APES-Study Guide for Ch. 10 (Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: Saving Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services) & Ch. 11 (Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
January 2017
In case you didn’t notice, Chapters 9 - 11 are the sustaining biodiversity chapters. Ecosystem services are natural services or natural capital that support life on the earth and are essential to the quality of human life and the functioning of the world’s economies. Once again, your Learning Intentions are to be able to explain the importance of sustaining biodiversity, describe how human activities threaten biodiversity, and discuss what we can do to sustain biodiversity.
In addition to the topics listed above, you will be responsible being able to identify, summarize, and apply 18 Environmental Laws. You will certainly be asked about these laws on the AP Exam on May 1st!
Monday (Jan 16)*NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday! / Tues
*Video: Planet in Peril / Wed-Thurs
*Notes-Ecosystem Measurement
*Read & Annotate-Notes-Managing Forests, Fires Affect Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, Federal Land Use / Friday (Jan 29)
*Lab-Tag & Recapture
Monday (Jan 23)
*Assign date for Environmental Laws Quiz-Friday 1/27
*Environmental Laws – Research & Summarize / Tues
*Environmental Law Posters / Wed-Thurs
*Lab-Walkaround-Leaves, Wood, & Paper
(ELT Review Wednesday) / Friday
*Quiz-Environmental Laws
*Finish Lab-Walkaround-Leaves, Wood, & Paper
Monday (Jan 30)
*A classic: The Lorax / Tues
*Game: Floristic Relay
*Finish up all Ch. 10-11 assignments / Wed-Thurs
*Test Ch. 10 & 11 (This test will include one FRQ!!)
*Packet due
*E.C. Flashcards due / Friday
1. It is very important that you spend some extra time to carefully read Chapters 10 and 11 and then accurately and completely answer the CHAPTER REVIEW and CRITICAL THINKING questions at the end of each chapter. These two chapters are interesting and full of Case Studies, examples, and great photographs. I hope you enjoy reading them! We will not be covering most of this information in class; instead, we’ll be doing labs, FRQs, and other activities, so you need to take responsibility! One more thing—do the Chapter Review and Critical Thinking yourself! Do not cheat/copy.
2. Your homework is to answer the Chapter Review, Critical Thinking, and AP Review Questions (multiple choice) for Chapters 10 & 11. This work will be handed in as part of your Chapter 10 & 11 Packet. Also, at least 5 of the AP Review Questions will be on your Chapter 10 & 11 Test.
For up to 10 points of extra credit, you may make hand-written flashcards of the bolded words in each chapter. These are due on the day of the test.
US Federal Laws:
-National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1970
-Clean Water Act (CWA) 1972
-Safe Drinking Water Act 1974
-Clean Air Act 1963
-Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Reliability Act (CERCLA) 1980
-Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1976
-Endangered Species Act (ESA) 1973
-Marine Mammal Protection Act 1972
-Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Conflict Minerals) 2010
-Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 1938
-Oil Pollution Act (1990)
-Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)
International Treaties:
-Montreal Protocol 1987
-COP21/Paris Agreement (2015) aka United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 1975
-The International Whaling Commission 1946
California Laws:
-Safer Consumer Products (2013)-see www.dtsc.ca.gov/SCPRegulations.cfm)
-Proposition 65 (1986) Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act