N. and D. Lightfoot. Predication and PRO (1987) Language, Vol. 63.1.
Hornstein, N. Review of Language, Sense, Nonsense, by G.P. Baker and P.M.S. Hacker, (1987), Philosophical Review, XCVI.3 (July).
Aoun, J., Hornstein, N. Lightfoot, D., and A. Weinberg. Two Notions of Locality (1988) Linguistic Inquiry, 18.4.
Hornstein, N. 'A Certain' as a Wide Scope Quantifier: a reply to Hintikka, (1988), Linguistic Inquiry, 19.1.
Hornstein, N. Restructuring and Interpretation in a T Model, (1988) The Linguistic Review, Vol. 5 (published 1988 in volumes for 1985-6).
Hornstein, N. The Heartbreak of Semantics, (1988), Mind and Language. 3.1.
Hornstein, N. Review of Knowledge of Language, by Noam Chomsky, (1988),
Philosophical Review, XCVII.4 (October)
Hornstein, N. and A. Weinberg. Logical Form - Its Existence and Its Properties (1988) in Annali di Ca'Foscari, Rivista della facolta di lingue e letterature straniere dell'universita di venezia, estratto xxvii, 4, 1988.
Franks, S. and N. Hornstein. Governed PRO (1989), McGill Working Papers in Linguistics (with S. Franks)
Hornstein, N. Verb Raising in Icelandic Infinitives, (1990), Proceediings of the 20th annual meeting of NELS (North East Linguistics Society)
Hornstein, N and A. Weinberg. The Necessity of LF (1990), The Linguistic Review, 7.2.
Hornstein, N. Selecting Grammars, (1990), Behavior and Brain Science.
Dresher, B. Elan, and N. Hornstein. and B. Elan Dresher. Some Aspectualities of the Theory of Syntax, (1990), Behavior and Brain Science.
Hornstein, N. A Primer on Pro (and other empty categories) (1991), Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 20.3 187-198.
Hornstein, N. Expletives: a Comparative Study of English and Icelandic, (1991) Scandinavian Working Papers in Linguistics, Lund.
Aoun, J. and Hornstein. Bound and Referential Pronouns, (1991) in C.T. James Huang and R. May eds. Logical Structure and LinguisticStructure, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Hornstein, N. and S. Varlokosta. Psych Verbs in Modern Greek, (1992), Proceedings WCCFL 11.
Varlokosta, S., and N. Hornstein. A Bound Pronoun in Modern Greek, (1993) Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
Varlokosta, S., and N. Hornstein. Control in Modern Greek, (1993), Proceedings of NELs 23.
Hornstein, N. Review of Terence Parsons' Events in the Semantics of English, (forthcoming) Mind and Language.
Hornstein, N. An Argument for Minimalism: The Case of Antecedent Contained Deletion, (1994), Linguistic Inquiry, 455-480.
Hornstein, N. Putting Truth into Universal Grammar, (1995), Linguistics and Philosophy.
Hornstein, N., Rosen, S., and J. Uriagereka. Integral Predication (1995) Proceedings of WCCFL 13.
Hornstein, N. The State of the Article: On Control (1997), Glott International, volume 2.8, The Hague.
Hornstein, N. Movement and Control, (1999), Linguistic Inquiry, 69-96.
Hornstein, N. Movement and Chains, (1999), Syntax, 99-127.
Hornstein, N. On A-Chains: a reply to Brody, (2000), Syntax.
Hornstein, N. Existential Constructions (2000), Delta, 16, 45-81.
Aoun, J., Choueri, L, and N. Hornstein. Resumption, Movement and Derivational Economy. (2001), Linguistic Inquiry.
Hornstein, N. and H, Kiguchi. PRO Gate and Movement, (2001), University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics.
Hornstein, N. and J. Nunes. On Asymmetries between Parasitic Gaps and Across-the-Board Constructions, (2002), Syntax, 5.1; 26-54.
