Trevor Browne
2016 Algebra 1H Plan for Success
No. of Credits: 1/2
Course Codes: 5321600
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students to meet the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards graduation requirements. Concept units include solving equations, graphing and writing linear functions, systems of equations, exponents, radicals, absolute value equations, polynomials, quadratics and data analysis.Problem solving using a graphing calculator is an integral aspect of this course.
This course is a pre-requisite for other math courses offered in the Phoenix Union High School District. It will help your student meet both state and national standards and is a graduation requirement.
Materials Required: For this class you will need a pencil, Student Planner,and a math notebook. Pen will not be allowed in math class.
Grading System: This grading system will be used in all Algebra 1H classes.
The grading scale for Algebra 1H is as follows:
A 90-100 %
B80-89 %
FBelow 60%
The grades in this class will be weighted as follows:
Category Percentage
1. Independent Practice (Homework, Classwork, etc.) 30%
2. Assessments 70%
Quarter Grades and Exams will be weighted as follows: 1st Quarter 45%, 2nd Quarter 45%, Final Exam 10%
Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP and 504 plan.
**In order to pass this class, students must maintain a 60% or better class average.
Grade Reports: Progress reports will be sent via US mail every 3 weeks. Parents and students can also access ParentVue or StudentVue at any time to check student progress.
StudentVue/ParentVue: Both students and parents have access to their or their child’s gradebook. Students and parents must obtain a password from the office and then they can login anytime to monitor grades and their/their child’s progress. The link for this can be found on the PUHSD website on the drop down menu for parents and students.
Title 1 Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: Math, Reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, or Assistant Principal for Instruction Ms. Stephanie Streeter for additional information at (602)764-8517.
Make-Up Policy: If you are absent you will be allowed to make up most of your work. Some work cannot be made up; this includes student engagement, class work, bell work, participation, etc. Missing assignments need to be completed in a timely manner. You will get 1 day to make up your work. For example: If you are absent for five school days, then you will have five school days to make up the work. Make-up work can be completed during KKIS time. KKIS is available immediately after school from 2:45-3:30. Please make proper arrangements to attend KKIS after school if you have missing assignments.
Attendance Policy: It is extremely important to attend school every day. Attendance can strongly affect your grade. When you are in class daily you will comprehend the material more thoroughly and see the interconnections between various topics. Please plan on attending school every day. Having good attendance is one of the best ways to succeed in this class. The Phoenix Union High School District believes that daily participation in classroom instructional activities is essential to earning credit for every course. Students may fail the class when they reach a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences.
“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than half the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR).
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Being prompt is the key to success in life, work and school. Students will be in their designated classrooms when the final bell rings. District, school and teacher tardy policies are in effect.Students are expected to arrive in class on time. As a result of being tardy, participation points may be lost, including but not limited to bell work, class quizzes, etc. If a student receives 5 tardies in a quarter (9 week period) he or she may also receive a referral.
Parent Assistance: Parents may contact the teacher at any time via email (preferred) or voicemail to share any concerns. Parents will be contacted if their student is in danger of failing or if the student has excessive tardies/absences. Appointments can be made through the student’s counselor if an in-person meeting is necessary.
Discipline Policy: The Trevor Browne Student Incident Report will be used in the classroom. Each time a student is disruptive to the learning environment it will be recorded in the student incident report. When a student has reached three infractions parents will be notified. When a student has reached five infractions a referral will be written.
ID Policy: All students are expected to wear their IDs in their lanyards at all times. IDs are required to access many school services. Students who violate this expectation may be subject to disciplinary action.
Dress Code Policy: The Trevor Browne High School Community will wear appropriate clothing that is clean, modest, and not disruptive to the educational program. If a student is in violation of the dress code they will be asked to change. Excessive violations may result in further disciplinary action. Items of attire with obscene words, or inappropriate slogans/graphics may NOT be worn. Immodest or indecent attire is not acceptable and footwear must be worn. Household slippers are not appropriate. Immodest includes bare shoulders, and extremely tight or baggy clothing. Examples: tube tops, halter tops, see-through tops, bare midriff tops, backless tops or tops with spaghetti straps. Clothes will cover midriff, cleavage, buttocks and under garments. Headgear such as hair nets or other hair coverings, including bandanas, do rags, and sweat bands are not appropriate. Hats are ok outside. Skirts, shorts, or dresses cannot be shorter than the end of the fingertips. All pants, shorts, or skirts are to be worn at the top of the hip when sitting and standing (no sagging).
KKIS/Tutoring: Tutoring is available before and after school from 7:30-8:00 and 2:45-3:30 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students may show up without appointment but should check the recovery calendar posted in their teachers classroom.
If you have any questions about this course please feel free to contact me.
**My email is . If a parent emails me from their personal email address, their student will receive extra credit.
JaMe Castro
Algebra 1H
Trevor Browne
2016Algebra 1 Plan for Success
Course Codes: 5321600
Please sign the following: I have read this Plan for Success and understand the information that was provided.
Parent Signature Student Signature
Parents email address______Parent Phone Number______