RHP 9th Grade Physical Science

CompLab 10: Experimentation / Name: / Type your name here

In this assignment, you will answer some questions based on an experiment performed at Rice University, Texas in May of 1995.

The experiments were performed on that common favorite of snack foods, the twinkie. If you do not know what a twinkie is, ask a friend.


Click here to go to the Experimental Site

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. In the resistivity test, what substance prohibits the flow of electricity?

a. / wheat / c. / sugar
b. / flour / d. / the plastic wrapper

____ 2. In the rapid oxidation experiment, what prevents the twinkie from premature twinkie combustion?

a. / the creamy filling / c. / sugar
b. / moisture / d. / the plastic wrapper

____ 3. In the radiation test, how long into the experiment did smoke appear?

a. / 30 seconds / c. / 90 seconds
b. / 60 seconds / d. / the plastic wrapper

____ 4. In the gravitational test, what was the difference between the experimental twinkie and the control twinkie?

a. / the experimental twinkie squished like a pancake / c. / the control twinkie was eaten
b. / the experimental twinkie developed a small fissure / d. / the plastic wrapper

____ 5. In the solubility experiment, what effect did the solvent (water) have on the experimental twinkie?

a. / It lost structural integrity / c. / It failed to dissolve in water
b. / It had little effect / d. / the plastic wrapper

____ 6. In the density test, what percentage of a twinkie is air?

a. / 24% / c. / 57%
b. / 48% / d. / 68%

____ 7. In all of the experiments, what did the control twinkie have that the experimental twinkie did not have?

a. / brains / c. / an importance of self
b. / courage / d. / a plastic wrapper

____ 8. In all of the experiments, what was the control twinkie used for?

a. / Stunt double / c. / To compare to the experimental twinkie
b. / Alternate / d. / A plastic wrapper

____ 9. What horrible fate awaited the control twinkies?

a. / They were subjected to cruel and unusual punishment / c. / They were held hostage
b. / They were eaten / d. / the plastic wrapper


Turn the page for Step 2 of this Assignment.

Click on the link below to practice your chemical equation balancing. Use the top section of the applet to balance equations.

Once you have balanced 20 equations, print the sheet out, write your name on it and have it ready to turn in at the end of class.

Click here to begin

One more assignment to do…go back to the Computer Lab page.

Source: DVO PC||J:\RHP\Science9\Computer Labs\10a Virtual Twinkie Experiment.doc Page 1 of 3

Last revision: 11/19/2004 8:41 AM