Hornstein, N. and M. Motomura. Psych Verbs, Theta Roles and Reconstruction, (2002), in Proceedings of 2002 LSK International Summer Conferenc, vol II pp. 39-58. Linguistics Society of Korea.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. Reply to Control is not Movement, (2003), Linguistic Inquiry, 34.2: 269-280.
Hornstein, N. Justice, Integrity, Friendship, and Suffering: A Reading of Job, (2004), Kerem, 9:103-111.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. Movement under Control, (2004), Linguistic Inquiry, 35:431-452.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. A Gap in the ECM Paradigm, (2005), Linguistic Inquiry: 36: 437-441.
Hornstein, N. and A. Nevins. Review of Edwin Williams Representation Theory in Language
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. On Eliminating D-Structure; the case of binominal each, (2005), Syntax:8:23-43.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. Control in Icelandic and Theories of Control, (2006), Linguistic Inquiry.
N. Hornstein, A Very Short Note on Existential Constructions, (in press), Linguistic Inquiry, 38.2.
I. San Martin and N. Hornstein, Obviation as Anti-Control, (2001/out 2006), International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, xxxv-1: 367-384.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein, The Virtues of Control as Movement, (2006), Syntax, 9:118-130.
N. Hornstein, A Martins and J. Nunes (2008). Perception and Causative Structures in English and European Portuguese: f-feature agreement and the distribution of bare and prepositional infinitives. Syntax 11.2, 198-222.
N. Hornstein, H. Lasnik and J. Uriagereka. (2003/out 2007). The dynamics of Islands: speculations on the locality of movement. Linguistic Analysis 33.149-175.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. (2006). The virtues of control as movement. Syntax. 9.2:118-130.
N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes (2008). Adjunction, labeling, and bare phrase structure. Biolinguistics
volume 2.1.
N.Hornstein and P. Pietroski, (2009) [out June 2010]. Basic Operations; Minimal Syntax-Semantics. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 8: 113-139.
Boeckx, C. N. Hornstein and J. Nunes, (2010). Icelandic control really is A-movement; reply to Bobaljik and Landau. Linguistic Inquiry 41.1:111-130.
A. Drummond, N. Hornstein, and H. Lasnik. (2010). A puzzle about P-stranding and a possible solution. Linguistic Inquiry.
N.Hornstein. (2010). An outline of the Fodor & Piattelli-Palamrini argument against natural selection. Biolinguistics, 4.4:382-84.
Alex Drumond and N. Hornstein, 2011, Basquing in minimalism. Biolinguistics: 5(4):331-349.
Chapters in Books:
Hornstein, N. and B. Elan Dresher. "Current Issues in Gastronomy" (1978) in Lingua Pranca ed J. Ernst and E. Smith, IULC Bloomington.
Hornstein, N. "The Problem of Meaning in Natural Language; three approaches to tense" in Explanation in Linguistics (see Books).
Hornstein, N. and D.W. Lightfoot. Introduction to Explanation in Linguistics, (1981) (see Books).
Hornstein, N., Dresher, B. Elan, and J. Lipa Roth. “A Montrealer Seder" (1981) in William Novak and Moshe Waldoks ed, The Big Book of Jewish Humor, Harper and Row, New York.
Hornstein, N. "Levels of Meaning" (1987) in Proceedings of Hampshire Conference in Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language Understanding, J. Garfield ed. MIT Press/Bradford Books.
Hornstein, N. "Meaning and the Mental: the problem of semantics after Chomsky" (1989) in Reflections on Chomsky, ed A. George, Basil Blackwell.
Hornstein, N. "Grammar, Meaning and Indeterminacy" (1991) in The Chomskyan Turn, A. Kasher ed, Basil Blackwell
Aoun, J. and N. Hornstein. "Bound and Referential Pronouns" (1991) in Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure, C.T.J. Huang and R. May eds., Kluwer.
Hornstein, N. and D.W. Lightfoot. "The Nature of Lexical Government" (1991), Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar, R. Freidin ed. MIT Press.
Hornstein, N. and S. Franks. "Secondary Predicates in Russian and Proper Government of PRO"
(1992), Proceedings MIT conference on Control, Control and Grammar, Kluwer.
Lightfoot, D.W., and N. Hornstein. Introduction to Verb Movement (1994), Cambridge University Press.
Hornstein, N. and A. Weinberg. "The Empty Category Principle" (1995), in G. Webelhuth ed. Government and Binding and the Minimalist Program, Blackwell, Oxford.
Hornstein, N. "Noam Chomsky", (1999) entry in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Epstein, S.D., and N. Hornstein. "Introduction to Working Minimalism", (1999).
Hornstein, N. "Minimalism and Quantifier Raising", (1999) in Working Minimalism.
Pietroski, P., and N. Hornstein. "Does Every Sentence Like This Exhibit a Scope Ambiguity?," (2002) in W. Hinzen (ed.), Belief and Meaning.
Hornstein, N. "On Control," (2003), in R. Hendriks (ed.), Contemporary Grammatical Theory, Blackwell, Oxford.
Hornstein, N. "A Grammatical Argument for a Neo-Davidsonian Semantics," (2002) in G. Preyer and G. Peter, eds. Logical Form and Language, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Hornstein, N. “Reprojections,” in Derivation and Representation in the Minimalist Program, S.D. Epstein and T.D. Seely eds.106-132. Oxford:Blackwell.
Hornstein, N. and J. Witkos. “Yet Another Approach to Existential Constructions,” (2003), in Grammar in Focus, Festschrift for C. Platzack.
Hornstein, N. “Empiricism and Rationalism as Research Strategies,” (2005) in J. McGilvray (ed). Handbook on Chomsky, Cambridge University Press.
Hornstein, N. “Chomsky’s Natural Philosophy,” (2005) Preface to the re-issue of Rules and Represntations (by Noam Chomsky), New York: Columbia University Press.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. “Superiority, Reconstruction and Islands,” (2006) in R. Freidin, C. Otero and M.-L. Zubizarreta (eds). Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein, (2006) “Les diffe´rents objectifs de la linguistique theórique,” in J.Bricmont and J. Franck eds. Chomsky. Paris: Herne. (appears in English translation in Chomsky Notebook, 2010, Jean Bricmont and Jilies Franck eds. New York, Columbia University Press.)
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. “The Varying Aims of Linguistic Theory,” (2009), in M. Christiansen and C. Collins (eds), Linguitic Universals, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
N. Hornstein. (2007). Pronouns in a minimalist setting. In J. Nunes and N. Corver eds. The Copy
Theory of Movement. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Boston.
Boeckx, C. and N. Hornstein. (2007). On (non-)obligatory control. In W.D. Davis and S.
Dubinsky eds. New Horizons in the Analysis of Control and Raising. Dordrecht: Springer.
Hornstein, N. and C. Boeckx, Approaching Universals from Below: I-Universals In Light of a Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory. In M. Christiansen, C. Collins and S. Edelman eds. Language Universals.pp. 79-99. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
N. Hornstein and C. Boeckx. 2009. Approaching Universals from Below: I-Universals in Light of
a Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory. In M.H. Christiansen, C. Collins and S.
Edelman eds. Language Universals.Oxford University Press. Oxford.
N. Hornstein and M. Polinsky, (2010). “Control as Movement: across languages and
constructions,” Movement Theory of Control, Hornstein and Polinsky eds. Pp. 1-41. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
N.Hornstein and P. Pietroski, (2010). Obligatory control and local reflexives: copies as
vehicles for de se readings. In Hornstein and Polinsky eds. Pp. 67-88.
Drummond, A., D. Kush and N. Hornstein. Minimalist Construal: two approaches to A and B.
2011. In C. Boeckx ed. The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism. Oxford: Oxford